Having trouble controlling the dream?

Hello, everybody! I’ve finally gained more control over my LDs. I used to have this “auto-pilot” feeling while I was lucid, and now I no longer have that feeling. The problem I have now is this: I can’t control anything while I am lucid. I am still not able to change anything I see around me, nor am I able to make anything appear/disappear no matter how hard I try! Any tips/solutions are appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Well, you could consult the Active and Passive Control guide for a brief review on how to make the dream work for you. Other than that, I’ve had the same problem whenever I’ve gotten lucid.

Thanks, The Scientist. I’ll definitely consult that and see what happens. :smile:

Using your imagination is by far the strongest tool you have. When you’re daydreaming, you are able to just make things happen, aren’t you? It’s the same thing in dreams. You don’t have to do anything different, just imagine it happening and it will happen. What are dreams anyway if not your imagination? In fact, daydreaming can be a great way to practice your dream powers. Keep practicing what you want to be able to do during the day and it will transfer to your dreams.

Rhewin, my problem lies there. I am using my imagination to try and make things appear (such as a tree after rounding a corner), and it will not work no matter how many times I imagine a tree being around that corner. This has happened in every LD I’ve had for the past year, so that is primarily why I am so confused.

Hmmm… whenever I’m having a hard time just imagining it, sometimes it’s helped to cover my vision with my hand real fast. I guess it’s easier if I’m not staring right at it. But yeah, definitely check out tosxy’s guide, he gives some good tips.

I’ll try that next time and see if I get any different results. Yeah, I’ve read the guide and it’s great. :smile: Thanks for your input!

Confidence is the key my friend

Well that was a bit cryptic, Rhett. I’m sure that in order to have a LD in the first place, one must have lots of faith and confidence, haha. I guess some more confidence wouldn’t hurt, though. :tongue:

Personally, I’d suggest following Rhewin’s advice closely, and practice in daydreams. This way you can develop effective techniques to achieve what you want, and the same techs can be used in dreams :content:

Thanks for the follow-up, tosxy. Doing it in daydreams sounds really practical (especially since I tend to daydream a LOT, haha). I’ll see how it goes!