How to achieve conscious dreams by Claude de Contrecoeur

This is an extract from an article by Claude de Contrecoeur’s article ‘Conscious Dreams and Controlled Halluciniations’

-How to achieve conscious dreams-
In order to become proficient in conscious dreaming you need to exercise at least one hour per night, very, very regularly. Regularity is of prime importance in order to be able to voluntarily penetrate your endogenous world or endoreality. Going at will into your endoreality is one of the most rewarding experience you can have in your life, as you enter in the reality which is completely yours and where nobody, no Inquisitor can follow you to prevent you from just enjoying yourself. When you can achieve this, the exogenous reality or exoreality becomes less “real”, less stressful, less boring, as you can, now, willingly consider exoreality as dream-like, even if it is not a dream! But being able to consider exoreality as oneiric-like, oneiric-mimetic, gives you much more freedom and self-confidence as you have now new values, new ways of seeing important things, like, for instance, the death of your loved ones or your own death or, generally speaking, people and objects situated in exoreality.
So here are the exercises you should do regularly to learn to consciously penetrate your endoreality:

1.Before going to sleep, sit or lie in your bed for at least 30 minutes.
2.In total darkness, just focus your attention on darkness and try to visualise simple images, like the image of a triangle, a square, a leaf, or anything you like. For instance, focussing your visual attention on sexual images will ameliorate your concentration!
If you are a man you can focus your attention on images of a breast, of buttocks, of legs, etc.
If you are a woman, you can focus your attention on a part of man’s anatomy which triggers your sexual desires.
The purpose of this exercise is to teach you how to specifically activate some of your memory zones in order to achieve the generation of controlled hallucinations. This is a very difficult exercise but it will train your consciousness to control itself. Focussing your attention is extremely important in the discovery of your memory and consciousness. It should be accompanied by breathing regulation: you need to breathe slowly and regularly, as if you were sleeping. Apparently controlled breathing triggers hallucinations, as experienced by meditating monks.

In the beginning, if you focus your attention on, say, a triangle, you will observe the appearance of a faint triangular shape in the darkness and you will discover that this triangle will have a strong tendency to move, rotate, or simply disappear to be replaced by another faint image. Such faint images are called disattenuated images. A clear and controlled hallucinated image is called a completely disattenuated image, while faint images are called partially disattenuated images. We will explain this later. A normal visual thought is called an attenuated image.

To see a memorised image as clearly as a real image means that you activate the metabolism of a memory zone where this image is stored. Selective metabolic activation of memory zones gives you a lot of power in your dreams and, also, surprisingly, in the exoreality where we all live.

3.While focussing your attention on informational objects (a stored image of an object perceived in exoreality) try your best to forget the boundaries of your body.
4.Try not to move at all and breathe deeply and regularly, like someone who is sleeping.
5.When 30 minutes or more have elapsed, just go to sleep - but you still have to wake up in the early morning!
6.Wake up early in the morning, between 4 or 5, and just repeat the whole exercise.
7.When you next wake up write, as fast as possible, everything you can remember of your dreams. Slowly, slowly, you will discover that you remember more and more dreams in increasing detail.
8.During the day, when you have time, just focus your attention on complex objects such as flowers, the ripples of water in a river, the shape of trees, leaves, examine carefully the content of books, etc. This teaches you the same thing as before: how better to focus your consciousness on reality.

cont. … ml#tunnels

Please visit to find more articles by Claude de Contrecoeur


good post waterstarrainbow i read it some time ago: [conscious dreaming)

lets support eachother with those posts no-one replies to:

waterstarrainbow, I moved this post in the Quest section, cause most of LD’ing techniques are found inside.

By the way, Claude de Contrecoeur was just one of the numerous Claude Rifat’s nicknames. It means something like Sir Claude of Reluctance. :grin:

LOL Aezen! I remembered your post about Rifat, but I finally didn’t merge it with waterstarrainbow’s, cause the links she gave were more recent. I’ll have a look to your second one.

That’s a pretty tyte post! Thanks for the info! I am re-aranging my sleep patterns because of that. So this should train you to be able to just fall asleep and consciously dream at will? I don’t see how it could do that, but I see how it might serve as a yogic technique for adding more consciousness to your dreams.