How long does take to the first lucid dream?

Hello everybody! I’m new to Lucid dreaming and I was wondering how long it takes before you get the first lucid dream.

I do the Reality checks everyday. And I also want to know which way i would choose, MILD or WILD.

Sorry if my english is not so good.


I guess i depends on how big your motivation is, but if you do your RC correctly every day, you may have some results after a few weeks…


Good luck Socker. I hope you get a good one! If you want to see just whats possible, just look at peoples dream journals in the dream diary section.

For me it took 2 days to have my verry first. But then it took like 2 weeks to have another one and now after abaout 2 months im having abaout one a weeek

:welcome: Allo Oscar!

Like Zizou said, it depends on your motivation. A week or two for some people, others longer. You can read up some info here about the techs, I myself like WILD. :grin:

Next chance you get, go introduce yourself in ‘The BIG “Hi, I’m new here!”’ topic in the Gathering. =]

WILD is my fave method. In fact, its my ONLY method. I only ever got lucid through WILD.

It took me something like two months to have my first proper lucid dream. But I had some periods of time when I didn’t do RC’s at all and didn’t think about LD’s so much.