I don't think I'll ever be able to LD..

Hi everyone.
Ive been wanting to LD since a couple of months ago and no success yet. I have tried MILD and am now trying different WILD techniques.
My problem is that I cant set an alarm in the night because of my parents and I dont wanna have to set one on my phone through earphones. I am going to try MILD again but Id like some help on what I can do to increase my chance of LDing without waking in the night.

Then just go and try other techniques.
It’s never impossible, so don’t ever lose motivation.

You didn’t mention RC’s. Do you do those often? If no, try to. If yes, try to do them more. They are what connects the dream and real life.

Also, stop wasting your time on WILD. It really does not work before going to sleep. It does set the mind to LD’ing, though, but then you can use MILD for more result.

About waking up at night - a good way for doing so without waking anyone is drinking something like two or three glasses of water. It will wake you up without having to set any alarms.

You are relying way too much on techniques, you need to decide for yourself what being aware and paying attention to your dreams is all about.

Here’s a challenge for you - try getting your first lucid dreams without using any techniques at all.
This will force you to develop a much deeper understanding for lucidity.
And if you absolutely want to use techniques, start with the WBTB + MILD combo, that one is generally insanely much more reliable and effective for beginners.
WILD is definitely not ideal for beginners, even experienced lucid dreamers consider it an advanced and difficult technique.

Thanks for the replies guys. For the trying to have a LD without a technique, would I still use DJs and RCs? (I do RCs but I think I should do them more often now.)
Tonight I will try the 2 or 3 glasses of water method.

I’m not saying that there’s anything wrong about using techniques, my point is just that it’s very important that you develop a confidence in yourself and your potential to get lucid dreams, so that you feel you don’t actually need the techniques, they should only be an extra help.

A few ways to use your own confidence is to simply look forward to having a lucid dream about something, and come up with your own ideas on how to achieve this.
A few very good tried and tested methods are to write down your dreams in as much detail as possible, have concrete LD goals, feel excited, imagine real life as a vivid lucid dream etc.
Personally I really like to take a walk very early in the morning during Summer, because everything has that dreamlike atmosphere at that time of the day and this greatly motivates me. :content:

Music and movies can also be a great motivational boost, for example the movie “The Matrix” and the song “MOS 6581” by Carbon Based Lifeforms.

Thank you! I generally dont have confidence in myself with anything so I guess this might help me? I really want to experience a lucid dream and want them to be something I can do regularly. I havent actually thought about what I want to do in my first lucid dream yet :razz:
Also I seem to not be able to remember any of my dreams lately. How can I help this?

Start with keeping a Dream Journal where you record your dreams with as much detail as possible; this is one of the most important steps towards lucidity, and there are many reasons for this.
First of all it improves your dream recall, so you can more easily remember any lucid dreams you might have - dreams are extremely elusive and it’s likely that you might have forgotten a whole dream after just a couple of minutes, so try writing them down as soon as you have gone through them in your head right after waking up.
Also, writing down your dreams will make it easier for you to discover things that are often present in them (dreamsigns), and this will make it easier for you to associate those things with dreams and become lucid next time you dream about them.
Also, some people even develop False Awakenings from the Dream Journal routine because they are so focused on waking up and writing down dreams that they start dreaming about it, and this can for some people be an excellent opportuniy to become lucid.

Another advice I’d like to give you is that you have a concrete LD goal, so you have something to feel excited about.
Maybe you want to fly or kiss a crush or something, so in that case think a lot about that and feel excited about it.
But in your first lucid dream it’s good if you take it easy and just explore the dream as it is, and stimulate all your senses so you become used to the nature of the dreamworld.

@ Laurelindo: thanks for the song suggestion btw, really cool. I think I’m going to start listening to this during my WBTBs.

Glad I can help. :content:
I highly recommend this version of that song, the intro there is incredible!
It truly has that magical lucid dreaming feel.

Keep on going with MILD. If you aren’t waking up in the middle of the night to perform MILD then you need to strengthen your prospective memory by exercising it.

If you can’t set a sound alarm, buy a watch from amazon that vibrates. Hunter’s watches have this capability. When I was waking up 4-5x a night doing Tibetan Dream Yoga practices a watch like this was incredible helpful.

Oh and above all else: keep your head up and keep going!

You are assured of success if you simply continue to do the practices and drop your expectations.

Two posts editted together. :mattias:

Learning new thing and changing your way of life(becoming lucid) is not an easy task.

So don’t get demotivated after few months of trying and not getting successful. I agree with everything said here. You may try various techniques and when you will not expect it you will make a breakthrough.

Like Laurelindo said techniques are just tools but not something you definitely need to become lucid. If you feel happy before you go to bed just because you will remember your dreams that is already a lot.

I would loose inspiration and motivation but with time it come back to me and now I just can’t wait to go to sleep and dream. It’s just how it works. You have a lot of time to dream and have lucid dreams so don’t bother if you don’t succeed in few months…

Good luck! :content:

Thanks guys! My dream recall is getting better. I remembered about 3 dreams last night but only 1 was detailed. Thats good I guess?

Well yeah, that’s pretty awesome.
It’s good enough if you remember as much as a few details of one dream, so if you remember three dreams and one of them was even vivid then you are definitely making good progress. :content:

Taking naps in the afternoon is a good alternative way to try to get lucid. It takes a bit practice to know when you can get into the REM stage by taking a nap. It also doubles your chances, you can have at least one more attempt of getting your first lucid dream each day.

A couple of months isn’t that long,
it took me 2 years but i finally had a LD last night. :grin:

I think a lot of techniques are hard when u never had a LD before…
Because you don’t really know what it’s like to actually be lucid.
Ur best chances for now would be DILD…
So besides keeping a DJ, try doing reality checks a few times a day
and increase ur ADA.

Just don’t give up hope, it’s possible for everyone.

Simply increasing your DR through a DJ is enough to get LDs, in my experience. You don’t need any fancy techniques at all until you want to get more consistent LDs.

Sure, it’s true that a Dream Journal increases your dream recall and makes it easier become familiar with your personal dream themes, but the writing itself can actually trigger lucidity.
I think this was exactly what Rathez stated in his “Tutorial: Beginners Guide to Lucid Dreaming” thread a few years ago.

Another thing that could be interesting to try out if you feel you have the time is to treat your real-life days as dreams, and try to recall as much as possible of what happened during the days, while also writing in your Dream Journal at the same time.
This should in theory blur the lines between waking and dreaming and perhaps make it easier to bring your Lucid Living mindset into the dreams.

2 years? Wow thats a long time! I don’t think I would have tried for that long! Kudos to you!
Thanks for the comments everyone, I think I will power on with my DJs and try the idea of treating my real life days as dreams.

Dont give up I have also being trying to LD for a couple of months and can’t wake myself due to the same problems as you.

I haven’t been keeping a DJ because most of my weird longs dreams I can remember and I always forget to do RC’s but this morning my mom awoke me and I went back to sleep and into a dream and I achieved lucidity through DILD but unfortunately the thing that made me aware I was dreaming was kind of a fighting scene with a Monster that has been in my dreams a few times (but it doesn’t scare me) so I got too excited in the dream and awoke it only lasted 2 seconds but it made me believe that I can LD (This was like 10 minutes ago hahaha) so keep motivated and look for recurring dream patterns they always help.