Has anyone noticed time moving faster

I do feel like time is moving by faster, but I think that is just because I have just been grinding lately (for all of you gamers out there) and I haven’t been paying attention to much, so it all gets into an indistinguishable blur in which days and weeks go by at the same speed.

Feel the same way, but now since I will be going back to Lucid Dreaming again I think it will change, if it does not, then I must say that it is weird… :meh:

time for me fluxuates or however youy say it depends sometimes five minutes in one room is like five hours in the other math class mainly.

About a half our from now, which its currently 11:23 PM 6/24/11, its going to be the next day! Yay!
But really, time is moving a bit faster. Im noticing this during the day when I eather:
Play Minecraft
Go outside and bike
Play Team Fortress 2.
Time is going faster definantly (well it feels like it).

Yeah I noticed that too, one second it’s 10 PM, next it’s 1 AM :content:

Sounds pretty normal. I mean, the Uber update just kinda of got me to no life this already me alreayd no lifing this game (did that make any sence at all?)

Absolutely! I think its called “Time Distortion”…