I am an Indigo Child. Are you?

Well I scored 31 on the Starseed test.

I like tapioca.

I have no memory bell.

I do not get a positive reaction from an image of Sekhmet.

‘You may be a seeker of another path.’ Oh well, I was hoping to have cousins in the Pleiades.

Sorry for those who I am about to tick off, but that Starseed thing is laughable.
First of all, the terminology seemed a bit weird. “A Galaxy outside of our solar system,” DUH!
Second, have they actually done there research? Last time I was in a biology course, we didn’t have crystaline structures in our DNA.
Third, sorry if I’m bursting some bubbles here, but last time I checked into this sorta thing, the Pleiadies was a constellation, not a Galaxy. If they can’t agree on their terms, well…
Finally, whats the basis for all this stuff? I know what I think, another label, to make people feel good, kinda like organized religion, but to base a system of beliefs like that on some channelled messages or something is a bit presumptuous of them. We don’t know if that stuff is true or how it works an everything.
Again, I apologize.

PS- Im not angry cause I got a low score. :smile:

Wel I’m a indigo child(fit the profile perfectly), and even have ADD too. I think it’s probaly people giving a title to a misunderstood group people. If you have ADD you think alot! But lose concentration skills due to constant daydreaming. I feel different from most people and they usually don’t understand me. So technically it could be a separate group although I’m not sure I’m a evovled being. I wouldn’t wanna think like that either since doing so just makes you a arrogant jerk. So technically they have a point about it being a different mindset, not sure if it’s much better(although Introverted people tend to be smarter and it fits the indigo description).

I sorta wish they could implement this sorta thing in the education system. Having ADD automatically dimisses you as a idiot regardless if your einstien or just stupid. Teachers and older people used to scream at me all the time(I still have a subconsious fear of screaming). Just recently my evil Mthyology teacher dimissed me as a dullard who wanted to make her angry with my odd antics. She found out I had ADD and had a guilt trip. :happy: More educators need to be educated on the subject and I think indigo child is basically trying to make “different” seem like “Above”.

Surely you must have enjoyed this for a True Inidigo child posted this!

  1. Do you believe in the natural superiority of women?
    OK who put yes in here! :eek: :tongue:

  2. Do you like tapioca?
    God I love tapioca, however what liking a rice like dish thats looks like frog spawn has anything to do with anything is beyond me?

I scored like 81 but all those questions about being fascinated with certain animals? I’m just fasinated with animals full stop and ancient civilizations etc etc, I’m really suprised that everyone doesn’t score really highly on this.

I have to admit though that I created the receptionists at the Crossroads to be Pleiadians! I thought about what earthly race they could be and I thought that I could never please everyone so I made them blue (skin colour of P’s aparantly.

The Mayans believe we are from beyond the stars and the big event their callendar predicts is 2012 (when time as we know it will end… but then carry on in a new time frame. mysite.freeserve.com/LucidCrossroads/mayan.htm is a page on the mayans. BTW on the 25th of july its a mayan special day a “Day Out of Time”, for global celebration. :content: cool I never need to be told twice to have a celecbration!

P.s I like question 24) When alone & indoors, have you ever worked or studied in the nude? best, as I’d just got out of bed, :grin: and its hot here, ok!

The questions all ask: “Do you have an unusual fascination with …”

If everyone said ‘yes’ to that, it wouldn’t really be an unusual fascination, would it? :tongue:

I scored a 79.
I liked the one about seeing colors when I close my eyes. When I do I can change the color to what ever I want.

out of interest does any one have a Indigo & crystal child tests?

they are 2 different things, the psychicly aware ones that pasquale talks about are crystal and the idigo generally do not have these traits.

i found this:
aura colors test (see if you get indigo?)

very interesting. check it out. If you are indigo you probably score very high on the indigo part. I’m not an indigo according to that test. I always thought the indigo where the words for new age children but i now see there are different kinds. So no indigo for me :alien:

VIOLET is top with 9
Then LAVENDER, Environmental Tan and YELLOW with 8
Then BLUE, INDIGO and Abstract Tan with 7

Hmmm I won’t be knitting a jumper with that combo of colours anytime soon :confused:

Hey Q, I’m curious, what did you got on your test?

Here is my result:

Highest number: INDIGO [10]

My 2nd highest number: CRYSTAL [8]

I personally feel like I’m both of Indigo and Crystal… isn’t it possible to have two colors? I’m just curious. :shrug:

Maybe that has to do with Starseed being? :shrug:

Like Dm7 i feel i am both crystal and indego Crystal being a 9 and indigo 10.
if any one is intersted my full results follow.

logical tan=3
enviro tan=5
sensitive tan=3
absract tan=2

logical tan=4
enviro tan=4
sensitive tan=1
absract tan=1

Wow, i just posted this topic not too long ago, and already 32 posts! :happy:
I dont think this test means anything, but that if you are indigo you are different. Not that you are more evolved. Where did that come from? Was that just an interpretation?
I know i fall into the classification of an indigo, as well as a starseed(according to the guidelines/tests) Those are only personality traits that one falls under. Whos to say that is more evolved? However, I dont think George Fuckin Bush is an Indigo. I dont think many people in high places in the united states are indigos. I believe that indigos might be more spiritually awakened/sensitive to energy fields. People who operate under the control of Greed, Power and Fear are far from awakened. They have much to learn, but it seems now adays, that the world is already a turd flushing down the toilet if we dont do something about it fast. I know i dont think like Bush, and maybe if some people that were more perceptive to whats going on in this world were president of the U.S, things wouldn’t be the way they were.

I dont know, theres no easy or simple answer. The reason i bring this up, is that i believe that we need more empathetic humans on the planet running the place. We also need a hell of lot more room and resources but thats another story. When i see this website about Indigo CHildren, you know what it does? It gives me hope. Hope in Humanity. Hope that we might finally change our ways and the children, that will be running things in a few decades will make better decisions than the close minded, soul-less @ssholes we have now.

So many skeptics on this board :sad:

I think this is the kind of stuff that society needs to become aware of and foster. Everyday people wake up and are brainwashed into there jobs, school, life. Society molds you, and most succumb and get stuck in a rut, just thinking about themselves and making money, buying stuff to make them happy. We cant do this shit anymore, i believe we are approaching a pinnacle point in civilization. In 2030, the age of chaos happens. Agriculturislts have predicted we will not be able to support 10,000,000,000 people. NORth korea has nukes, America wants to rule the world!

GEEZ! i have no idea where i am going with this, but what i am trying to say is, the shits gonna hit the fan sometime soon, and the way the majority of people think right now… wont work. THere must be a change from within in everybody to stand a chance.

thats my wonderful ADD influenced speech. Ponder on that for a second or two.

War :grrr:
Peace :wink:

amiddreamin6: I love your lecture. It’s sad, but I feel it’s pretty true. Currently our world isn’t going to survive unless we change. That’s what I’d like to call it… we all evolve. If we don’t evolve (adapt) then we die. Some of us evolve further than other…

Hopefully soon we’re more opened and evolved when the future comes…

Peace :wiske:

Heres my results on that aura test.

Crystal: 10
Environmental Tan: 10
Indigo: 9
Violet: 9
Sensitive tan: 9
Blue: 7
Lavender: 6
Red: 5
Logical Tan: 5
Orange: 5
Yellow: 5
Green: 4
Red Overlay: 4
Magenta: 3
Abstarct Tan: 3

I agree. Coming up with all this Indigo and Crystal stuff is just another way of classifying what’s been going on with people for centuries. I know there are those who are attuned to energies naturally ans stuff, but alien parentage, cousins from distant galaxies and their “mission” or whatever, it just kind of sounds like one of those old space movies. The starseed test was … well, it had some pretty general questions in it. I mean, it had stuff like, “Would you rather take a cruise trip or learn to heal?” Duh. I think I’m the third person to get 81 on that test. Weird.

On the aura thing, I got yellow, at eleven. My second was Indigo at ten. :smile:

How did you find out you where an indigo?

agree with you so much. But i see that there are changes, and that the old belief systems are questioned more and more. You put it into words better than i can, but i feel the same as you.

i see that changes are happening already… slowly, but they are happening. there will be a time those old belief systems don’t work anymore. But it will happen. I see it as a sea with color. Say one color represents the old belief system (let’s take red) and the other one the new (let’s take white). if you add white to the red, and little more red is added and eventually no red at all, and the white starts slowly, with one or 2 speckles, and then it becomes more whidespread, until there is only white with some red and then no red at all but a white sea. (with already sparkles of the then emerging new gold.). Everything is a process, a stream. Right now we live in the time of change. We are in the time of the red changing into the white. How long it will take i don’t know. But that there is white flowing, that is for certain.


Hmm…I got 48 for the Starseed test.

The Aura Colours Test:
Red 4
Orange 3
Magenta 4
Yellow 8
Logical Tan 6
Environmental Tan 10
Sensetive tan 4
Abstract tan 1
Green 4
Blue 9
Violet 5
Lavender 6
Crystal 7
Indigo 5
Red Overlay 6

Hmm…I’m very environmental tan, strongly yellow and blue. Hmm.

A lot of “sometimes” here, so not many “yes”:
Red 2
Orange 3
Magenta 4
Yellow 0
Logical Tan 1
Environmental Tan 2
Sensitive tan 3
Abstract tan 0
Green 2
Blue 2
Violet 3
Lavender 3
Crystal 6
Indigo 6
Red Overlay 0