Has Anyone ever gone to ''Heaven'' or ''Hell'' in a LD?

I had a dream when I was younger that I went to hell. It was just fire…and darkness. Also, I remember sensing an evil that I didn’t want to come find me (The devil I’m guessing)

Follow up to my “you are in the land of krishna” lucid dream:

A couple of weeks after the ld I went back to see my krishna devotee mates. I told the girls, who were cooking downstaris, about the dream and they seem very interested. I then go upstairs, into the main chant/song/worship room and come in just as a guy starts reading aloud from a book to everyone.

The first story he reads is about a man who was allowed to visit the land of kirsna during his dreams.

I cannot help but interpurt and tell him about the dream.

He shows me the front of a magazine that has a picture of Vrndarvan in India, which is basically kirsna’s land on earth and…

It has a huge river running through a valley!

What can I say? Try the chant for yourself in ld and see what happens for you. Worked well for me!

Oh I didnt mention it here but in the ld I was swimming along a river (the whole dream is in my journal)

I found my post to be quite offtopic, so i posted it in another thread… I’m sorry :help:

I had a dream where I died in a gameboy game and ended up in a Gameboy version of hell. Pixelated hell was scarrier than I thought, even though I could see the edges of the Game boy screen.

I have had two dreams where I have gone to hell. Both hells where completely different and not the traditional firey hell.

The first time was when I was trying to ring my house to try and get out of a lucid nightmare. I was in a pub and one of the two pay phones was being used while the other was a new high tech phone (well I thought it was in the dream) which was made of a cd player connected to a phone. You were supposed to put the money in the cd tray to pay for it so I touched it to open it when someone their hand on my back and said “I wouldn’t touch that if I were you” and with that I felt myself get sucked into it with bright whiteness rushing past me as I was pulled towards what I knew was a hell of some sort. I thought to myself “This is just like that movie, I need to will myself out of this or I will be in hell forever” so I willed myself out of it and woke up. There was an extreemly powerful sense of evil as I lay in the bed and I was too scared to get up or go back to sleep for the few hours before I had to get up anyway.

The second was last night when as sort of comical, greenish brown devil was keeping me prisoner in what was apparently hell but more like a network of empty old greenish brown rooms - in fact, the whole dream had a greenish brown colour as though it was moldy or something. I was really afraid of staying there forever and I only had one chance to get out by answering some riddle or something. Fortunately I did get out but I can’t remember how…

The first experience actually felt like I had just escaped being trapped in hell forever and it had me freaked out for the whole day while the second was just scarey, abstract and wierd.

I’m going to sound like a complete fool here, but these are my most significant religious dreams.

Dream one; One of the scariest things I’ve seen in my life, I saw the world end. This wasn’t just some nightmare, it ended. I saw red streams of souls going into a large white rift at the bottom of the ocean. I can still remember the screams of every soul on Earth.

Dream the day after the last one; I was being chased by two people that wanted to kill me. I saw a rock with a threatening message on it, which was smashed by a beautiful marbleish rock. When I touched it I saw the message “JESUS WILL SAVE ANOTHER PEBBLE”. It actually felt like a message from god, when I woke up there was an overwhelming feeling of good in my room. I also think that it is a little bit strange that I had the other dream before it.

Hell dream; Yes, I went to hell :sad: I was walking in my school when the ground under me gave way and I fell to hell. It was very dark, the walls were like a cave, but they were made of skulls. I could SEE fear. After this I remember seeing nothing but darkness all around me and satan in front of me. He looked like a man with long brown hair, but had other weird body parts, like wings and tortureous things. He appeared in a number of places randomly, then wispered in my ear, “No distance can save you.”

These dreams were all not like anything I’ve done, they just FEEL real, you all know what I mean.

when i first started regularly lucid dreaming (i was on anti-depressants, so i wonder if that is what caused this)

I just innocently explored dreamscape after dreamscape… having fun with the plots and characters… flying… melting through windows like in the Matrix… I found myself in a restaurant, and I wandered out into some alley, just walking around…

Suddenly I saw a waterfall with all these rainbow light reflections bouncing off of it forming incomprehensibly intricate beauties that I can’t really remember or do justice with words.

It was like being inside a rainbow really… I can’t really describe it or remember it all, except that it made me break down and cry, and I had never experienced anything so beautiful before in my life… I thought it might have been heaven.

Then… a few days/weeks later I was lucid and just goofing around and I again was led to this place, on accident… it wasn’t as good as the first time I don’t think though, maybe that was because I was bound by desire (at the time, to find a roller coaster)

So it kind of seemed to equate to a sort of nirvana, as I had no desire at the time, I was just wandering around, and doing what I felt like with what I was given, but not particularly wanting anything.

I’d like to go back.

But maybe I’m not supposed to want to go back?“The cause of suffering is desire”


It was nice… I’ve been to clearly unreal heavens and hells before though… they were boring.

Ive been to dream hell in a ND. Well it was like so dark and red so many flames screams or something well all I know there was alot of red stuff and smoke and all…>_> scary indeed…

Hmm…i’ve always wondered what would happen if someone went to heaven in an LD. I’ve only had one short LD so far after almost 2 years of trying. I’ve always wondered if that could affect you somehow, spiritually in RL. Anyways, i’ve had an NDE (near death experience) before. That’s when I was very sick and in pain a few years ago. I was in the ER and I was lying on the bed with doctors around me and with one of those big round lights that they have over your head. The light was on and I was just staring at it while the doctors were doing something to me. All of a sudden the white light kept on getting brighter and brighter. The voices of the doctors around me began to slowly fade away. The next thing I know is that everything around me was white and I felt like I was floating. I felt at peace and whole. The pain in me was gone. It was the best feeling I’ve ever felt in my life. I had no worries and I wasn’t thinking about anything but just having the feeling of floating up and being at peace. I don’t know how long this lasted but eventually I could hear the voices of the doctors starting to come back and the white light fading away and back to the big round light above me. Everything was normal again. I was like “Whoa! That was wierd, but cool at the same time!” Then I fell asleep. When I woke up the next day, the doctors told me what had happened and I learned that I had no pulse for about 10-15 mins (I don’t remember exactly but it’s around there I think) and they kept working on me, which eventually brought me back. It’s wierd that Emerald Rhapsody kind of had the same thing but except in a dream. Mine was in RL and I didn’t meet Jusus though :neutral: .

A few days ago, actually, I went to hell, somewhat, in a ND turned Lucid.

I don’t remember leading up to it, but I remember walking around these tunnels, with brownish rock and shitloads of flame all over. I became aware that this was ridiculous, either I was dreaming, or dead, and I became highly lucid. I wandered around a minute, and had this lonely, desperate feeling, and said to myself “what the hell (irony?), this is Hell, this sucks” and woke up.

Profound, I know.

I wish I could’ve recalled what had happened before that point in the ND, if anything.

In one of my “nightmares” when I was little, I dreamed aliens killed me and I was floating through a dark place. It was kind of a mixture between liquid and air, and I know it was kinda ‘painful’ to be floating through this place, it was horrible, it was the closest thing to a nightmare I ever had. I remember it was blood coloured, not red, nut actual blood coloured. If I’d have got to the end of wherever I was floating, I would be in Hell, and I was crying cos my body hurt. But then I heard someone shouting me and it was me! I said “Don’t worry it’s just a dream WAKE UP!” and I did. I didnt know what LD’s were at the time, if I had I’d have probably just gone swimming further!

In one of my “nightmares” when I was little, I dreamed aliens killed me and I was floating through a dark place. It was kind of a mixture between liquid and air, and I know it was kinda ‘painful’ to be floating through this place, it was horrible, it was the closest thing to a nightmare I ever had. I remember it was blood coloured, not red, nut actual blood coloured. If I’d have got to the end of wherever I was floating, I would be in Hell, and I was crying cos my body hurt. But then I heard someone shouting me and it was me! I said “Don’t worry it’s just a dream WAKE UP!” and I did. I didnt know what LD’s were at the time, if I had I’d have probably just gone swimming further!