How to Choose Your Technique

This time I woke up around 3 am again…

I think my brain hates me :tongue:

Any tips?

This guide is very helpful! With so many techniques out there, and people being so different in their sleeping behavior, this can surely be of use - and spark some confidence - in many. Over the last few months I have been using MILD, trying to regain lucidity, so to speak (I could do it all the time when I was a child, but hardly ever since then). It’s only recently that I got into a normal sleep cycle and could do some serious trying. Last night it actually did work! I was in an arctic environment, fell into a river and began to float downstream, then suddenly realized the water wasn’t cold at all. Previously (as seems common), things like these have never worked as triggers for me, but this time I didn’t even have to do a RC. Could this be a result of my MILD practice?

Yeah, it probably is. Last night I got a lucid dream using MILD where I didn’t do a RC until after I became lucid to confirm it. The dream started out with my two cats running away. (Not surprising to dream about, they are indoor cats and got out that night. Thankfully they came back. :smile: ) I looked around for a bit then got on my deck with my family and I looked in my basement window and Ronald McDonald was standing in my basement so I started to shout to the DCs, “Hey it’s Ronald McDonald! What’s he doing here?” I noticed that that was a bit odd and random so I realized it was a dream.

Its seems a very good guide. I will try it with my category (fast asleep-moderate motivation) ,ie, both of the last two.
One thing I want to ask about reality check. How long 1 reality check should continue? Say I am doing a reality check like this-" am I dreaming now?" and I jump 2-3 times to check that. Will that do or I have to pursue the check for a few more minutes? I do reality checks over 15 times a day but the checks are of short durations.
Thanks to all of you…

Thanks for this guide, it helps! I think I fall under the slow sleeper/high motivation group. I have an alarm clock, but I don’t want to bother my family by making them get up that early, is there any other way to wake up automatically? Another thing, I’m not sure if I’m doing the tech’s right; Based on my understanding MILD is basically where you tell your body your going to have a lucid dream. Do you keep on doing that right when you get in bed, or do you use MILD when you are on the verge of falling asleep? And WILD is where you stay awake consciously, but you fall asleep physically. Again, do you do this right when you climb in bed, or when you are really tired? Thanks for all the help! :cool:

thanks thats a nice post…

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Thanks for this post. I fit in the “fall asleep fast, highly motivated” section. It’s funny cause I’ve already been doing what it says in there and I’ve been getting better results from when I tried other things, so you were right. I’ll keep doing the same technique. thanks again.

It’s a very important post , thanks .

Great guide man, I jus think it would be better if you could make the titles and subtitles stand out a little.

Is this technique the best one for beginners?

Hey thanks, I needed a technique that I could stick to. This definatly helps

Which one? The guide mentions a couple…

In the end it’s all based on you personally. For some beginners WILD is OK to try, others should stick with MILD and others still have better results with something like VILD, CALD or RCILD.

Nice little guide. I’d have to say that I go through two phases during the year. Right now during the colder months, I tend to loss motivation but fall asleep within minutes of laying down. During summer when I have a hard time sleeping in the heat, I tend to take longer to fall asleep, but have much more motivation. For now I’ll try your fast sleeping, low motivation method. Hopefully my motivation will come back soon. :content:

:eh: I’ve really gotta get my act together, so much stuff on my mind that lucid dreaming is slowly fading away. :woo: It was nice to read this though. Thanks for bringing this topic to life. :smile:

I like a lot this subject. Very useful tool to understand which techniques correspond to ourselves. You’ve done a great topic :clap:


Awesome! Thanks for posting this, i will try the techniques mentioned for my group and see if it works.

interesting read :smile: