How good is your dream recall?

Sorry, but it’s kinda private (and would violate rules anyway because it was extremely violent), but next epic dream I have, I’ll post it.
But this one violates too many rules and is private.

It used to be really good, but as I’ve gotten older, it hasn’t been as well. Its better during the school year however, for reasons I don’t know.

In this summer, I used to remember 3-7 dreams a night. But in August I stopped writing them down, and I only remember 1 or 2 dreams now - if I’m lucky. I wasn’t very lucky today :sadyes:
I should never stopped writing. And it’s school tomorrow, so it will take me forever to remember 7 dreams again.

Looks forward to Christmas :content:

I have pretty abd dream recall. I can usually remember 1-2 dreams a night in basic detail after thinking for a bit or the right trigger. But most of the time in very bad quality and random bits in the middle or beginning that i have forgotten.

Like last night i ahd a dream which might have been an LD but it was such poor vividness it seems as though it was a false LD.

I usually remember 3 or 4 a night. But thats when im into LDing, come on the forums daily, and keep a DJ.
I find i lose my interest in writing down dreams, as i have decent recall in detail - i always seem to recall detail - i just couldnt be bothered to write them all up in the morning. But, now i just bullet point the main parts of a dream, and end up with about half a page some days, yet others a page maybe more.
I went through a phase where i didnt remember any, but that was because i was moving all the time, and hadnt trained myself to my bed. [and didnt sleep until 11, and i need my sleep] But now ive moved again, ive got a good start on recall and keep my DJ by the side on my bed =]
When i was younger i used to have great recall, before i knew about lucid dreaming, i think thats what got me so interested in dreams in the first place.

Haha, sorry for … going on abit :tongue: looks up at post … lol x

Occasionally (like last night) I’ll remember a dream that lasts for 30 min to a couple hours. I’d say that only happens once every few months though, and generally my recall is 2-4 fragmented dreams a night. I almost never remember my full dreams. However, the details in my dreams are much more noticable ever since a certain day, and I’m really not sure why. I’m guessing something triggered it and I’ve just subconsciously taken care to note details ever since.


2 dreams a week is normal? phew! i guess i am good at recalling then. because i remember 3 or even 4 a day :smile: