How much time did you spend until you have your first LD??

after reading this topic i can’t help but get jealous :neutral:

i refuse to count the crap LDs of epic fail.

I’m with Maruta. I’ve been trying for a little over a year and I have yet to be able join in on the LD fun :sad:

since finding ld4all it took about 5 days for me to have my first LD and then a few days after that i was able to do 2 dream links, one using WILD and the other i did without thinking about it, both were pretty cool.

I found this website yonks ago, looked at it, thought that it would be way too hard for somebody like me, and two years later, I just randomly get an LD having a nap on a boat in Thailand. So I came back here because I remembered the name of the site, signed up, and so far no success. It’s been around a week of trying.

I had my first LD when I was 13 (DILD), although I didn’t know what it was and it didn’t last long. After finding LD4ALL a month later I had another DILD.

About my 3rd night

I think mine was a week and a half or two… Isn’t your first lucid always the most sentimental to you? haha ^^

About two months. My first one was two nights ago, but I woke up in about a second. My second one, tonight (all thanks to vitamin b6!) I flew around my neighbourhood. If only I could remember a bit more…

About 2 weeks after I found LD4all. Although it wasn’t a vivid lucid dream (just lasted 3 seconds :grrr: ) at least I knew I was dreaming for a short while.