Hi all, i've a problem!

Hi all,
This is my first post so i’ll use it to present me and to ask you some questions :smile:
I’m interested in LD since i’ve read some forums related to them and to Out Of Body Experience.
I had two LD spontaneously, without using a technique, but they were too short and they were like:
“Oh, i’m flying, so I am dreaming” “I can do whatever I want”
…and then I lose lucidity!
Now I’m trying with RC’s and MILD, but it seems that i don’t recognize strange things that there are
in my dreams and I never remeber to do RC’s when dreaming!
Have you something to suggest me?
Sorry if my english does not sound perfect but I’m Italian :smile:
Thanks for the help,
Bye bye

Hi SteveO! Welcome to the forum! :wave:

About LD’s duration, you can prolonge it by staring at your hands from time to time. Looking at you hand will give a boost to your lucidity so you won’t lose lucidity immediatly.

About RC’s, it’s quite normal not to recognize strange things in dreams. I think it takes some time before this process enter your mind. Even experienced LD’ers don’t recognize most of their dreamsigns. Now practising RC’ing when you see strange things IRL will give you more chance of noticing them during dreams. So just keep it up! :smile:

Mostly you just need to build up RC’s into a steady, reliable habit. Once you’re past that for a while, perhaps a week, perhaps a month, your new habit of RC’ing will manifest in dreams. Even though I RC’d five or six times a day regularly for my first three weeks attempting to LD, I didn’t successfully RC in a dream for more than a month.
Don’t be discouraged by a lack of immediate results, just keep working at it.
And I still don’t notice stupid things in my dreams (Like riding a giant blue owl…what is it with giant blue owls in my dreams, anyway? It’s the oddest DS I’ve ever had…) anyway, I’ve been LD’ing for two years now, and I still miss those things most of the time. Mostly it’s just because logic doesn’t ever seem to work right in dreams until you become lucid.

Heya, SteveO! :wave:

One thing that helps, though, is repeating out loud that it’s a dream. Keep saying it over and over again. Sure, it sounds idiotic, but it KEEPS YOU LUCID! :grin:

Next chance you get, go ahead and indroduce yourself in The Big “Hi, I’m New Here!” Topic in the Gathering. :welcome: