Hebrew's E-fed logs

Larry: It is time to decide the number one contenders baby!

JJ: Oh yeah, it’s been a wild ride but tonight it ends. Let’s go to John Walt

John Walt: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one fall and the winners will face The G Mafia for the tag titles at Besiged

The opening chords and whispers are heard as, on the titantron, we see a sweeping shot of the streets of Middlesbrough, as it finishes with a birds eye view of Captain Cook Square, the music explodes, along with 2 streaming red pyros over the ramp. Diabolik and Neko run out and slide on their knees to the top of the ramp. Storm slowly walks out and looks around as Diabolik leaps up and runs down the ramp with Neko and both slide into the ring. Tavi walks out to accompany Storm as they both begin to walk down the ramp. Storm leaps onto the apron and holds the rope up for him as she climbs in with Storm. Diabolik gets on his knees and Storm holds up one arm as red streaming pyros shower the ring, the music slows down as they both get ready for the match, Diabolik hyped up and Storm slow and calm.

John Walt: Introducing first, weighing in at a combined weight of three hundred and ninety seven pounds. They are the Saracens.

Once the main guitar riffs come in to the song of Children of the Damned, a large explosion bursts on the entrance ramp and through the smoke comes Warrior and The Eh, both walking with focused expressions on their faces to the ring. Tom climbs up on to the apron as Warrior takes the black towel from his head and tosses it aside before sliding in after his partner. The two climb on to the turnbuckles and taunt to the crowds before returning to the center and pumping each other up with shoves and yelling.

John Walt: And they’re opponents, weighing in at a combined weight of five hundred and fifteen pounds. They are the Children of the Damned.

The opening bell rings as John quickly exits the ring. The two teams stare each other down; Warrior goes to the apron as does Philip Storm. Eh and Diabolik circle the ring, they lock up and Diabolik gets the advantage with a quick hurricana. Eh quickly gets up and uses the ropes for leverage, a sign of frustration is shown on his face but it quickly turns into a grin. All of a sudden he runs and tackles Diabolik to the ground; he then starts punching away before getting held back by the ref. Eh lets out a loud yell in excitement before picking up Diabolik and nailing a European uppercut sending him back down, Eh then falls down on his knees and quickly begins to choke Diabolik with the ropes. After a long struggle, The Eh lets go and tags in Warrior.

Larry: And looks like The Saracens starting off a bit slow in this match

Warrior picks up Diabolik and irish whips him to the ropes, he goes for a hip-toss but Diabolik reverses into a clothesline. Warrior ducks it and nails a German suplex, but Diabolik lands on his feet. Warrior turns around and gets nailed with an enziguiri; Diabolik then follows it up with a pin fall to get a quick two count. Philip starts yelling for a tag; Diabolik tags him in as Warrior gets back up. Both Warrior and Storm stare each other down.

JJ: And it’s Storm and Warrior……shades of Re-volt

Both men lock up with Storm amazing over-powering Warrior to the turnbuckle, Warrior then turns around and slams him on the same turnbuckle. He doesn’t waste any time by releasing the lock and then starts shoulder-tackling Philip in the corner, Philip slumps down as Warrior takes a breath. He goes to kick him but Storm catches his leg and pushes it away, the move doesn’t affect Warrior much but it gives Philip time to get up. Warrior charges at Storm but Philip drop toe-hold’s him causing him to crash his head straight into the second turnbuckle

Larry: Damn!! Warrior went head first into the turnbuckle

JJ: That move could have knocked out Warrior

Larry: And given the Saracens the opening they need

Philip slowly picks up Warrior before nailing him with a knife-edge chop sending him down, Storm drags him to the middle of the ring before going for a cover. 1….2…Kick out, revealing Warrior isn’t out cold. Storm gets back up and performs a cut-throat signal; he waits for Warrior to get up. Warrior gets back up on his feet; Philip goes behind him and nails the vertebraker ’92. Warrior lays motion-less on the ground, instead of going for the cover he decides to make sure Warrior’s out cold this time. He drags him towards the turnbuckle and places him on the top-turnbuckle; he then gives the fans a thumbs up before going on the turnbuckle. Both Philip and Warrior are facing the other way; Warrior then starts elbowing the back of Philip. Unfortunately, that doesn’t do much since Storm quickly wraps his arms around Warrior and lays him back first on his shoulder. Storm then jumps off the turnbuckle nailing the eye of the storm. Philip then slowly turns Warrior around and drapes a hand over his shoulder.



Thr- the Eh jumps in at the last second! He stops the incredibly close pin as Diabolik goes in to help his partner; Eh fights him off but ends up getting double-teamed by Both Philip and Diabolik. They irish whip him into the turnbuckle hard, as he stumbles back both Storm and Diabolik jump in the air and nail a double dropkick. Eh falls face first to the ground as The Saracens nod to each other, they both turn around to finish off the match but suddenly Warrior gets back up on his feet and charges at them nailing them both with the Rage. All four men lay motionless on the floor, the crowd starts dueling chants for both teams. Then, Eh gets back up as does Warrior. Soon all men are up and hitting each other with lefts and rights.

JJ: The ref needs to make this a civalized match agian!

Warrior and Storm get to stay in the ring as the rest of the men get set to the outside. Warrior and Storm charge at the center of the ring and Warrior grabs him in a headlock. Storm tries to squirm out of it only for Warrior to set him in the turnbuckle and keeps it locked in. Warrior walks across the ring, tags in Eh as he jets in the ring and runs full force and hits a knee to the head of Storm. Storm falls down to the ground and Eh pins him,1…2…3!

JJ:The Children pick up a win!

Larry: What-a-match!

Warrior and Eh get there hands raised as Warrior grabs the mic from Jon Walt who stands next to him.

Warrior:I gotta admit…That was a hell of a match. You have gained mine and Eh’s respect. And hell, we want to fight agian…so at Besiged we want it to be a three team match…G MAFIA,CHILDREN OF THE DAMNED AND THE SARA-FUCKING-CENS!

The crowd goes wild as Storm and Diabolik hold there heads and then look at them. Diabolik looks at Warrior as does Storm to Eh only to shake there hands.


TiTaN match… Diabolik vs Maria Veldez

Diabolik enters with all the lights off, and then “Danger Is Go” starts playing. The crowd boos and the lights come on red. Diabolik walks down the ramp giving the occasional fan the finger and shouting at everyone who gives it back.

Ring Announcer: From Middlesbrough, England. Diabolik!

As Diabolik approaches the ring he stops and stares straight ahead for a few moments, then looks up into one of the lights. He looks forward again and the lights go back to normal. He runs towards the ring and stops at the side. He then hits his head off the mat a couple of times before crawling in. As soon as he’s in he gets up and looks around at the crowd. It’s then that Diabolik pumps his fist in the air and the music stops.

“Bitch” by Meredith Brooks hit’s the PA and Maria Valdez walks out slowly, letting the message of her music reach everyone’s ears.

Ring Announcer: From Madrid, Spain. Maria Valdez!

She continues down the ramp and slides into the ring, flipping her hair back and smiling at Diabolik.

The bell rings and Maria tries slapping Diabolik who catches her hand and turns her away. Diabolik punches her a couple times, sending her into the turnbuckle. Diabolik punches her a couple more times, retreats back to the middle of the ring. Taunting the fans. Maria comes back to life behind him, slides on her knees. Hit’s a low-blow, Diabolik takes a couple steps forward, Maria pushes him into the ropes. He bounces off and she kicks his legs out from under him. He falls to the ground hard. [/b]

Ruffy: Diabolik is a tall drink of water, and no doubts that hurts when you fall on your knees and its unexpected.

J-Roc: No doubt, dude is almost seven foot tall.

She kicks him on the ground, he catches her leg, pulls her down next to him. She kicks him in the face sending some spit flying. She scrambles up, pulling herself up with the ropes. Diabolik is behind her, pulls her from the ropes, whips her across the ring, she bounces off, coming back towards him. Diabolik bends over and launches her over his head. She lands hard, worming around on the mat, holding her back. He goes in for the pin…

Ruffy: Diabolik for the pin…


Kickout by Maria. Diabolik pulls her up by her hair. She attempts another low-blow, but he catches her hand. Twists her around and punches at her arm. She falls to the mat. He picks her up again, this time from behind. Diabolik throws her back into a beautiful german suplex. Diabolik for the pin…

Ruffy: Diabolik again!


J-Roc: Oooh yeah, this chick ain’t going down without a fight.

Maria kicks out somehow. Both wrestlers to their feet. Maria slaps Diabolik’s chest, the fans crying out “Whooo” with each smack. Diabolik is backed into the ropes, Maria runs back, bouncing off the opposite ropes, kicks Diabolik’s gut. He bounces forward and onto his knees, grabbing his gut. She flips around to her butt, grabbing Diabolik’s head and slamming it onto her shoulder. He flips onto the ground. Maria tries for the cover.

J-Roc: Latin spice for the pin!


Diabolik kicks out. This time Maria pulls Diabolik up by his hair, directs him to a turnbuckle. She retreates, looking at the fans. Charges Diabolik and attempts her “Running of the Bulls” but Diabolik slides outs of the way just in time. He see’s Dominator entering the ring, Diabolik throws a couple punches at Dominator. Irish whips him against the ropes. Dominator attempts a cross body, but Diabolik semi catches him, mainly directing Dominator’s main portions over the top ring and onto hard surface below.

Ruffy: Oh, great strength by Diabolik. Can he capitalize?

Diabolik pulls the non-moving Maria from her position at the turnbuckle. He pulls her to the middle of the ring, tries for the cover.


J-Roc: Latin Spice again! Haha.

She kicks out, Diabolik seems frusterated. He pulls her up by her hair, she slaps him a couple times, pushes him into the ropes. Dominator grabs his foot. Diabolik manages to move from Dominators hands, but is still focused on Dominator. Maria slides under Diabolik, hitting him with a lowblow. Diabolik stumbles backward, Maria pushes him into the ropes. He bounces off and Maria hits with with a two-footed drop kick to the neck and jaw.

Ruffy: Great teamwork here.

J-Roc: Diabolik was robbed!

Diabolik collapses, Maria for the cover.

Ruffy: Maria for the pin.


Ring Announcer: The winner! Maria Valdez!

Saracens (Diabolik and Philip Storm) vs Children Of The Damned (The Eh and Warroir) Vs G-Mafia (KayeM and Jeff Mallory) Tag Team Title TLC match

Once the main guitar riffs come in to the song of Children of the Damned, a large explosion bursts on the entrance ramp and through the smoke comes Warrior and The Eh, both walking with focused expressions on their faces to the ring. Tom climbs up on to the apron as Warrior takes the black towel from his head and tosses it aside before sliding in after his partner. The two climb on to the turnbuckles and taunt to the crowds before returning to the center and pumping eachother up with shoves and yelling.

The opening chords and whispers are heard as, on the titantron, we see a sweeping shot of the streets of Middlesbrough, as it finishes with a birds eye view of Captain Cook Square, the music explodes, along with 2 streaming red pyros over the ramp. Diabolik and Neko run out and slide on their knees to the top of the ramp. Storm slowly walks out and looks around as Diabolik leaps up and runs down the ramp with Neko and both slide into the ring. Tavi walks out to accompany Storm as they both begin to walk down the ramp. Storm leaps onto the apron and holds the rope up for he as she climbs in with Storm. Diabolik gets on his knees and Storm holds up one arm as red streaming pyros shower the ring, the music slows down as they both get ready for the match, Diabolik hyped up and Storm slow and calm.

“Why We Thug” hits, all lights go out and then red bulbs flash in time to the beat. When the line "They give us guns and drugs"hits, KayeM & Mallory storm past the curtains to the middle of the stage and throw their hands above their heads. The lights then raise but the red flashes continue. They head down the ramp interacting with the fans. Once they reach the ring they climb up the turnbuckles, one left; one right. They then brush the dirt off their shoulders. This is then repeated on the other two corners. They take off their chains and place them over the corner ring post. Finally they takes off their G Mafia tops and throw them into the crowd.

The bell rings as the the battle breaks out with each man battling with a enemy. The Eh and Warrior manage to stick together and fight together but that tactic gets adverted when The Saracens and both G Mafia attack them. Kayem manages to knock Warrior out of the ring early in the two teams on one battle. Jeff and Kayem start to dish it to Warrior on the outside. Jeff ties Warrior’s arms around the crowd baracade and Kayem grabs a chair. Kayem plants one on Warrior as he falls down and sits on the ground. Jeff starts to pound on his head. Things aren’t much different inside the ring where The Saracens are taking on The Eh. Diabolik irish whips The Eh into the ropes, Philip gets his aim on Eh and lifts him up on his shoulder and Diabolik runs the ropes and knocks Eh right in the head. The fans start to boo The Saracens , and chants such as “This match sucks!” due to The Children of The Damn getting beaten down.

JJ: Heres to hoping things turn around!

Larry: I hear you there.

Jeff Mallory throws down the ladder onto Warrior, who is still sitting on the ground from the chairshots. Kayem and Jeff bump each others fist as Jeff goes in the ring and gets to the top turnbuckle,Kayem does the same and they look over at each other. They nod and both jump off with drop kicks to the ladder on Warrior as the crowd stands up in amazement changing there chants for “This match sucks!” to “HOLY SHIT!”. The Eh manages to catch a glipse of Warrior getting a beating and starts to fight back. Eh socks a south paw to Storm, A right to Diabolik, and grabs both of there heads in shoulder headlocks and drops them hitting a double Ace Crusher! The Eh looks around and takes a deep breath as he charges across the ring and thru the ropes and hits a Suicide Dive landing on G-Mafia! All the men in this match are down!

Larry:There is something you don’t see everyday,Eh doing a high risk move!!!

JJ:This is going down as a great match thats for sure.

Warrior gets helped up by Eh who is full of energy and ready to fight. The COTD start to get back into the ring only to be met with double chair shots by The Saracens. The Eh falls down as Diabolik goes to fight him while Warrior starts to fight with Storm. G-Mafia get back up as Storm and Warrior face off inside the ring. Warrior kicks Storm in the stomach and throws him in the turnbuckle. Warrior backs off and goes out of the ring, grabbing a table. Warrior tries to slide it in only to get attacked by Jeff Mallory with a ladder shot to the back. Warrior falls to his knees and holds his head as he sets the ladder on Warrior’s shoulders thru his head. Jeff gets to the apron of the ring and Storm manages to stand on there as the both jump and hit a double stomp to each side of the ladder on Warrior’s shoulder’s sending 400+ pounds on his shoulders! Both Jeff and Philip roll off onto the entrance ramp. The men get back up but start brawling themselves.

JJ:This is the most insane match I have ever seen…

Larry: Meh, its no Godfather…

JJ:Your comparing wrestling to a film?


The Eh,Kayem,and Diabolik’s brawl moves over towards Jeff and Philip’s brawl, and it collides into one gaint storm of fist flying and weapons mashing. Philip kicks Jeff in the stomach and throws him into the ringpost, only for Philip to get slugged by Eh. Eh then hits him with a chair and Philip just stands there showing no sign of being hit. Eh looks at the chair as Philip just screams and attacks Eh. Storm throws Eh into the ring as they continue there brawl. Philip irish whips Eh into the ropes, only for Eh to be met with a Enziguri to the head . Storm lifts his arm to the crowds disaproval. Storm goes to the turnbuckle for a top rope move only to get knocked off by Kayem with a ladder. Storm makes a thud on the mat as Kayem slides the ladder into the ring. Diabolik hits Kayem with a chair to the back as he tries to get into the ring. Diabolik turns Kayem around and grabs him by his head and picks him up for a Suplex and drops him onto the guard rail! Jeff Mallory finishes setting up two tables side by side on the entrance ramp and rushes towards Diabolik and fends for his partner. Jeff bashes Diabolik’s head into the ring apron and throws him in the ring. The Eh and Storm continue there brawl in the ring as Eh corners Storm into the turnbuckle. Diabolik holds his head as he tries to rush towards his tag partner but gets attacked by Jeff Mallory. The Eh throws Storm out of the ring as they fight more only to have Warrior join in the battle. Eh sees the ladder and grabs it and heads into the ring where Diabolik and Jeff Mallory are.

JJ:I dont like whats going to happen…

Larry:Eh with a ladder, big whoop…

Warror carries Diabolik up the ramp by his hair , only to throw him into the bottom Titantron on the entrance ramp. Diabolik is in a daze as Warrior continues the beating. Warrior gets Diabolik in Powerbomb position and gets him on his shoulders. Warrior cotemplates where to throw Diabolik and sees the edge of the stage, the crowd are going wild knowing that all the tables below would almost kill Diabolik. Warrior raises Diabolik up high , only to get a few shots to the head by Diabolik. Diabolik doesn’t want to fall as they both teeter on the edge of the stage. Diabolik then comes up with a plan and follows thru with it! A HURRICARANA OFF THE STAGE! Diabolik and Warrior both are sent flying down thru many, many tables! The crowd is amazed when they see this and start to chant for EUW. A few referees head towards them trying to check on the two. As Warrior and Diabolik lay on the scraps of tables they fell thru , we cut back to the ring where The Eh is on a rampage knocking down anyone as a ladder is set on his neck with his arms thru it. Kayem gets up only to be knocked down agian. Jeff Mallory thinks he is smart by staying down only to get hit with the ladder and sent thru the table that had bent set up while the camera was on Warrior and Diabolik. Jeff seems to be knocked out as he lays in the turnbuckle,knocked out by the looks. Philip Storm gets busted open as Kayem and Storm charge at him only to get knocked down. The Eh stops and takes off the ladder. Eh takes a breather and then sets up the ladder in the middle of the ring. Eh starts to climb slowly thinking he has the match over with. Eh’s on the top of the ladder , reaching for the Tag Team Titles only for him to be sent over with the ladder onto the ropes, getting crotched on the ropes! Jeff Mallory is revealed to be the man who sent over Eh. Jeff raises his hands and grins only to get hit by Philip Storm. Storm starts to hit Jeff on the back and throws him out of the ring onto a chair that was set up, the chair collapses and Jeff screams out in pain! Kayem gets up and knocks over Storm with a shoulder block. Kayem slides out of the ring to check on his partner and signals for the ref to come check on him. The ref helps Jeff off the chair and starts to help him to his feet.

JJ:Holy shit,man,Jeff’s a trooper.

Larry:Jeff’s a trooper?! Eh looks like he can’t find his balls.

In the ring Eh gently gets off the ropes and stands in the rings. Eh reaches his hand to his crotch and feels his balls. “One…Two…And three…” Eh says as he then lets his hand up. Eh slides out of the ring and grabs a table. Philip Storm charges in the ring and jumps on the ropes and springboards himself onto his target, Jeff Mallory, but it doesn’t connect! Jeff pushes the ref away and superkicks Philip Storm mid air! Storm hits the ground hard as Jeff goes wild on him. Mallory begins to serve him vicious lefts and rights. Storm’s blood goes all over his face from the fists of Mallory. Kayem pulls away Jeff and looks at him, who is covered in Storm’s blood. They look at each other for a while only to have Jeff put his hand on Kayem and say “Its all good!” with a grin. Jeff and Kayem nod and grab chairs as they go in the ring to sneak up on Eh who is setting up the ladder. Jeff and Kayem swing there chairs only for them to be blocked by a swing of the ladder. Eh pushes the ladder onto them as they fall down. Kayem slides out of the ring as he gets attacked by Philip Storm. The both of them brawl only to be hit with a RAGE by Warrior! Warrior raises his hands as the crowd goes wild. Warrior goes into the ring with a table and sets it up. Warrior sets up a table next the to ladder that Eh set up. Diabolik runs down the ramp and slides in the ring and starts to punch on Warrior and Eh. Jeff gets back up and he starts to attack Warrior. Jeff turns around and hits a Pele’ Kick on Warrior! Warrior goes down as Jeff starts to climb the ladder. Jeff has hold on the title belt only to get the ladder pushed down that he stood on as Eh irishwhips Diabolik into the ladder. Jeff lets go of the belts and grabs the hook that hung the belts. All the men in the ring look up at Jeff as he just hangs on the hook with the belts right next to his hand. Jeff starts to grab the belts with one hand only for a chair to hit him 25+ feet in the air by Philip Storm. Jeff lets go as he falls straight thru the table that was set up in the ring! The crowd goes crazy…


Larry:He fell.

Philip Storm with Diabolik start to attack The COTD. Soon the fight moves to the outside as Kayem looks down at Jeff Mallory who slowly gets up from the table but holds his back in pain. Kayem picks up the ladder and sets it up near the two teams on the outside. Kayem starts to climb the ladder and tells Jeff to throw him the chair. Jeff throws him the chair as Kayem reaches the top. Kayem jumps off and uses the chair as a surfboard as he aims to hit either of the teams below only for them to move out of the way and he hits the entrance ramp hard. Warrior knocks down Philip Storm with a closeline that sends him down to the protective mats around the ring. Warrior turns around from that only to get hit with a chair shot by Diabolik. Warrior falls down as Jeff Mallory slides out of the ring and Diabolik and Jeff throw Warrior down onto the tables that lay on the entrance ramp. Eh takes a stiff shot at Diabolik and that steals the attention away from Warrior who lays on the table. Eh picks up Diabolik and drops him face first on the ring apron. Diabolik rolls inside of the ring and holds his jaw as Jeff Mallory squares off with Eh. Mallory socks Eh in the jaw only to run around the ring and slide into the ring. Eh tries to follow but gets hit with a ladder by Kayem! Kayem throws the ladder down onto the ground and hits a neckbreaker on Eh throwing him onto the ladder. Kayem starts to stomp on Eh and grabs a table from under the ring and throws it onto Eh. Warrior rolls of the table and attacks Kayem. He throws Kayem over the crowd baricade and sends him into the fans.

JJ: Right into the crowd!

Larry:This match is insane!

Jeff Mallory sees Eh down with a table over him and runs across the ring and jumps over the top rope and double stomps onto the sandwiched EH! We hear Eh scream out in pain as Jeff Mallory throws the table off of him. Philip Storm then attacks Jeff Mallory with a barbwire baseball bat , right to the head. Philip Storm drags Jeff Mallory into the ring as he starts to grind the barbwire in his face. Kayem makes it out of the crowd and away from Warrior and runs into the ring and attacks Storm. Warrior soon follows up and attacks both of them. Diabolik and Eh both get back into the ring and its a bloody haze of bodies flying around. Jeff Mallory rips off his shirt and whipes away the blood from his face and throws it at Warrior. Jeff and Kayem then follow up with picking up the ladder and throwing it at all the men in the ring. Warrior and Storm go down as Jeff picks up the ladder again. Kayem and him both take a side and they bounce off the ropes and knock Diabolik and Storm out of the ring. Eh slams a chair onto the head of Kayem and knocks him down. Jeff charges at Eh and he gets hit with a chair shot aswell! Eh tells Warrior to get a chair and he does. They both meet back up in the ring as they pick up Kayem to his knees and hit a…CONCHAIRTO! Kayem falls down and looks cold and out. Jeff Mallory rolls out of the ring. Warrior rolls out of the ring and sets up a table ontop of the two on the outside as Eh sets up the ladder in the center of the ring.

JJ:Now, I dont want to see this…This is going to not end up good…

Larry: No sir…

The Eh starts to climb up the ladder as Philip Storm starts to counter that. Philip rushes in the ring and climbs on up and pounds at Eh a few times. Eh doesn’t nudge and keeps on fighting. Warrior sees this and knows what to do. He grabs a bottle of lighter fluid from under the ring and spills it all over the three tables on the outside. Warrior finishes it off with a match on the tables. The tables light up in flames the crowd starts to chant “Holy Shit” from this. Eh and Storm keep reversing each others moves only for Jeff Mallory to enter the ring with another ladder and sets it up on a slant from the other ladder. Jeff looks around and sees Diabolik battling on the outside near the flaming tables themselves. Jeff Mallory takes a deep breath and runs up the ladder’s slant and grabs both of Eh and Storm’s heads and tries to flip them but Storm and Eh compromise and grab his head and both jump off 30 plus feet in the air and land thru the flaming tables!!! The Referee puts out the flames on the men as they lay still. The crowd begins to chant for EUW over and over as the ref checks on the men.



Minutes go by as the fight rages on and the men start to get up. Warrior manages to set up the ladder in the center of the ring and starts to climb it. Diabolik keeps on his trail and climbs up the ladder too and hits a punch on him. Warrior slugs Diabolik and he falls to the outside of the ring. Kayem gets back up and charges in the ring bringing a steel chair with him. Kayem climbs the ladder and hits Warrior in the head with the ladder and he falls down a few steps on the ladder.

Larry:Oh…Shit…He’s going to win this.

JJ:And here we have it. G-Mafia retain…

Kayem holds up the chair and then throws it down. He starts to reach for the tag team titles as Jeff Mallory starts to climb up the same side of the ladder as Kayem. Jeff Mallory then hits a axe handle on the back of Kayem. The crowd doesn’t know whats going on as Kayem is caught unalerted. Jeff grabs the midsection of Kayem and…A GERMAN SUPLEX OFF THE LADDER! The crowd stands up from there seats as they dont know what has just happened. Jeff Mallory holds his head as he slowly get out from the ring and leaves thru the crowd.




All that stands in the ring is,the ladder. Philip Storm starts to get to his feet. Philp thinks he has it won and gets in the ring. Philip takes his time as he climbs up the ladder. On the outside, Warrior puts a ladder on the entrance ramp, folded down. Warrior looks at Philip Storm as he climbs up the ladder and reaches for the belts,The Eh runs in the ring and pushes down the ladder as Philip Storm goes flying onto the ladder on the entrance ramp hitting it hard! The crowd goes wild as Eh resets up the ladder. Diabolik goes over towards Warrior and hits him with a chairshot. Warrior stumbles back but kicks Diabolik down to the ground and hits a piledriver onto the chair to him! Warrior slowly gets in the ring as Eh and Warrior climb up the ladder and go for the tag team titles and…THEY REACH THEM! The bell rings as Eh and Warrior are announced the winners. They make there way down from the ladder.

JJ: What a match…

Larry: Shit…Wow…

Eh and Warrior hug each other as they lift up there tag team title belts. As they do, from the crowd a man jumps the baricade and grabs a steelchair and hits Eh and Warrior with it! Eh falls down to the ground as Warrior turns around and gets hit three times with the chair. The man throws off the hat he had on and he is revealed to be…none other then…MATT SHIELD! Matt Shield looks down at Warrior and Eh and grins as Besiged comes to a end.

Saracens (Diabolik and Philip Storm) vs Children Of The Damned (The Eh and Warroir) Vs G-Mafia (KayeM and Jeff Mallory) Tag Team Title TLC match EUW

Once the main guitar riffs come in to the song of Children of the Damned, a large explosion bursts on the entrance ramp and through the smoke comes Warrior and The Eh, both walking with focused expressions on their faces to the ring. Tom climbs up on to the apron as Warrior takes the black towel from his head and tosses it aside before sliding in after his partner. The two climb on to the turnbuckles and taunt to the crowds before returning to the center and pumping eachother up with shoves and yelling.

The opening chords and whispers are heard as, on the titantron, we see a sweeping shot of the streets of Middlesbrough, as it finishes with a birds eye view of Captain Cook Square, the music explodes, along with 2 streaming red pyros over the ramp. Diabolik and Neko run out and slide on their knees to the top of the ramp. Storm slowly walks out and looks around as Diabolik leaps up and runs down the ramp with Neko and both slide into the ring. Tavi walks out to accompany Storm as they both begin to walk down the ramp. Storm leaps onto the apron and holds the rope up for he as she climbs in with Storm. Diabolik gets on his knees and Storm holds up one arm as red streaming pyros shower the ring, the music slows down as they both get ready for the match, Diabolik hyped up and Storm slow and calm.

“Why We Thug” hits, all lights go out and then red bulbs flash in time to the beat. When the line "They give us guns and drugs"hits, KayeM & Mallory storm past the curtains to the middle of the stage and throw their hands above their heads. The lights then raise but the red flashes continue. They head down the ramp interacting with the fans. Once they reach the ring they climb up the turnbuckles, one left; one right. They then brush the dirt off their shoulders. This is then repeated on the other two corners. They take off their chains and place them over the corner ring post. Finally they takes off their G Mafia tops and throw them into the crowd.

The bell rings as the the battle breaks out with each man battling with a enemy. The Eh and Warrior manage to stick together and fight together but that tactic gets adverted when The Saracens and both G Mafia attack them. Kayem manages to knock Warrior out of the ring early in the two teams on one battle. Jeff and Kayem start to dish it to Warrior on the outside. Jeff ties Warrior’s arms around the crowd baracade and Kayem grabs a chair. Kayem plants one on Warrior as he falls down and sits on the ground. Jeff starts to pound on his head. Things aren’t much different inside the ring where The Saracens are taking on The Eh. Diabolik irish whips The Eh into the ropes, Philip gets his aim on Eh and lifts him up on his shoulder and Diabolik runs the ropes and knocks Eh right in the head. The fans start to boo The Saracens , and chants such as “This match sucks!” due to The Children of The Damn getting beaten down.

JJ: Heres to hoping things turn around!

Larry: I hear you there.

Jeff Mallory throws down the ladder onto Warrior, who is still sitting on the ground from the chairshots. Kayem and Jeff bump each others fist as Jeff goes in the ring and gets to the top turnbuckle,Kayem does the same and they look over at each other. They nod and both jump off with drop kicks to the ladder on Warrior as the crowd stands up in amazement changing there chants for “This match sucks!” to “HOLY SHIT!”. The Eh manages to catch a glipse of Warrior getting a beating and starts to fight back. Eh socks a south paw to Storm, A right to Diabolik, and grabs both of there heads in shoulder headlocks and drops them hitting a double Ace Crusher! The Eh looks around and takes a deep breath as he charges across the ring and thru the ropes and hits a Suicide Dive landing on G-Mafia! All the men in this match are down!

Larry:There is something you don’t see everyday,Eh doing a high risk move!!!

JJ:This is going down as a great match thats for sure.

Warrior gets helped up by Eh who is full of energy and ready to fight. The COTD start to get back into the ring only to be met with double chair shots by The Saracens. The Eh falls down as Diabolik goes to fight him while Warrior starts to fight with Storm. G-Mafia get back up as Storm and Warrior face off inside the ring. Warrior kicks Storm in the stomach and throws him in the turnbuckle. Warrior backs off and goes out of the ring, grabbing a table. Warrior tries to slide it in only to get attacked by Jeff Mallory with a ladder shot to the back. Warrior falls to his knees and holds his head as he sets the ladder on Warrior’s shoulders thru his head. Jeff gets to the apron of the ring and Storm manages to stand on there as the both jump and hit a double stomp to each side of the ladder on Warrior’s shoulder’s sending 400+ pounds on his shoulders! Both Jeff and Philip roll off onto the entrance ramp. The men get back up but start brawling themselves.

JJ:This is the most insane match I have ever seen…

Larry: Meh, its no Godfather…

JJ:Your comparing wrestling to a film?


The Eh,Kayem,and Diabolik’s brawl moves over towards Jeff and Philip’s brawl, and it collides into one gaint storm of fist flying and weapons mashing. Philip kicks Jeff in the stomach and throws him into the ringpost, only for Philip to get slugged by Eh. Eh then hits him with a chair and Philip just stands there showing no sign of being hit. Eh looks at the chair as Philip just screams and attacks Eh. Storm throws Eh into the ring as they continue there brawl. Philip irish whips Eh into the ropes, only for Eh to be met with a Enziguri to the head . Storm lifts his arm to the crowds disaproval. Storm goes to the turnbuckle for a top rope move only to get knocked off by Kayem with a ladder. Storm makes a thud on the mat as Kayem slides the ladder into the ring. Diabolik hits Kayem with a chair to the back as he tries to get into the ring. Diabolik turns Kayem around and grabs him by his head and picks him up for a Suplex and drops him onto the guard rail! Jeff Mallory finishes setting up two tables side by side on the entrance ramp and rushes towards Diabolik and fends for his partner. Jeff bashes Diabolik’s head into the ring apron and throws him in the ring. The Eh and Storm continue there brawl in the ring as Eh corners Storm into the turnbuckle. Diabolik holds his head as he tries to rush towards his tag partner but gets attacked by Jeff Mallory. The Eh throws Storm out of the ring as they fight more only to have Warrior join in the battle. Eh sees the ladder and grabs it and heads into the ring where Diabolik and Jeff Mallory are.

JJ:I dont like whats going to happen…

Larry:Eh with a ladder, big whoop…

Warror carries Diabolik up the ramp by his hair , only to throw him into the bottom Titantron on the entrance ramp. Diabolik is in a daze as Warrior continues the beating. Warrior gets Diabolik in Powerbomb position and gets him on his shoulders. Warrior cotemplates where to throw Diabolik and sees the edge of the stage, the crowd are going wild knowing that all the tables below would almost kill Diabolik. Warrior raises Diabolik up high , only to get a few shots to the head by Diabolik. Diabolik doesn’t want to fall as they both teeter on the edge of the stage. Diabolik then comes up with a plan and follows thru with it! A HURRICARANA OFF THE STAGE! Diabolik and Warrior both are sent flying down thru many, many tables! The crowd is amazed when they see this and start to chant for EUW. A few referees head towards them trying to check on the two. As Warrior and Diabolik lay on the scraps of tables they fell thru , we cut back to the ring where The Eh is on a rampage knocking down anyone as a ladder is set on his neck with his arms thru it. Kayem gets up only to be knocked down agian. Jeff Mallory thinks he is smart by staying down only to get hit with the ladder and sent thru the table that had bent set up while the camera was on Warrior and Diabolik. Jeff seems to be knocked out as he lays in the turnbuckle,knocked out by the looks. Philip Storm gets busted open as Kayem and Storm charge at him only to get knocked down. The Eh stops and takes off the ladder. Eh takes a breather and then sets up the ladder in the middle of the ring. Eh starts to climb slowly thinking he has the match over with. Eh’s on the top of the ladder , reaching for the Tag Team Titles only for him to be sent over with the ladder onto the ropes, getting crotched on the ropes! Jeff Mallory is revealed to be the man who sent over Eh. Jeff raises his hands and grins only to get hit by Philip Storm. Storm starts to hit Jeff on the back and throws him out of the ring onto a chair that was set up, the chair collapses and Jeff screams out in pain! Kayem gets up and knocks over Storm with a shoulder block. Kayem slides out of the ring to check on his partner and signals for the ref to come check on him. The ref helps Jeff off the chair and starts to help him to his feet.

JJ:Holy shit,man,Jeff’s a trooper.

Larry:Jeff’s a trooper?! Eh looks like he can’t find his balls.

In the ring Eh gently gets off the ropes and stands in the rings. Eh reaches his hand to his crotch and feels his balls. “One…Two…And three…” Eh says as he then lets his hand up. Eh slides out of the ring and grabs a table. Philip Storm charges in the ring and jumps on the ropes and springboards himself onto his target, Jeff Mallory, but it doesn’t connect! Jeff pushes the ref away and superkicks Philip Storm mid air! Storm hits the ground hard as Jeff goes wild on him. Mallory begins to serve him vicious lefts and rights. Storm’s blood goes all over his face from the fists of Mallory. Kayem pulls away Jeff and looks at him, who is covered in Storm’s blood. They look at each other for a while only to have Jeff put his hand on Kayem and say “Its all good!” with a grin. Jeff and Kayem nod and grab chairs as they go in the ring to sneak up on Eh who is setting up the ladder. Jeff and Kayem swing there chairs only for them to be blocked by a swing of the ladder. Eh pushes the ladder onto them as they fall down. Kayem slides out of the ring as he gets attacked by Philip Storm. The both of them brawl only to be hit with a RAGE by Warrior! Warrior raises his hands as the crowd goes wild. Warrior goes into the ring with a table and sets it up. Warrior sets up a table next the to ladder that Eh set up. Diabolik runs down the ramp and slides in the ring and starts to punch on Warrior and Eh. Jeff gets back up and he starts to attack Warrior. Jeff turns around and hits a Pele’ Kick on Warrior! Warrior goes down as Jeff starts to climb the ladder. Jeff has hold on the title belt only to get the ladder pushed down that he stood on as Eh irishwhips Diabolik into the ladder. Jeff lets go of the belts and grabs the hook that hung the belts. All the men in the ring look up at Jeff as he just hangs on the hook with the belts right next to his hand. Jeff starts to grab the belts with one hand only for a chair to hit him 25+ feet in the air by Philip Storm. Jeff lets go as he falls straight thru the table that was set up in the ring! The crowd goes crazy…


Larry:He fell.

Philip Storm with Diabolik start to attack The COTD. Soon the fight moves to the outside as Kayem looks down at Jeff Mallory who slowly gets up from the table but holds his back in pain. Kayem picks up the ladder and sets it up near the two teams on the outside. Kayem starts to climb the ladder and tells Jeff to throw him the chair. Jeff throws him the chair as Kayem reaches the top. Kayem jumps off and uses the chair as a surfboard as he aims to hit either of the teams below only for them to move out of the way and he hits the entrance ramp hard. Warrior knocks down Philip Storm with a closeline that sends him down to the protective mats around the ring. Warrior turns around from that only to get hit with a chair shot by Diabolik. Warrior falls down as Jeff Mallory slides out of the ring and Diabolik and Jeff throw Warrior down onto the tables that lay on the entrance ramp. Eh takes a stiff shot at Diabolik and that steals the attention away from Warrior who lays on the table. Eh picks up Diabolik and drops him face first on the ring apron. Diabolik rolls inside of the ring and holds his jaw as Jeff Mallory squares off with Eh. Mallory socks Eh in the jaw only to run around the ring and slide into the ring. Eh tries to follow but gets hit with a ladder by Kayem! Kayem throws the ladder down onto the ground and hits a neckbreaker on Eh throwing him onto the ladder. Kayem starts to stomp on Eh and grabs a table from under the ring and throws it onto Eh. Warrior rolls of the table and attacks Kayem. He throws Kayem over the crowd baricade and sends him into the fans.

JJ: Right into the crowd!

Larry:This match is insane!

Jeff Mallory sees Eh down with a table over him and runs across the ring and jumps over the top rope and double stomps onto the sandwiched EH! We hear Eh scream out in pain as Jeff Mallory throws the table off of him. Philip Storm then attacks Jeff Mallory with a barbwire baseball bat , right to the head. Philip Storm drags Jeff Mallory into the ring as he starts to grind the barbwire in his face. Kayem makes it out of the crowd and away from Warrior and runs into the ring and attacks Storm. Warrior soon follows up and attacks both of them. Diabolik and Eh both get back into the ring and its a bloody haze of bodies flying around. Jeff Mallory rips off his shirt and whipes away the blood from his face and throws it at Warrior. Jeff and Kayem then follow up with picking up the ladder and throwing it at all the men in the ring. Warrior and Storm go down as Jeff picks up the ladder again. Kayem and him both take a side and they bounce off the ropes and knock Diabolik and Storm out of the ring. Eh slams a chair onto the head of Kayem and knocks him down. Jeff charges at Eh and he gets hit with a chair shot aswell! Eh tells Warrior to get a chair and he does. They both meet back up in the ring as they pick up Kayem to his knees and hit a…CONCHAIRTO! Kayem falls down and looks cold and out. Jeff Mallory rolls out of the ring. Warrior rolls out of the ring and sets up a table ontop of the two on the outside as Eh sets up the ladder in the center of the ring.

JJ:Now, I dont want to see this…This is going to not end up good…

Larry: No sir…

The Eh starts to climb up the ladder as Philip Storm starts to counter that. Philip rushes in the ring and climbs on up and pounds at Eh a few times. Eh doesn’t nudge and keeps on fighting. Warrior sees this and knows what to do. He grabs a bottle of lighter fluid from under the ring and spills it all over the three tables on the outside. Warrior finishes it off with a match on the tables. The tables light up in flames the crowd starts to chant “Holy Shit” from this. Eh and Storm keep reversing each others moves only for Jeff Mallory to enter the ring with another ladder and sets it up on a slant from the other ladder. Jeff looks around and sees Diabolik battling on the outside near the flaming tables themselves. Jeff Mallory takes a deep breath and runs up the ladder’s slant and grabs both of Eh and Storm’s heads and tries to flip them but Storm and Eh compromise and grab his head and both jump off 30 plus feet in the air and land thru the flaming tables!!! The Referee puts out the flames on the men as they lay still. The crowd begins to chant for EUW over and over as the ref checks on the men.



Minutes go by as the fight rages on and the men start to get up. Warrior manages to set up the ladder in the center of the ring and starts to climb it. Diabolik keeps on his trail and climbs up the ladder too and hits a punch on him. Warrior slugs Diabolik and he falls to the outside of the ring. Kayem gets back up and charges in the ring bringing a steel chair with him. Kayem climbs the ladder and hits Warrior in the head with the ladder and he falls down a few steps on the ladder.

Larry:Oh…Shit…He’s going to win this.

JJ:And here we have it. G-Mafia retain…

Kayem holds up the chair and then throws it down. He starts to reach for the tag team titles as Jeff Mallory starts to climb up the same side of the ladder as Kayem. Jeff Mallory then hits a axe handle on the back of Kayem. The crowd doesn’t know whats going on as Kayem is caught unalerted. Jeff grabs the midsection of Kayem and…A GERMAN SUPLEX OFF THE LADDER! The crowd stands up from there seats as they dont know what has just happened. Jeff Mallory holds his head as he slowly get out from the ring and leaves thru the crowd.




All that stands in the ring is,the ladder. Philip Storm starts to get to his feet. Philp thinks he has it won and gets in the ring. Philip takes his time as he climbs up the ladder. On the outside, Warrior puts a ladder on the entrance ramp, folded down. Warrior looks at Philip Storm as he climbs up the ladder and reaches for the belts,The Eh runs in the ring and pushes down the ladder as Philip Storm goes flying onto the ladder on the entrance ramp hitting it hard! The crowd goes wild as Eh resets up the ladder. Diabolik goes over towards Warrior and hits him with a chairshot. Warrior stumbles back but kicks Diabolik down to the ground and hits a piledriver onto the chair to him! Warrior slowly gets in the ring as Eh and Warrior climb up the ladder and go for the tag team titles and…THEY REACH THEM! The bell rings as Eh and Warrior are announced the winners. They make there way down from the ladder.

JJ: What a match…

Larry: Shit…Wow…

Eh and Warrior hug each other as they lift up there tag team title belts. As they do, from the crowd a man jumps the baricade and grabs a steelchair and hits Eh and Warrior with it! Eh falls down to the ground as Warrior turns around and gets hit three times with the chair. The man throws off the hat he had on and he is revealed to be…none other then…MATT SHIELD! Matt Shield looks down at Warrior and Eh and grins as Besiged comes to a end.

Saracens (Diabolik and Philip Storm) vs Children Of The Damned (The Eh and Warroir) Vs G-Mafia (KayeM and Jeff Mallory) Tag Team Title TLC match EUW

Once the main guitar riffs come in to the song of Children of the Damned, a large explosion bursts on the entrance ramp and through the smoke comes Warrior and The Eh, both walking with focused expressions on their faces to the ring. Tom climbs up on to the apron as Warrior takes the black towel from his head and tosses it aside before sliding in after his partner. The two climb on to the turnbuckles and taunt to the crowds before returning to the center and pumping eachother up with shoves and yelling.

The opening chords and whispers are heard as, on the titantron, we see a sweeping shot of the streets of Middlesbrough, as it finishes with a birds eye view of Captain Cook Square, the music explodes, along with 2 streaming red pyros over the ramp. Diabolik and Neko run out and slide on their knees to the top of the ramp. Storm slowly walks out and looks around as Diabolik leaps up and runs down the ramp with Neko and both slide into the ring. Tavi walks out to accompany Storm as they both begin to walk down the ramp. Storm leaps onto the apron and holds the rope up for he as she climbs in with Storm. Diabolik gets on his knees and Storm holds up one arm as red streaming pyros shower the ring, the music slows down as they both get ready for the match, Diabolik hyped up and Storm slow and calm.

“Why We Thug” hits, all lights go out and then red bulbs flash in time to the beat. When the line "They give us guns and drugs"hits, KayeM & Mallory storm past the curtains to the middle of the stage and throw their hands above their heads. The lights then raise but the red flashes continue. They head down the ramp interacting with the fans. Once they reach the ring they climb up the turnbuckles, one left; one right. They then brush the dirt off their shoulders. This is then repeated on the other two corners. They take off their chains and place them over the corner ring post. Finally they takes off their G Mafia tops and throw them into the crowd.

The bell rings as the the battle breaks out with each man battling with a enemy. The Eh and Warrior manage to stick together and fight together but that tactic gets adverted when The Saracens and both G Mafia attack them. Kayem manages to knock Warrior out of the ring early in the two teams on one battle. Jeff and Kayem start to dish it to Warrior on the outside. Jeff ties Warrior’s arms around the crowd baracade and Kayem grabs a chair. Kayem plants one on Warrior as he falls down and sits on the ground. Jeff starts to pound on his head. Things aren’t much different inside the ring where The Saracens are taking on The Eh. Diabolik irish whips The Eh into the ropes, Philip gets his aim on Eh and lifts him up on his shoulder and Diabolik runs the ropes and knocks Eh right in the head. The fans start to boo The Saracens , and chants such as “This match sucks!” due to The Children of The Damn getting beaten down.

JJ: Heres to hoping things turn around!

Larry: I hear you there.

Jeff Mallory throws down the ladder onto Warrior, who is still sitting on the ground from the chairshots. Kayem and Jeff bump each others fist as Jeff goes in the ring and gets to the top turnbuckle,Kayem does the same and they look over at each other. They nod and both jump off with drop kicks to the ladder on Warrior as the crowd stands up in amazement changing there chants for “This match sucks!” to “HOLY SHIT!”. The Eh manages to catch a glipse of Warrior getting a beating and starts to fight back. Eh socks a south paw to Storm, A right to Diabolik, and grabs both of there heads in shoulder headlocks and drops them hitting a double Ace Crusher! The Eh looks around and takes a deep breath as he charges across the ring and thru the ropes and hits a Suicide Dive landing on G-Mafia! All the men in this match are down!

Larry:There is something you don’t see everyday,Eh doing a high risk move!!!

JJ:This is going down as a great match thats for sure.

Warrior gets helped up by Eh who is full of energy and ready to fight. The COTD start to get back into the ring only to be met with double chair shots by The Saracens. The Eh falls down as Diabolik goes to fight him while Warrior starts to fight with Storm. G-Mafia get back up as Storm and Warrior face off inside the ring. Warrior kicks Storm in the stomach and throws him in the turnbuckle. Warrior backs off and goes out of the ring, grabbing a table. Warrior tries to slide it in only to get attacked by Jeff Mallory with a ladder shot to the back. Warrior falls to his knees and holds his head as he sets the ladder on Warrior’s shoulders thru his head. Jeff gets to the apron of the ring and Storm manages to stand on there as the both jump and hit a double stomp to each side of the ladder on Warrior’s shoulder’s sending 400+ pounds on his shoulders! Both Jeff and Philip roll off onto the entrance ramp. The men get back up but start brawling themselves.

JJ:This is the most insane match I have ever seen…

Larry: Meh, its no Godfather…

JJ:Your comparing wrestling to a film?


The Eh,Kayem,and Diabolik’s brawl moves over towards Jeff and Philip’s brawl, and it collides into one gaint storm of fist flying and weapons mashing. Philip kicks Jeff in the stomach and throws him into the ringpost, only for Philip to get slugged by Eh. Eh then hits him with a chair and Philip just stands there showing no sign of being hit. Eh looks at the chair as Philip just screams and attacks Eh. Storm throws Eh into the ring as they continue there brawl. Philip irish whips Eh into the ropes, only for Eh to be met with a Enziguri to the head . Storm lifts his arm to the crowds disaproval. Storm goes to the turnbuckle for a top rope move only to get knocked off by Kayem with a ladder. Storm makes a thud on the mat as Kayem slides the ladder into the ring. Diabolik hits Kayem with a chair to the back as he tries to get into the ring. Diabolik turns Kayem around and grabs him by his head and picks him up for a Suplex and drops him onto the guard rail! Jeff Mallory finishes setting up two tables side by side on the entrance ramp and rushes towards Diabolik and fends for his partner. Jeff bashes Diabolik’s head into the ring apron and throws him in the ring. The Eh and Storm continue there brawl in the ring as Eh corners Storm into the turnbuckle. Diabolik holds his head as he tries to rush towards his tag partner but gets attacked by Jeff Mallory. The Eh throws Storm out of the ring as they fight more only to have Warrior join in the battle. Eh sees the ladder and grabs it and heads into the ring where Diabolik and Jeff Mallory are.

JJ:I dont like whats going to happen…

Larry:Eh with a ladder, big whoop…

Warror carries Diabolik up the ramp by his hair , only to throw him into the bottom Titantron on the entrance ramp. Diabolik is in a daze as Warrior continues the beating. Warrior gets Diabolik in Powerbomb position and gets him on his shoulders. Warrior cotemplates where to throw Diabolik and sees the edge of the stage, the crowd are going wild knowing that all the tables below would almost kill Diabolik. Warrior raises Diabolik up high , only to get a few shots to the head by Diabolik. Diabolik doesn’t want to fall as they both teeter on the edge of the stage. Diabolik then comes up with a plan and follows thru with it! A HURRICARANA OFF THE STAGE! Diabolik and Warrior both are sent flying down thru many, many tables! The crowd is amazed when they see this and start to chant for EUW. A few referees head towards them trying to check on the two. As Warrior and Diabolik lay on the scraps of tables they fell thru , we cut back to the ring where The Eh is on a rampage knocking down anyone as a ladder is set on his neck with his arms thru it. Kayem gets up only to be knocked down agian. Jeff Mallory thinks he is smart by staying down only to get hit with the ladder and sent thru the table that had bent set up while the camera was on Warrior and Diabolik. Jeff seems to be knocked out as he lays in the turnbuckle,knocked out by the looks. Philip Storm gets busted open as Kayem and Storm charge at him only to get knocked down. The Eh stops and takes off the ladder. Eh takes a breather and then sets up the ladder in the middle of the ring. Eh starts to climb slowly thinking he has the match over with. Eh’s on the top of the ladder , reaching for the Tag Team Titles only for him to be sent over with the ladder onto the ropes, getting crotched on the ropes! Jeff Mallory is revealed to be the man who sent over Eh. Jeff raises his hands and grins only to get hit by Philip Storm. Storm starts to hit Jeff on the back and throws him out of the ring onto a chair that was set up, the chair collapses and Jeff screams out in pain! Kayem gets up and knocks over Storm with a shoulder block. Kayem slides out of the ring to check on his partner and signals for the ref to come check on him. The ref helps Jeff off the chair and starts to help him to his feet.

JJ:Holy shit,man,Jeff’s a trooper.

Larry:Jeff’s a trooper?! Eh looks like he can’t find his balls.

In the ring Eh gently gets off the ropes and stands in the rings. Eh reaches his hand to his crotch and feels his balls. “One…Two…And three…” Eh says as he then lets his hand up. Eh slides out of the ring and grabs a table. Philip Storm charges in the ring and jumps on the ropes and springboards himself onto his target, Jeff Mallory, but it doesn’t connect! Jeff pushes the ref away and superkicks Philip Storm mid air! Storm hits the ground hard as Jeff goes wild on him. Mallory begins to serve him vicious lefts and rights. Storm’s blood goes all over his face from the fists of Mallory. Kayem pulls away Jeff and looks at him, who is covered in Storm’s blood. They look at each other for a while only to have Jeff put his hand on Kayem and say “Its all good!” with a grin. Jeff and Kayem nod and grab chairs as they go in the ring to sneak up on Eh who is setting up the ladder. Jeff and Kayem swing there chairs only for them to be blocked by a swing of the ladder. Eh pushes the ladder onto them as they fall down. Kayem slides out of the ring as he gets attacked by Philip Storm. The both of them brawl only to be hit with a RAGE by Warrior! Warrior raises his hands as the crowd goes wild. Warrior goes into the ring with a table and sets it up. Warrior sets up a table next the to ladder that Eh set up. Diabolik runs down the ramp and slides in the ring and starts to punch on Warrior and Eh. Jeff gets back up and he starts to attack Warrior. Jeff turns around and hits a Pele’ Kick on Warrior! Warrior goes down as Jeff starts to climb the ladder. Jeff has hold on the title belt only to get the ladder pushed down that he stood on as Eh irishwhips Diabolik into the ladder. Jeff lets go of the belts and grabs the hook that hung the belts. All the men in the ring look up at Jeff as he just hangs on the hook with the belts right next to his hand. Jeff starts to grab the belts with one hand only for a chair to hit him 25+ feet in the air by Philip Storm. Jeff lets go as he falls straight thru the table that was set up in the ring! The crowd goes crazy…


Larry:He fell.

Philip Storm with Diabolik start to attack The COTD. Soon the fight moves to the outside as Kayem looks down at Jeff Mallory who slowly gets up from the table but holds his back in pain. Kayem picks up the ladder and sets it up near the two teams on the outside. Kayem starts to climb the ladder and tells Jeff to throw him the chair. Jeff throws him the chair as Kayem reaches the top. Kayem jumps off and uses the chair as a surfboard as he aims to hit either of the teams below only for them to move out of the way and he hits the entrance ramp hard. Warrior knocks down Philip Storm with a closeline that sends him down to the protective mats around the ring. Warrior turns around from that only to get hit with a chair shot by Diabolik. Warrior falls down as Jeff Mallory slides out of the ring and Diabolik and Jeff throw Warrior down onto the tables that lay on the entrance ramp. Eh takes a stiff shot at Diabolik and that steals the attention away from Warrior who lays on the table. Eh picks up Diabolik and drops him face first on the ring apron. Diabolik rolls inside of the ring and holds his jaw as Jeff Mallory squares off with Eh. Mallory socks Eh in the jaw only to run around the ring and slide into the ring. Eh tries to follow but gets hit with a ladder by Kayem! Kayem throws the ladder down onto the ground and hits a neckbreaker on Eh throwing him onto the ladder. Kayem starts to stomp on Eh and grabs a table from under the ring and throws it onto Eh. Warrior rolls of the table and attacks Kayem. He throws Kayem over the crowd baricade and sends him into the fans.

JJ: Right into the crowd!

Larry:This match is insane!

Jeff Mallory sees Eh down with a table over him and runs across the ring and jumps over the top rope and double stomps onto the sandwiched EH! We hear Eh scream out in pain as Jeff Mallory throws the table off of him. Philip Storm then attacks Jeff Mallory with a barbwire baseball bat , right to the head. Philip Storm drags Jeff Mallory into the ring as he starts to grind the barbwire in his face. Kayem makes it out of the crowd and away from Warrior and runs into the ring and attacks Storm. Warrior soon follows up and attacks both of them. Diabolik and Eh both get back into the ring and its a bloody haze of bodies flying around. Jeff Mallory rips off his shirt and whipes away the blood from his face and throws it at Warrior. Jeff and Kayem then follow up with picking up the ladder and throwing it at all the men in the ring. Warrior and Storm go down as Jeff picks up the ladder again. Kayem and him both take a side and they bounce off the ropes and knock Diabolik and Storm out of the ring. Eh slams a chair onto the head of Kayem and knocks him down. Jeff charges at Eh and he gets hit with a chair shot aswell! Eh tells Warrior to get a chair and he does. They both meet back up in the ring as they pick up Kayem to his knees and hit a…CONCHAIRTO! Kayem falls down and looks cold and out. Jeff Mallory rolls out of the ring. Warrior rolls out of the ring and sets up a table ontop of the two on the outside as Eh sets up the ladder in the center of the ring.

JJ:Now, I dont want to see this…This is going to not end up good…

Larry: No sir…

The Eh starts to climb up the ladder as Philip Storm starts to counter that. Philip rushes in the ring and climbs on up and pounds at Eh a few times. Eh doesn’t nudge and keeps on fighting. Warrior sees this and knows what to do. He grabs a bottle of lighter fluid from under the ring and spills it all over the three tables on the outside. Warrior finishes it off with a match on the tables. The tables light up in flames the crowd starts to chant “Holy Shit” from this. Eh and Storm keep reversing each others moves only for Jeff Mallory to enter the ring with another ladder and sets it up on a slant from the other ladder. Jeff looks around and sees Diabolik battling on the outside near the flaming tables themselves. Jeff Mallory takes a deep breath and runs up the ladder’s slant and grabs both of Eh and Storm’s heads and tries to flip them but Storm and Eh compromise and grab his head and both jump off 30 plus feet in the air and land thru the flaming tables!!! The Referee puts out the flames on the men as they lay still. The crowd begins to chant for EUW over and over as the ref checks on the men.



Minutes go by as the fight rages on and the men start to get up. Warrior manages to set up the ladder in the center of the ring and starts to climb it. Diabolik keeps on his trail and climbs up the ladder too and hits a punch on him. Warrior slugs Diabolik and he falls to the outside of the ring. Kayem gets back up and charges in the ring bringing a steel chair with him. Kayem climbs the ladder and hits Warrior in the head with the ladder and he falls down a few steps on the ladder.

Larry:Oh…Shit…He’s going to win this.

JJ:And here we have it. G-Mafia retain…

Kayem holds up the chair and then throws it down. He starts to reach for the tag team titles as Jeff Mallory starts to climb up the same side of the ladder as Kayem. Jeff Mallory then hits a axe handle on the back of Kayem. The crowd doesn’t know whats going on as Kayem is caught unalerted. Jeff grabs the midsection of Kayem and…A GERMAN SUPLEX OFF THE LADDER! The crowd stands up from there seats as they dont know what has just happened. Jeff Mallory holds his head as he slowly get out from the ring and leaves thru the crowd.




All that stands in the ring is,the ladder. Philip Storm starts to get to his feet. Philp thinks he has it won and gets in the ring. Philip takes his time as he climbs up the ladder. On the outside, Warrior puts a ladder on the entrance ramp, folded down. Warrior looks at Philip Storm as he climbs up the ladder and reaches for the belts,The Eh runs in the ring and pushes down the ladder as Philip Storm goes flying onto the ladder on the entrance ramp hitting it hard! The crowd goes wild as Eh resets up the ladder. Diabolik goes over towards Warrior and hits him with a chairshot. Warrior stumbles back but kicks Diabolik down to the ground and hits a piledriver onto the chair to him! Warrior slowly gets in the ring as Eh and Warrior climb up the ladder and go for the tag team titles and…THEY REACH THEM! The bell rings as Eh and Warrior are announced the winners. They make there way down from the ladder.

JJ: What a match…

Larry: Shit…Wow…

Eh and Warrior hug each other as they lift up there tag team title belts. As they do, from the crowd a man jumps the baricade and grabs a steelchair and hits Eh and Warrior with it! Eh falls down to the ground as Warrior turns around and gets hit three times with the chair. The man throws off the hat he had on and he is revealed to be…none other then…MATT SHIELD! Matt Shield looks down at Warrior and Eh and grins as Besiged comes to a end.

CWA Match, Diabolik vs Silvio Fiore

{:As we return to the action, we find that the ring introductions have already begun, Silvio Fiore in his corner:}

President Sable: With both Kelsers leaving the federation, Silvio is one of only two remaining members of Exit Music members left in CWA.

Ethan Evans: After Diabolik beats him he’ll pick up his ball and go home too.

President Sable: I wouldn’t word it like that. Besides, he may very well win this match. The man has a well-deserved reputation in this sport.

Jackie Morales: Hailing from Middlesbrough, England, he weighs in tonight at one hundred and forty pounds. He is DIIIAAABOOOLLLIIIK!!!

{:Diabolik enters with all the lights off, and then “Demon Speeding” starts playing. The crowd boos and the lights come on red. Diabolik walks down the ramp giving the occasional fan the finger and shouting at everyone who gives it back. As Diabolik approaches the ring he stops and stares straight ahead for a few moments, then looks up into one of the lights. He looks forward again and the lights go back to normal. He runs towards the ring and stops at the side. He then hits his head off the mat a couple of times before crawling in. As soon as he’s in he gets up and looks around at the crowd. It’s then that DIabolik pumps his fist in the air and the music stops.:}

{:Fiore smirks as he stalks Diabolik. He swings at Diabolik, but Roddam ducks. Jason Roddam charges Silvio with a spear tackle, but a quick drop toehold puts an immediate end to that. Silvio Fiore begins stomping away at Jason then driving repeated knees into Diabolik’s body. Jason grabs Fiore’s leg, rolling him over into a reverse ankle lock. Roddam drives Silvio’s knee repeatedly into the canvas as he applies the hold before releasing his opponent’s ankle to drive a diving elbow down across the back of Silvio Fiore’s knee.:}

Ethan Evans: Diabolik’s really got his game face on today.

President Sable: That’s why he’s one of the most rapidly climbing stars in CWA today, Ethan.

{:Diabolik tries to pick up his opponent, only to be met with a stiff knee to his temple. Silvio Fiore executes a reverse neckbreaker then applies a sleeper hold. Diabolik rams his fingers into Fiore’s eye, causing him to release Jason and cover his eye in pain. Diabolik takes advantage of his temporarily blinded foe and drives Fiore into the canvas with the Stroke. Jason Roddam stands over Fley with a sadistic smile as he begins driving fists down into Silvio’s face. Fiore puts an end to that with a well-placed knee to Diabolik’s groin, however.:}

Ethan Evans: He shoots! He scores!

President Sable: Not a very athletic maneuver, but it gets the job done.

{:Silvio Fiore gets to his feet, dragging Diabolik up as well. Diabolik suddenly executes a snap DDT out of nowhere, bouncing his opponent’s head off the mat. Jason goes to pull Silvio back to his feet, but Fiore gets a handful of tights and sends him through the ropes to the floor. As Roddam stands up on the outside he is taken down by a slingshot body splash from his opponent. Both men get to their feet, and Fiore drives a superkick in under Diabolik’s chin, sending him into the ring post. Silvio backs up then charges forward with a clothesline. Jason Roddam ducks out of the way, however, causing his foe to collide with the unforgiving steel. Diabolik throws Silvio Fiore back into the ring, springing onto the apron.:}

Ethan Evans: Roddam’s going for the lay-up here. Let’s see if he can sink this shot. I suggest a nine iron.

President Sable: …sometimes I simply don’t understand what the Hell you’re saying, Ethan.

{:As Silvio gets to his feet, Roddam leaps onto the top turnbuckle, coming off with a diving clothesline. Jason signals for his patented finisher then yanks Fiore to his feet, whipping him into the ropes. Diabolik runs into the ring ropes, springbording off with a textbook stunner. He drops and covers for the three count.:}





Ethan Evans: TOUCHDOWN! Everyone do the wave!

Jackie Morales: The winner of this match… DIABOLIK!!!

President Sable: And another tic goes into the winning column for Diabolik here tonight. This may well be the last we see of Silvio in this federation.

Ethan Evans: Game over, man. Game over.

I forgot the latest fed, WCWF, so here it is.

WCWF Match, Away In the Basement Hardcore Match, all roster invited

Bishop: In that case, can you tell me what the word is we’re getting from the back?

Ferenski: Uhhh… the Away in the Basement for the Hardcore title match has started?

Bishop: …lucky guess. Let’s pick up the action!

Our feed kicks in, initially blurry but slowly comes into focus, hissing pipes and ambient steam rising where the darkness isn’t overbearing. Finally we see a familiar face in this unfamiliar place – Diabolik. His large frame forces him to duck and dodge often, as he stealthily maneuvers through the black. Suddenly he is attacked from behind, body shooting forward.

Ferenski: Jade! She looks hungry to defend her title here! And she makes me hungry with the way she looks! I bet Bob Redding is jealous right about now!

Jade, dressed for the holidays and not for wrestling, or perhaps she is, who knows, begins stomping into a fallen Diabolik. With her right forearm bound with barbwire, she smashes it against the face of Diabolik, splitting him open. The blood sprays everywhere.

Bishop: Good lord that was a vicious shot.

Ferenski: Kitty’s got claws!

As Jade stands atop her kill, what appears to be an ent, or a walking fir tree decorated for yuletide, attacks her from behind. Once the camera pans around we see it is actually FLUXX handling the Christmas tree and not a Tolkien character. He begins plucking off ornaments, tossing them like bombs at anyone and everyone.

Ferenski: How could FLUXX do that to his own teammate?

Bishop: Perhaps FLUXX doesn’t see much left of Team Extreme. The fabled fourth member never materialized, and earlier this week Venom Alexander was forced to take a leave of absence. The Team’s numbers are thinning to dangerously low levels.

FLUXX goes for the pin on Jade, but it’s broken up by the dainty foot of the WCWF’s other feminine warrior, Catherine Reigns. She is dressed like a rather promiscuous Santa, thigh high red boot choking out the life of FLUXX across his throat.

Ferenski: That Ms. Reigns… I like her style.

Before FLUXX passes out from a lack of oxygen, the choke hold is broken up by the large-girthed and not attractive foot of the newest WCWF member, Saul Goodman. He retrieves Reigns by her hair, and throws her back with little effort. He picks FLUXX up, drops him with a suplex, then sends him sailing with a fall away slam

Ferenski: Saul Goodman. That’s one big fella. Even so, he appears to be a little out of place in this match.

Bishop: Someone should tell him that this is a hardcore match and not a Bring Your Most Technical Moves Match.

Ferenski: I don’t think we’ve ever had one of those matches, Marky.

Jade, recovered enough to stand, sees Reigns still sprawled out. She quickly begins digging through a box labeled “LIGHTS”, pulling out a strand of multicolored bulbs. She throws one end over an exposed steel rafter, then wraps Reigns up like a Christmas tree. With a tug she lifts her off the ground so that she is snug against the ceiling, unable to escape. In what is probably an unnecessary move, Jade takes the time to find an extension cord to plug the lights in. Nevertheless, Reign lights up brilliantly for all to see.

Bishop: That was nice of her… unless you’re Catherine Reigns.

Saul Goodman, obviously oblivious to Mark Bishop’s critiquing earlier, follows his fall away slam up with a series of kidney shots, which just softens FLUXX up for a double underhook back breaker. His body crushes several of the fallen ornaments, shards jamming into his back. Pin.




Bishop: We’ve got a new Hardcore champion! Saul Goodman just won the Hardcore title in his first match without having to pin the champ!

As Goodman slowly returns to his feet, he is hit from behind by a flaming menorah, Diabolik laying out the new champion.

Ferenski: I wasn’t aware Diabolik was Jewish.

Bishop: I don’t know if he is. The bigger question is where did he get that and how did he light it?

Ferenski: The real question is how many religions can we offend in one match? The FFC isn’t going to be pleased.

Jade suddenly springs back up, a shocked look on her face at the loss of her title. With Saul down and Diabolik moving only slowly from blood loss, she quickly resorts to plan B. As Diabolik goes for his own pin, he crumples unnaturally down after Jade slams a stocking across his exposed back and spine. He screams, seemingly in a great deal of pain.

Jade flips the stocking over, a large amount of coal falling out of it, a cloud of black dust pluming up, covering everything. Suddenly the cloud of coal dust erupts in a minute fireball, flames singing everything.

Ferenski: Jade with the pin! She’s done it! She got her title back!

Bishop: Well, Saul Goodman with an impressive debut here in what was obviously not his cup of tea, but he made the most of it, and for the briefest of seconds, he was a WCWF champion.