Has this ever happened to you? (dreams affect your mood)

moved from adventures forum into an existing topic in stuff :moogle:

Whenever I wake up from a dream, it is amazing how it can change the way I think about things.

When I wake up from a dream, (mostly normal dreams) that previous dream can change the way I look at people. From waking up from a dream, I can love, or hate a person in real life, just because of a previous dream.


  1. My friends were picking on this person, and I woke up later and I was almost angry at them, and this feeling didn’t just go away, it stayed the whole day until I saw them at school but I forgot about it once I talked with them about other stuff. It is like they could possibly pick on this person in real life, but they don’t so that is what made me forget about it, and also that made me angry.

  2. I had 1 or 2 dreams about this girl. The first dream, I became lucid and I looked into her eyes and her eyes were bright blue, and it was a really beautiful sight. And then the beautiful feeling got side tracked, and I realized that I was lucid and her is a beautiful person, and you can get the rest. I woke up later, went to school, and I looked at her eyes, and they aren’t even blue in real life. And the next weeks that came by, I became more and more interested with her. I had another dream about her. (Normal dream) She wasn’t feeling good, so I decided to help her, and ask her if she was okay, and she was like “Ya, I’m fine”. I kepted feeling there was something wrong. She asked me to do some things for her, and I did them. (I can’t remeber the details to good) She started to get worse and worse off the next couple of weeks. She didn’t look very good, she looked sick. She then passed out, and I called an ambulance and her life was saved. She had a drug overdose. The next time I saw her, was at lunch, and she was this fat, ugly chick, who had a huge gap in her teeth, pimples, all that stuff. She was with other friends at lunch, and they were all drug addicts, and she popped out this lighter, and it had cocaine in the middle of it. And she started to laugh. (she was high I think) I dropped to my knees, and i yelled, then started to cry. I woke up. And I realized to was all a dream. All of that was a dream. I thought it was real, that was the worst part of all of it. At school, I started to worry more about if she was doing drugs and stuff, but she definatly wouldn’t do stuff like that. So that’s how this dream changed everything. Jeez, that was long.

Yep, happens to me all the time. Strange, isn’t it? I kind of like it thought…It builds my attraction to certain girls. I will dream about them and then wake up with those feelings and keep them with me.

On the other hand it can really suck! Ever had a loved one die and wake up crying, and pretty much have to go check on them because you are so upset? That really stinks. :sad:

Yeah, it’s curious that. I’ve had many experiences in the past. I’ve an Uncle, who’s also a friend, but whenever he’s in my dreams, he’s always angry at me, and unjustly, and when I wake up it’s horrible because I can’t help feeling negatively about him for a while, even though I know I shouldn’t. Thankfully those dreams seem to have stopped now.
This morning I had a dream like that, only when I woke up I didn’t remember it. It was only a couple of hours ago when I had a bath that the dream suddenly came back to me. It was only vague but it was about a female friend I made during my first year away at university (I’ve only made a few, because I am shy, and my face is a stern mask that hides my smiling mind). The feeling of the dream was as if it was revealing the way I really feel about her (plus there was a slow, soulful jazz sax solo on the radio whilst I remembered), and I started to question wether if maybe I am in love. Now, without the saxophone solo, I think she is probably just a friend, but I am not quite sure. It’s strange how a dream can make us confused as to how we actually feel about someone. Obviously at least some part of my subconscious is in love with her, and it does make sense, but if I am, it’s only going to be frustration, because she is not available (I am always unlucky in love).

It’s very interesting to see that other people have had this happen to them too.

no, not ever, my dreams have never ever affected my mood. Sometimes I even wonder if I have feelings…

Yes, dreams do affect how I feel in the real world. I have had dreams of people that are close to me die or are hurt. When I wake up I breathe a sigh of relief that it was just a dream, but the emotion still lingers. It makes me appreciate the people in my life that much more.

I had a dream last night that my mom attacked me…I was supposed to go home today and I decided to stay here at my dorm instead. I think the dream had a lot to do with it. lol. It’s crazy. :razz:

Dreams affect what I eat.

In some of my dreams, I commonly order fries from McDonald’s. When I eat them, they taste like the most awful things in the world… Think of their fries burnt in moldy, years-old veggie oil and soggy beyond belief (like they’ve been sitting under a heat lamp for months).

It’s been ages since I’ve ordered anything (other than a milkshake) from McDonald’s.

Well I just had this dream where this girl that i like and she likes me but we’re not going out yet, well anyway she was standing behind me in this line thing and this kid from our school comes up and they start kissing. Ok so yeah it’s just a normal dream. But I was so mad in it. And now, for some reason every time I see the girl I get so mad, it’s like i’m mad at her for something she didn’t do. I’ve never had this happen before, is it normal?

I would say don’t feel bad about it.
Something similliar happened to me except in my dream someone got hurt and it felt very real. The person responsible was a friend of mine so I was pretty upset.
Dreams can bring up some very real emotions so cheer up, it isn’t all that bad. :wink:

I recently had one where I was in a house on a low cliff above the sea. I kept looking out the window and, every time I did, it seemed like the water was rising out of the cliff. By the end, the water had risen to a point that it was about to breach the cliff. If it did, a flood would be imminent. And all I could do was just look out the window, waiting for it to wash me and everything away.

when I woke up I felt incredibly hopeless, hollow, and not as ease with the world. Anyone else ever affected by dreams like that?

Yeah, I would say it affects me, even if i don’t remember it!
Last week I woke up and I was immensly depressed, and i didn’t know why… :sad:

Yep, I’ve had dreams that have ‘lasting effects’ on me too. :razz:
If someone does something to hurt my loved ones, I’ll still be mad at them for a while upon awakening.
But sometimes the feelings are good too. I had this amazing dream once, and I actually woke up laughing and felt absolutely PERFECT for like two days.

I had to post here again cause something similar happened to me again.

There is this kid in my Spanish class, Jordan. He’s the main goofball of the class, he finds [the certain part of the male body] hilarious and plays the say the P word game with another kid in my class (are we even allowed to say that word?). I only included that so you get more of a sense of how he is.

Anyway, in some random dream maybe 3 days ago, my school suddenly became way more violent and way way more chaotic. People were on fire, people were getting cut and shot, etc. There was a safe room where good people would be safe, and I ended up being in there. People did mean things like put spikes outside the safety door or whatever so the safe people couldn’t get out. A few of them died trying to escape occasionally. That Jordan guy got into the safety room, and he sprayed a bunch of some chemical or something near the exit. Then, when the safety door came down for people to try to escape, he took out a lighter, smiled, and lit the gas which made a lot of fire around the exit as people were trying to escape. Some people got lit on fire, and I clearly remember the face of one girl (oddly enough it didn’t resemble anyone I know) as her face and hair and clothes were on fire as she dropped and rolled on the ground. I saw her face become red and she was screaming in pain. So were the other ones, but I was focused on this girl. I don’t remember if she got the fire off in time. But still, just the screams and shrieks of these people because of Jordan who got in the room and blocked the exit.

I woke up like 3 seconds after she got the fire off her, it was maybe 3 or 4 in the morning, and I had to just lie there for maybe 10 to 15 minutes, just thinking and slightly scared.

So next day I felt anger towards Jordan even though he didn’t do anything. I still feel some anger, but it’s less.

I had a dream i died, and the next day had the same atmosphere and the real sky was so cloudy.

Yeah, it does affect mine.
For example when i wake up from an LD, it sets me up for the rest of the day and i go round punching the air & telling every person i meet…lol.

Ones where someone i know does something evil… meh. Yeah id guess it changes how i look at them. Also about people in my family dying, that makes me want to be nice to them xP