I cant WILD!! :((

I have been trying for a while to LD by first inducing sleep paralysis. I absolutely fail at this, I cant even keep my mind awake. I always crash and when I do feel like im getting close to SP I have an itch that needs to be scratched or I get uncomfortable and have to adjust or whatever else. How long should it take and what should it feel like?
Im really eager to induce sleep paralysis also because I want to have an out of body experience and explore the 5th dimension theories started by einstein.

Double post edited together… if you want to add more to your first post, you can use the edit button :tardis:

I will also say that last night i got the closest i think ive ever been because i made myself hyper-aware of the “fact” that my mind and who i am is separate from my body. I focused on trying to move myself/soul/spirit and not my body. I even felt i got closest when i tried to wiggle my spirit (lets just refer to it as such from now on) around and out of my physical body.
I discovered this technique when looking up the definition of the metaphysical body and the site put it as such;
a regular mortal is like a man driving a car who feels the pain of every scratch and crash and is one with the car as if it is him
Whereas someone who is aware of their metaphysical body is like a race car driver who realizes that the car is simply a means of transportation and every scratch and ding is nothing because he knows he can just get out of that car and get a new one or even fix the one he has.

Well when I wild my problem is the opposite. I just can’t get into sleep paralysis, I think that I am a little scared of the effects that it brings. Anyway, every time I try to WILD, I can hear cars sounding outside(Even though they ain’t, because it’s allways the exact same sound). Once though my eyes were like, lighting. And I heard someone breath, and I was pushed out of the bed. It felt REALLY weird, and scary. Since I was so scared by it, I couldn’t get it into a lucid dream. D:

Yeah sounds like you should just get and exorcist XD
But seriously thats weird. Kinda cool though, if you can fight yourself to not be afraid of that stuff it sounds like you have a lot to explore there. Im really interested to see what happens for you.

Simpa, sounds like Old Hag. Thing is to remember that it’s not actually real, and that it’s just hallucinations. For some, the hallucinations are more plentiful and can be scarier than HH for others. Remember that it’s not real, and keep yourself calm.

June, the itches and uncomfortable position are your body’s way of checking to see if you’re still awake. If you want to make your body fall asleep while still being aware, you HAVE to resist the itches and the urge to move, otherwise, you’re just going to lie there until you just finally fall asleep normally. It could get pretty uncomfortable, but once your body thinks that your mind is asleep, it will fall asleep too.

I don’t get it, WILD is not about entering a sleep paralys, or is it? maybe im wrong =S

WILD is about falling asleep while aware. Sleep paralysis is part of sleep. If you can experience SP (although sometimes you don’t have to really notice it; I barely notice it sometimes), that’s a sign that you’re getting closer, because it’s a part of sleep.

However, WILD is NOT all about SP, but since it’s so often the most focused on PART of WILD, it can sure seem that way sometimes.

I’m not sure whether it’s possible to WILD or enter a dream without going into SP first, but sometimes it can happen so fast (like in a lucky DEILD) that you don’t even notice. One DEILD I had about six months ago was an actual DEILD… I’d woken up, then went back in. I didn’t even know I’d experienced SP before until that time. That’s when I realized “Oh, so THIS is SP.” It’s different for everyone, but important. However, it’s a good thing to remember that it’s not the only part of WILD. You have to fall asleep before you go into a dream.

Grr, rambled. Hope that made sense. >.> Forgive me, I do that a lot…

yeah ZRVera is right. SP is not necessarily part of WILD but the two do tend to work hand in hand. After I posted this i realized I was wondering more about sleep paralysis and wanted to change it but I couldnt find the edit button so I just left it and figured people would help either way.
I am going to try this tonight, ignoring things. I really hope to get SP going.

Also, telling yourself that you can’t WILD is really not the way too. That sort of sends a message to your SC telling it that you don’t want to WILD like I did on purpose when LDing used to scare me.

i love your attitood dablooey!

now june repeat after me …i can i can i can…an if your feeling extra pozzy maybe throw a ''i am WILDING already ‘’ in the mix :wiske:

Yeah, repeat the I am WILDing thing, that’s pretty clever. See, I have problems with WILD too, I haven’t succesfully done it and I’ve tried many times, but I tell myself that I am entirely able to WILD when I want to.

Just make sure that if you’re WILDing during the day that even if you don’t WILD, get some regular sleep after you try. The constant repetition of “I am dreaming…” tends to cover up all your other mantras and makes DR really hard.

[WILD - all the hard stuff = incredible new technique!!!) Try this. It might help.

yeah i figure the whole trick to anything in lucid dreaming is to have confidence in your ability to execute. i kind of fell out of lucid dreaming for a while (thus the belated replies) but im starting to get back into it. im keeping a DJ again and even trying to get myself focused on one core thing i want to experience in my dreams so i have something to work towards, that seemed to make it easier.

The main problem most people experience during WILD is sleep paralysis. This is understandable, as this is an unknown feeling to those who have never experienced it before. The key is to keep all your thoughts away. Especially thoughs which are about SP, WILD, your physical body and sleep. These thoughs remind you of your physical body, which will prevent you from falling asleep easily. Try to think as little as possible. Passively watch the hallucinations. Watch them passsively - do not think or concentrate too much about them. Think that they are not real, try to watch them just like you watch a TV movie. Another thing is to relax. If you don’t relax, you will not fall asleep. Most people concentrate too much. If you do that, you will experience many difficulties. Relax, clear you mind, passively watch the HI, HH with an empfoty mind and, hopefully, you should succesfully get a WILD. The key of WILD is not to watch HI, HH or SP. The key of WILD is to forget your real life body, but not lose your consciousness. Good luck.

Is it really the body’s way of checking to see if we’re still sleeping? Because then my body is really mean, I start to feel this itching in my ear, that turns into stinging (Like some bug has crawled into my ear and is biting/stinging my ear drum). It’s only on the ear that’s not facing down on my pillow. If I turn around, it starts on the other ear. I’m able to make it stop now though by thinking “OH CUT THE CRAP ALREADY, IT HURTS!” This is something that’s different for everyone, right?

It is different for everyone, but yes, it is the body’s way of checking if you’re asleep. Normally I might scratch itches or move for a minute or two before finally setlling in and staying still. It can get pretty annoying, but remember, it’ll go away when your body realizes you’re not going to itch that itch.

Thanks all for this valuable information.

I actually had my first success with WILD this morning. I woke up at 7 and tried going back to sleep for an hour but I couldn’t because my mind was hyperactive so I decided to try WILD and in a couple seconds I started feeling the vibrations and I felt my bed lift up and turn around I was so I excited I woke up. I can’t wait to try again

I am tried many times but I don’t get it. Is any solution?

You want another angle?

  1. Do you do WBTB before attempting to WILD? if not then tsk tsk… do WBTB before WILD (or else it will be very tough)

  2. Once WBTB - try different intervals of awakeness starting with 1 minute with 5 minute jumps. for ex. 5-10 minutes works best for me (no itches and barely have a roll-over effect) and more than 10 minutes drives me mad (itching like hell and rolling like a barrel down the hill)

  3. I agree with the other aswell - stay positive, don’t concentrate TOO much.

  4. Try to VILD/WILD (Visualisation along with all the process) for ex. try to visualize you are going down the elevator from floor 1000 down.

  5. Sorry for the typos I am too tired to review the post


// ok I just couldn’t look at the “vizualize” I had to correct it :razz:

Thanks blucid.