But you all point out an important thing I was unaware of ; when you do a RC, you’re doing it assuming that you are dreaming. That’s what I do for a couple of days now and I know it’s going to pay, it’s now a matter of time and patience…and luck, as far as I’m concerned, caus my daughter wakes up sooooo early in the morning that even if I jump on my dream journal, I just can’t remember anything when she’s talking to me nineteen to the dozen
All the LD I had were on week end, when she fortunately get to sleep again, urging me to a WBTD without knowing it, and having the best LD I ever had
You simply probably just didn’t do it for long enough. It usually takes far more then doing something for a few days to became a habit and hence then impacting upon your sleep time. Some say it takes a few weeks to develop a new habit, so your reality checking and awareness exercises should of been done at least for that long before giving up on them if they still weren’t working
It could of been that thou still which influenced you to became aware in your falling dream days later.
In response to this thread subject… as others have said its quality over quantity. Also a person may never succeed if they are doing their reality checks wrong, there are various ways to go wrong with this (so I suggest stick to the well known reality checks or if you aren’t, ask someone experienced in LD if you are doing something likely to work).
One person trying to learn to LD and never being able to succeed and asking then for advice, when I asked him what the reality check being done was, he said he’d made up his own. He was staring at his hand trying to manifest an apple in the hand (while never looking away from the hand) and if the apple appeared there, it would mean he was dreaming. That reality check was setting himself up for failure!! as it was doubtful it would work well for reasons more experienced lucid dreamers would be aware of.
Also patience may be needed, if it don’t work in a few days don’t give up. You may have to do this for weeks.