Thank you Qu, moogle and all active members. I appreciate the opportunity of talking to so many dreamers.
I would like to point out 22 reasons based on fact to hold a special event for the 22nd anniversary:[spoiler]
- You can use 22 as some sort of pun to invite people, as in “you too/two”, please invite more people to this party;
- May 25 2018 is Friday, a common day for parties, so please try the quest!;
- May 25 2018 precedes the weekend, so you can invite people who only join during the weekend;
- 22 is the amount of players who start playing football/soccer. The yard 22 marks imporant lines in rugby and cricket;
- 22 is the number of yards in a chain;
- 22 is a sequence of two-two’s, literally, this means it’s naturally run-length encoded (example: if you see 1111, you can say four-one’s), it is also a pair of twos and they are all even;
- 22 is composite and semiprime, (divisible by 1,2,11. 1211=22). You have two and one as divisors and two-ones (11) there; two times two-ones is 22 (2*11=22). The sum of divisors is 14, less than 22, then it’s deficient by 8 (deficient number);
- 22 is a centered pentagonal number (you can form perfect concentric pentagons by using 22 dots) and a central polygonal number (if you cut a circle with 6 lines, the maximum number of pieces is 22);
- 22 divided by 7 is aproximately Ï€, according to historical records, this was used since ancient Egypt. “More recently”, it was made famous by the 1897 Indiana Pi Bill (USA) where a legislator wanted to create it a law to force people to use 22/7 as Ï€;
- 22 is the atomic number of titanium;
- 22 in hexadecimal is 34 in decimal and 42 in octal. This number is also the code for quotation mark;
- 22 is the default port of SSH;
- 22 is used in the name of at least 6 songs, one book (novel) and two movies;
- 22 is sometimes represented as a pair of ducks;
- 1922 is the year of independence of Egypt.
- Mahatma Gandhi was arrested in 1922;
- USSR was formed in 1922;
- During 1922 modern art was trendy, cubism, futurism, suprematism, dada, constructivism, de stijl and art deco were the thing, you could use it to inspire some art;
- Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters;
- The Tarot has 22 Major Arcana;
- 22 in military may refer to .22 caliber, the USAF F-22 aircraft and a paradoxical situation where one cannot escape;
- 22 is the last number in this list and number of items.