I think that one thing that could possibly be holding you back is the way that you are looking at lucid dreaming. If you look at it as something that is not ever possible to achieve, you will not achieve it. You need to look at lucid dreaming as something that is very possible and something that you know, with practice and patience, you will be able to achieve. I know from experience, I found out about lucid dreaming and dedicated much of my time to it every day, and two weeks later I had my first one. Good luck on your journeys, and just remember to stay positive.
WBTB isnt getting up for two minutes or more, even i misinterpreted this, your only supposed to sit up, tur off the clock (if your using one, auto-suggestion is also a way to do this) and just go back to doing your normal rutine. (auto-suggestion, WILD, etc.)
i lost interest in mid 2009, for about 4 months, but when i got to thinking about it, i realized this reality almost SUCKS compared to that one!
i mean, think of the possibilities.
magic, dragons, spirit guides, weapons, cash, things we dont even undertsand!
and think of whats not there.
responsibility, bosses, work, douschebags (there are a few ofthose though, DC’s can be mean at times >_>)
just think of everything you cant do in RL, in fact, make a LIST, and title it “things i cant do in real life.”
now, scratch out the title and write “things i can do in a lucid dream.”
Keep trying! It’s worth the effort!
This may sound silly, but look for some “hidden” signs that prove that you don’t believe you will become lucid. Let me explain:
I have a really cool dream log, and keep it by my bed, with light and pen. And I kept imagining myself writing my first Lucid dream in it, which I did. Then nothing absolutely nothing happened for two months. Did my RCs, read books,etc., but I was hooked so it’s easier to hang on then. So I bought a dream log for just LDs put it on my dresser, where it sat for a few weeks so I could see it, and thereby remember what I really wanted. Then one day I walked into my bedroom and saw it there and I realized what I had done. Called myself an idiot! I put the LD dream log next to my regular dream log, and had my 2nd and most awesome LD that very same night, and the next night. So by putting the LD log on top of my dresser away from me, I was admitting to not being able to have another LD anymore, that I was just wishing.
Hi Laurelindo!
Holy cow do I know THAT feeling…yeah, me & the holy cows LOL
I’ve been in a kinda blue funk these days, and although I’m coming up out of it thank heaven, I can tell you it directly blocked any lucid dreams from happening. As well, I’ve got a little ADD, and concentrating takes a bit of effort for me–my mind just wanders all over the place. And, like you seem to indicate, I get rather discouraged easily. So please don’t give up on your practice–and I’m giving that suggestion to myself as well: I’ve had lucid dreams in the past, and they’re BEYOND cool. Once having had the experience, you’ll want to repeat it.
One lucid dream I had a few years ago I entitled ‘My New Pals On The Dream Network’. In the dream, I was in a loftspace, complete with crystals, light workers, and demigods and goddesses–including a girl with turquoise skin!! These gods and goddesses sent me love vibes–I’m not kidding–and I was ‘high’ on that dream for 2 weeks!
~shared the dream with some of my more conservative friends, and they thought I’d gone bonkers!
Hang in there, and don’t give up…you WILL have a lucid dream!
R Raj eL
Wow, 2 weeks!? that sounds amazing! And welcome to ld4all, I hope you have a great time here
YOoooo!! =D
Why lose interest of something that is about challenging yourself?
LD is not the easiest thing to accomplish, I who can get LD at will (about 80% of the times) thought about quitting and so I did… At least for a while, why I quitted? Well couldn’t come up with more things to try out =P anyhow I thought some more about it, then I realised that it would be much cooler if I could manage to get an LD every night I sleep without putting an effort into it… And that is my main goal atm…
Since we spend ALOT of time sleeping during a lifetime it’s totally worth it…
If you quit, consider the things you will be giving up. Since dreams doesn’t take away any of your time at day then why not use the time given to us here on earth to live life to the max!! =D