There are a few steps to make.
Improve your dreams, and your visualizations. This can be done first and foremost by recalling as much as possible about your dreams, all the little details, especially the kinds you want to be more frequent, like visual. That will state loud and clear that you want more of that, and I’m sure you’ll be able to supply yourself with plenty ^^
Clear out, define what you really want. I know you want LD, but the fact is, you often gotta try to be more specific, your definition of LD might be off track. To do so, try reinventing your dreams, by putting lucidity in them (write your dream again, only this time you get lucid in the middle of it). That, or invent one of the amazing LD’s you want, by scratch, Let your imagination run wild, and be smooth about the results. It’s just a story afterall.
Use WBTB, and start stating your intention of becoming lucid during your dreams, before falling asleep. Mantras and intentions can greatly increase the chance of making you realize you’re in a dream.
Feel motivation, you can do anything if you believe enough in it. Read this topic for further development of the idea.
Read DJ’s for inspiration. Read of the amazing adventures anyone can have in their dreams, get accustomed to the idea, start daydreaming about your own. Here’s one of the best examples we have here.
Remember that lucidity is first and foremost about awareness, simple awareness of the here-now, of what’s happening around you and inside you at any moment. We call it Lucid Living.
Let it happen. And have fun.
[com]It’s from another topic, but it should work for you too. [/com]