how long?

im sure he means reality checks when he saying “clock” “pinch the nose”.

Reality checks, one week, one lucid dream before that.

yall are all really lucky. congratulations everyone!

no, he means the reality checks like pinching your nose and breathing through it and watching a clock, looking away and looking back and see if the time’s changed

Same for me. Especially the RC where you look at your hands worked for me.

Best and most difficult tip there is:
Don’t try, just do!

that is some good advice. ive been learning that slowly.

As a RC I look at my nose from one eye then an other, if it is there and you can see through it, then you’re dreaming!

It has the advantage that you don’t look stupid trying to figure out if you’re dreaming or not and it is very accurate.

Im going to try to do a RC every time i see something red

I’ve recently realised I dream about staircases a lot. So everytime I walk on stairs, I’ll do a RC (hands)… I’ll just have to look out I won’t fall. :razz:

I’ve just recently adopted the urination technique. Where, every time I go to the bathroom I do an RC and ask myself aloud “am I awake?” After it becomes routine, I’ll drink a lot of water before bed. It seems inevitable… and a bit risky :wink:

lol thats a good idea

it took me 2 weeks, i think, to have an ld with MILD

it took me 6 months (with a three month break in between) to do WILD