Has anyone seen anything realy beautiful in their dreams/LD

I had a beautiful dream for some years ago.
The sky was purple, pink and orange. There were snow. And I saw my dead dog running to me in the snow. Magic.

And last year, I had a crush on some guy at school. I saw him in a dream, and I woke up happy that day because of him.
I just saw him stare at me.

I also dreamt I was pragment. I became sad when I woke up. I almost cried, because I felt I had lost something.
But in the dream: I was so happy! My relatives were around me, and someone asked who the father was, but I didn’t know or care. I was having a baby! There were children around me, and I thought: “I am going to get one of those, soon” And I could feel the baby inside me. It was a beautiful moment.

I think I had my first Lucid dream and didn’t notice it until just now, and it was beautiful…

I was in my backyard at night, and I saw a shooting star. I started to stare at the spot in the sky where the shooting star came from, then suddenly hundreds of thousands of shooting stars shot across the sky at once. When they all cleared I could see the northern lights. I kept watching them and I wished they would be more colorful, suddenly they became more colorful, then I wished I could see the galaxy filled with galaxies. After I grew tired of that I wished all of the stars in the sky would form lines connecting them and they would have the names of the constellations they were right next to them. After a few seconds of this I woke up.

I think I had my first Lucid dream and didn’t notice it until just now, and it was beautiful…

I was in my backyard at night, and I saw a shooting star. I started to stare at the spot in the sky where the shooting star came from, then suddenly hundreds of thousands of shooting stars shot across the sky at once. When they all cleared I could see the northern lights. I kept watching them and I wished they would be more colorful, suddenly they became more colorful, then I wished I could see the galaxy filled with galaxies. After I grew tired of that I wished all of the stars in the sky would form lines connecting them and they would have the names of the constellations they were right next to them. After a few seconds of this I woke up.

Unfortuantly my dreams are usually very normal. But one time I saw a girl in my class in my dream, it must have been the lighting or something but she looked even more beautiful than she already is. (Which is hard) :ld4all:

I once experienced very powerful emotion. I don’t know what to call it, but beautiful would probably fit in a sense. Its hard to explain, but it was extremely strong.

I woke and the emotion lingered so I held on to it for as long as possible - it was quite intense. One of my most vivid dreams, however even now I only recall bits and pieces.

I have yet to achieve any other experiences such as this, but of course at the time this occurred I would be lucky if I remembered 1 dream every month or two. Only in the last few weeks have I been working on my recall, and it has improved (one every few days now)

Last night in an LD I looked outside of a window and all the hills were covered in yellow autumn leaves. All the trees leaves were the same colour. It was so magical

Wow i didn’t know this was still going :happy: .

I saw something like that in one of my dreams, but i was woken up by a flying sock… :woo:

Hmm…well I’ve seen naked women. :wink:

In NDs about three times a month I dream the whole outside of my window is different. Sometimes it’s a huge forest and other times im up on the mountians but whatever it is it’s beautiful :grin:

Cool, im my dreami just had i saw a house full of weird paintings.

In a lucid dream I had a while ago, it started off as a non-lucid dream with a lot of wierd things happening. When I realized I was dreaming, I looked up at the sky, which was all cloudy, and flew up into the air. I was then flying over a city. It became really sunny, and there were small fluffy white clouds under me. The city was really beautiful, there were lots of colourful buildings and big nuclear power plant in the middle.

Also, in another dream I had when I was a little kid, I wasn’t lucid, but I looked up at the sky which was black with lots of little white stars, and I saw what looked like Santa’s sleigh pulled by reindeers but the whole thing was silver and really shiny, and it looked really awesome.


:welcome: To the forum Muffin :smile: .

[color=darkblue]The best so far was when i watched how fireworks turned into paintdrops and how the paintdrops made swirly patterns on the lake (like oil spills) and i waded into the lake and the colours turned into sounds (like those of a wind chime) as i kicked the water to make more splashes. I kept playing and playing as the firework-paintdrops fell. It felt like it would never end. I felt like a little kid again, splashing around in puddles of sounds and colour!!!.:cloud9:

Never did acid, but can imagine this is what it might be like… :wink: [/color]

Wow that sounded amazing :thud: .

Next time i have an LD i a, going to do something similar.

Something beautiful? Has anyone ever seen the show Heroes? If so, remember when Peter dreamed about showing Mr. Deveaux that he could fly? I had a dream just like it that started with me viewing the sunrise from the top of Rockefeller Center after battling a monster that has been in my dreams for years and flying through Manhattan. I still think about it sometimes and it makes me smile.

I had a dream last night with an island in the sky with a castle with colourful pillars. I looked really nice.

I had a ND some time ago where as I walked through a doorframe I was suddenly floating in a massive room with no walls, it just went on forever (except for the doorway leading back behind me). Filling the room were galaxies, like seen in satellite photos, except everything was inversed. The space was pure white rather than black, all yellows were changed to blue, etc.

Something was talking to me when I was there but I forget what about. I just remember how incredible the place looked… was amazing.

Looked like this, but all different colors and as far as you could see:

It’s weird so many of my dreams include me walking through some sort of doorway and being transported :eh:

:look: The most beautiful thing i’ve seen in my LD’s so far happened in this one dream i had. I teleported myself to a beach that i guess i created in my dream, though it looked similar to So. Miami Beach, where i go surfing often. since i intended to go surfing, i had my board with me. the waves were the most amazing shape i’ve ever seen or surfed. the water was crystal clear, it was like the water wasn’t even there sometimes, just like glass separating me from the sand. and most beautiful of all was the fact that i was the only one in the water, waves all to my self.

i also had an LD one time and i was walking around, exploring my dream scape. I came across this extremely beautiful woman: dark tan skin, long black straight hair, and a gorgeous body. i can remember her face to this day, even though i had that dream a couple of years ago! :cool:

Mars landscape last friday night was breathtaking.