How "Newage" are you?

Actually, I didn’t really have a problem with your post, though I only read the mod edited version. (Actually, there were some points I agreed with you on.) Mainly, my point here is this: lets take a lesson from DV and not do that to LD4all. The last thing we need is another good forum going bad.

Yeah, we all should respect other people’s beliefs, but I don’t think they were criticizing someone’s(read:Kava’s) beliefs.They just told him to go out and have a life.I also agree that we should respect each others beliefs, but yeah, I also agree that we all should go out more, and not be so ‘‘closed’’

@hunaynay-Wow…that post was really…good( I don’t know how else to express)

Anyway-I am an atheist too, and I don’t follow that new age stuff.Actually, I don’t follow anyhting, I’m my own man, have my own ways and rules.

I don’t think LD by itself could be part of newage, as there is science and there is no doubt that LD is possible. I guess the newage part is the one that involves talking to your higher self or guides in it.