has anyone ever DIED in an LD ?

Maybe you can get a new spirit guide?

Can we do that?

I don’t think so… My SG used to be a giant penguin, but it turned out to be a trick from my real SG…

You can ask for new spiritual guide-

I have died once in a LD (it is not in my DJ becouse it was a dream from before I started writing DJ).
I was going to fly, but it did not work and I fell down and died.
The only thing that happend was that I woke up.

I NDs I have died a lot of times.
The only tings I can remember that happend after I died was :

  1. I contined walking around and stuff in a kind of twilight world intil Death came.
  2. I possesd another person.

About the flying, did you jump off a building or something?!

Hey, in LDs, do you reckon we could use video cameras and playback what we filmed? Because I want to film myself flying, or driving a flying car. Or jumping off a building…

Lol, Stay Alive. I hate that movie, it was kind of dumb, I was JUST WONDERING about this 5 seconds before I saw this thread.

I have died plenty of times in normal dreams (never in a LD). Normally I either wake up or black out, but a few times I have woken up in a [non-consistent] version of heaven.

I usually die as a result of some massive disaster, like a big explosion or an asteroid. Quite recently, in a really cool dream, I got eaten by a T-Rex (and not a single toothmark when I woke up!)

In an ND, I blacked out but still stayed in the dream. The most notable thing is that it was absolutely silent. It would literally be impossible for me to experience that kind of quiet in real life, with my heartbeat/ears ringing, etc.

Well then I came back to life 1000 years later (time lapse).

Heh, two nights ago in a lucid dream i tripped and snapped my neck :tongue:
Its as silly as it can get, i was just walking the sidewalk of some street chatting with a DC when i suddely fall, hear this really loud crack and my head feels like it moves a few cm upwards from my spine (+like some parts of my spine are moving wich shouldn´t be)
But it didn´t wake up or anything, i stood back up and while my the DC gave me a funny look put my head back in the place it belonged(it was hanging to one side as i felt, but my vision was still upright)
After that i floeated for the rest of the dream to prevent such tripping accidents.
Because even if i did not die it was a pretty freaky moment.

I never died in a dream… But I know a way to die in a LD… Just shout: “I’ll die and will get to heaven/hell!”

I had a non lucid dream once where everyone I knew literally stabbed me in the back. :eek: I could actually feel myself being stabbed… :sad: Anyway, after dying, I just woke up… I have been to hell in a dream before though… It was awesome!!! :grin:

That reminds me… I once dreamt that I went to Heaven. I think I died in the dream but I’m not sure. It was like a bunch of bright white hallways and there was a nice lady who told me that the Burger King was down that hall.

Also. if anyone know the game Diablo (2) I once dreamed that i had a Town Portal that would bring me to Heaven. Maybe hell…

I had a ND that I was in a play dressed as a coyote I think. These dudes were chasing me in the play and got carried away and shot me with an arrow. I went Ooohhhh and fell to my knees and died. I saw a light and apeered next to my Social Sudies teacher rotfl. He was dressed in white. He asked, will you die as an Egyptian person and be able to turn into a bird, or go to Heaven as a Christian? I thought, hmm, I would like to turn into a bird, but went to heaven anyways. It was awesome! It was all snowy and all my friends were there. And there was a snowplow there too… o_O

I belive your friend is mislead. Very mislead by the way. I have died lots of times. Acually, I did not go to heaven or anything like that(I am christian) I simply woke up. I have done just about everything that could kill you:got stabbed (by my mom :eek: )jumped off a mountian, and so on. You do not die in real life from this, you just shudder awake. Next LD I’ll try seeing my guardian angel(that would be cool) you should try too. Even if you are not a Christian, according to me and my belife, everyone has their own. Find out for yourself! :smile:

One time in an ND (I’ve probably got terminologies mixed up but…). I remember that I realized that I was in a dream, and randomly decided to jump in front of a truck to see what it’s like.

Edit: Oh, isn’t that a lucid dream? I’m so confused. :cry:

I die all the times in ND’s.
Once, I was running away from the murderor from scream, (Forgot his name), He hid in a small cuboard (Tiny), he jumped out and stabed me, the sensation was really…weird, as though my muscles were straining in that area, I fell on the floor in pain, I then was like ‘wth’ Why aint I dead? I stood up and ‘scream’ was like o.0, and I ran off and fell off the map (Like in video games), it then changed to a scene of jumping from a plane, I flew over hills and the rain hit my face. Although I didn’t go lucid x.x

i died but i just woke up when it happened. it wasn’t a false awakening, it was realz, but ya, i wasn’t scared. i just woke up.

i want to die and meet Jesus!

I bet if I die in a Lucid dream What ever happens, if it involves christian stuff, like heaven, god and such, the music from Monty Python and the holy grail will play. The music when God speaks to king arthur. Because that would effectively make the experience, however blissful or beautiful, just funny.

is scared

I once allowed a hostile DC to kill me in a lucid dream out of curiosity… Nothing strange happened (to me) except the dream ‘dropped out’ into darkness.

It was a somewhat pleasant, but strange, feeling dying.