MILD is a technique developed by Stephen Labarge PhD at Stanford university. In a nut shell it combines improving your prospective memory (by doing reality checks) and auto suggestion (using a mantra at night).

Here is the basics:


At different points during the day take a moment and ask yourself am I dreaming? Consider this seriously before you answer. You should repeat this exercise many times throughout the day. At least 20-30 times.

At bed time:

  1. using a progressive relaxation technique get yourself deeply relaxed.
  2. repeat “tonight I will realize that I am dreaming” (Or something similar). Repeat the mantra until you can do it several times without thinking about anything else.
    3)completely let go of the thought and let yourself fall asleep.
  • Labarge suggests that this method is best used with WBTB.

For a more in-depth decision on this see The Big MILD Sticky Topic.