Hypnosis induced Lucid dream. free mp3

download is working.

hmm, Could this be combined with WILD nap? So listen to the mp3 during the WILD… It could make you more relaxed and tranced. I might try it this weekend. :grin:

Well maybe it isn’t working cause it kept just shuting off when I was playing it. I like the style of it though where you get to be incorporated

This hasn’t affected my lucidity at all, but my dream recall has improved vastly in certain sections. I could recall exactly how imaginary rooms looked and the texture of some objects, yet the gaps were still missing as to how I got there. Probably because I fell asleep before it was done, about 70% in.

When you say you use it with WBTB do youu mean you listen to it during the time you are awake when you’ve already slept and got up and soon will go back, or do you do it before you even go to bed. Stupid question, I know. But tonight if I don’t get a reply telling me otherwise I’ll do it during the time I’m awake. It seems more likely to me but you never know.

Long, over complicated post.

Oh dear. Link doesn’t work. :cry:

it should work but i will post a mirror at rapidshare. I’ll do WBTB get up for a moment. and since I’m already relaxed. i’ll put it on and listen, and sometimes just fall asleep to it.

Ok i put up a rapidshare mirror.

listening to the track now. Ill deffinitly try it tonight, put it on my mp3 player. Your tone is great in this…no offense meant if you didnt mean too…but it really does drone on(which is good in this case)…gets me pretty sleepy, even while Im typing, lol. Just wondering though, why dont u edit out ur coughs/gasps and such? or even out the volume at some points. I can if you want/ Im going to for my personal use. Thanks for making this :smile:

P.S. did u write this all out urself first?

hm, actually I think Ill wait to use this when I have edited out bits of it(coughs startle me) and when I can do it a bit before sleep instead of as I fall asleep. Still a great track though, thanks. well, Im going to be soon, gonna do object initiated wild tonight.


here is my Trance, reality check and WILD primer. This will provide a few techniques for deepening trance. performing reality checks from different sub modalities. and how to hallucinate vividly in trance, the same technique can be applied to WILD.


Anyone here play Half-Life? Well Ranma sounds like a younger version of the G-Man.

Thanks Ranma187

you have a soathing voice but it does sound a bit crackly in the background perhaps you should get a new mic.

I agree

it’s not that bad.


it’s just about as good as the CursedLucid one i have

you only sound a LITTLE bit like Gman :content:

gosh i just got into the Ranma manga so now every time i see you’re name i think of Ryoga. why ryoga? cuz he’s the funniest

here’s an induction for perfect recall and memory. especially for dream recall.

rapidshare.com/files/34128492/20 … 9.wma.html

did you make that one as well Ranma?

yes i did. i made it just yesterday

I’m downlaoding the first one now.

Can’t wait to try it out! :cheesy: