have you ever been scared in a LD

Personally I was never scared in an LD like in a normal dream.
But I too have seen my hands looking really weird in my dreams. That never freaked me out, it just looked like a cool dreamsign.

And if you say that you were lucid before you saw your hands, I think you had an LD, not a “convicning normal dream”. Congrats, and try not to let your hands freak you out the next time :wink:

You’re hands were weird because you expected them to be because of your previous dream. Keep in mind that your hands are safely in your head, and your ‘dream hands’ are no more or less part of you then any other object in your dream.

That’s cool. Little hands instead of middle fingers. I had a LD a few days ago with weird hands. I was gonna go through a mirror. But decided to do a RC to make sure I was dreaming… And as usual I had an extra little finger. Then I saw another one grow out. Then a middle finger grew after it… they are all on the side sort of continuing the line of fingers… another finger grows out. I show my dad who gets freaked out by it. I just think it’s cool… Then the extras disappear. But I make them grow back. It looks so cool when they grow out. but freaky. Then. to my surprise little mini fingers grow on the fingertips of my other fingers… like litte worms. Squirming.

But to answer you question Yes. I have been scared 2 times in LDs. Once from seeing a sadako like person obscured by my hair wich i can’t get away from my eyes.
The other time I got scared when i felt that my back was cold and though I’d try to wake up to see if I can fix it. But I couldn’t wake up. It was the first time i ever tried to. I got scared. Am I stuck in the dream? But I realised I don’t need to wake up and really don’t want to. Never tried to wake up again.
Once i was Shocked. Not exactly scared. But I saw myself in a mirror and i was bald. I shrieked! But then it turned into maniacal laughter. It was really really funny. Since then I have shaved my head a couple of times.

I’ve been scared during every single “accidental WILD” I recently started to get at nights. It’s weird, because the more I try to control my dream, the more I actually lose control. I know, it’s ridiculous to be scared and that I should make it clear to myself, but that’s easily said right now… :wink:

Wow! That was fractal! That’s brilliant :smile: Anyway, congratulation on your lucid dreaming prowess.


I don’t think the hand incidents scary, just funny and cool i love looking at how distored I am whilst LDing. But to answer your question, i havn’t apart from this time: [1st Lucid dream)

The only time I have been scared in a LD is when i confronted my biggest fear. Gash that was scary, but now even in my normal dreams I don’t get scared any more, if something scary is about to happen, I actually get superpowers or something to prevent them, or wake up long before they could happen. love it :smile:

I have never gotten scared in an LD, in fact I had one just last night, Monsters and Ghosts were attacking me at my school, everyone was panicking but I knew this was a dream so I was just annoyed by the Monster/Ghost attack. Eventualy the ghosts disappeared and the mosters became friendly. Another time I was in my garage when who walks in but Satan himself! guess what I did… I got a bucket of water and put out all his hellfire and he was defeated!

Hahaha, are you serious Erhu? That must have been so cool, to kill satan like that :happy:

In my first 50 LDs, in 4 dreams I had fear. 3 of those were in the first 12 LDs.

I think part of it is just getting used world of lucidity - new things can be confusing.

In 3 of the fear dreams, there was really nothing scary in the dream - I just felt uneasy and fearful.

Having more experience in LDs I don’t worry about fear now. And with more dream control when monsters appeared in 1 ld - I just made them disappear - my dream my rules :happy:

ya ill probably eventually become more accustomed and get over it

I haven’t but normal dreams don’t scare me either so that’s probably why.

the weird thing about that is that i actually dont have scary normal dreams either.

I really think that’s the point. In one dream I was just walking through my house, my parents were at the phone and I knew it was a dream. Still, I had this uneasy feeling and then the scenes were starting…

Now, whenever I sense the beginning of a WILD during the night, I already freak out before anything can happen. Then I try to control myself which usually makes it even worse or I start to hear “the voice”. :wink:
This is something I had in my very first partly successful WILD attempt and I believe that’s the reason why I get some kind of an autosuggestive fear during every LD.

I’m never scared in normal dreams, I even wasn’t as a child, so that’s all really weird for me…

No :cry:
I didn’t want to admitted but here is what happend in my LD today:

 I was at the  living room, walk walk walk. Got to the small window in the door that leads out side. I had a clear view of the starless night sky. In the all grass park at 10 o'clock I thought about aliens and UFO. Well I knew I was dreaming kept hopeing that Aliens did not come for I would be terafied of it...

oTW!! Irony… They came I saw a giant spaceship land! :peek:
:eek: Well i ran to close all the doors. But I could see them through the windows trying to get in. :mirror: :scared: :mirror:

Well I was terrified and even in an LD fear stops me from doing everything. I was to afraid to act. :scream: Well you get the point. :sadyes:
How can I over come fear?? :shrug:

i think our problem is that we’re not really thinking about whats going on during our LDs. We realize we are dreaming, but we don’t understand the significance of this. We are only lying on our bed and everything is just our “imagination”.

In general, it is just about imposable to “not” think about something. So in a case like you discribe, you should try to think about something. Prepare yourself for the next LD. Make a list of things that you want to happen. Read it offten, think about it when you go to bed. Build it into you WILD or MILD induction. If you work on it, it will push the other thoughts out of your head. Then you can enjoy your LD’s again. :cool:

Good idea, I’ll try that. I realized, trying not to think of something is often worse than actually thinking of it.

Finding your mum dead in a bath full of blood is never nice…

Hehe. Yes I’ve been scared in LD’s before. By very random things, my reflection once. And another time I felt like something was behind me and it scared the crap out of me. I am not sure why. But the few times I’ve been scared I’ve gone to a different room, or area rather quickly and forget somehting scared me.