Hard time with dream recall

I am one of the folks who can’t seem to do something as simple as Dream Recall. I know I have dreams, but the very second I wake up, it’s like I have a form of amnesia, and cannot even remember the slightest detail.

It’s gotten to the point, I am starting to think when I can remember a dream, it’s just by fluke or accident.

I would estimate that 90% of my dreams are simply forgotten the very second I wake up, and would like to know what techniques I can employ?

Thank you.

I struggle with recall as well. The second I wake up, I tend to immediately start thinking about everything I have to do that day. Often, I jump right out of bed, and if I do, there is no way I can recall a dream. I have to remind myself when I go to bed that I need to remember my dreams when I wake up b/c I can only recall my dreams when I remember to lie quietly without moving. If I do that, I can usually lie there and recall some small aspect of my dream. I try not to pressure myself to remember everything, just one small aspect. Once I do that, it’s like a door cracks open and I can build on that and will be able to recall more and more details. I am curious to see what others post, since this is something I struggle with as well. Good luck!

I made a huge topic just yesterday about this in the hopes that no one would ever make another topic about asking ‘how to dream recall’ ever again.

there goes that.
In any case, you don’t forget your dreams ‘the very second that you wake up’. you forget 50% after 5 minutes of slow wave (approx.) and 90% after 10 minutes.
Please, I just made a topic, take a look at it. I won’t bother to type all of that information out every single time. Instead of just quickly jumping up here and immediately asking questions, do a little search on your own. We can’t answer every mundane question that you want to ask unless you search yourself and find nothing. In this case you didn’t even have to search, the topic is still on the first page, even at the top of the page.

I feel disappointed in myself.

I apologize if I somehow inconvenienced anybody by asking for help. It won’t be done again.

Trance, here is Cosmocreator’s thread on this. I suggest you check it out. Helped me a ton.

His Thread

I apologize for being so aggressive, it’s just I’ve been reading the same topic about dream recall over and over. It’s not a bad thing to ask questions, I just think that one ought to do at least a visual scan of similar topics which might be of interest before asking. Again, I apologize for being so aggressive.