I hate life.

I feel your pain, but I won’t say that I see life as unfair anymore. I see it fair now actually. I see my trials as my lesson to learn something and to grow from.

You probably think I had a happy life so I don’t know anything about what you’re talking about… nope, I really do know what you’re talking about.

I had my twin sister dying 5 weeks later after we were born. Then, my great grandmother died (I was there holding her hand… I had to leave the room after she took her last breath). Then, my hardest time ever was after my grandpa died. It took me three years to recover. My two dear friends (they had M.S. condition) died, but I learned a lot from them. Also I have some experiences that I rather not to share… but I wanted to give you some idea that I REALLY do feel your pain.

Do me a favor… try not to see it unfairly, but something for you to learn and grow from. It will change your feeling toward your life.

By the way T2K55, I’m sorry to hear about your brother and I agree with dreamwalker that his life wasn’t pointless. We weren’t sent here to waste our life here. Every of us has a purpose. :smile:

I really hope you feel better soon. :smile: Life can be painful yes… but it can be full of joy. It’s up to you to see it other way.

Lieve dromen (sweet dreams!) :wiske:

I wanted to add something. If it wasn't for my trials, I won't be who I am now... "Never forget who you are and who you will become." :wink:

What about for example all those kids from some places in africa? They are born to just die months later from hunger and dry? Is that fair? Or people that is born like a totally vegitable, cannot speak, whole body is paralysed… is that fair?

Some people are born rich, have everything they point at, while some people live out on the street, no money, no roof over their heads…

You have good point Tomas. I haven’t forgot about that of course. I’m aware of that. Yes, it might seem unfair, but in a long run… we all will learn a lesson and everything will make sense.

Yes it can be unfair… but we can change that. You know what I’m trying to say? It is something for us to learn and if there aren’t any unfair trials, then we learn nothing…

Peace :wiske:


rUns And hIdEs

I would like to say just because someone is rich doesn’t mean that they are happy. They take everything for granted so they really don’t get the joy other people do. Money can’t buy everything such as being happy or love.

DM7 I know your pain. I quit college just so I could go see my great grandma bfore see died. I would do it again. I’m just glad that I got to say goodbye and see her one last time. Just thinking about her makes my eyes start to water.
But I can see her anytime I want know. All I have to do is close my eyes and dream.

Great, Dreamwalker!
Thats a great way to experience dreams :smile:

So simple in its complexity :wink:


I never thought I would get so many replies… I want to thank you all, you are all special, and you have a place in my heart. Believe it or not. Even though I don’t know any of you. I don’t feel much better. Everytime I see any of them, I feel anger, I feel sad, I feel crazy. Not just because what they did against me. But because I love her. And someone asked how old I am. I am 15. She is 16. My friend is 15. She says she loves me and that. But… I don’t know what to think. And yes, it is so damn unfair that little children are born just to die in Africa or any other poor country.
That is why I want to be a doctor or something and travel to Africa and help them. But that’s offtopic. This actually helped me to have a proper LD. But that’s another story. Thank you all. Take care.

:smile: oK N0th1n, welcome from all of us i think, thumbs up man!


I also subscribe to the idea that everything happens for a reason. A premature death is indeed a very painful experience. I doubt there is a reason or a statement to make that could justify it.

However, I think that to exist for as small as 1 second is as precious as 1 century. The ripple effect of “cause and effect” has an unimaginable reach that changes everyone that learns of this person’s life/death . . even if they have lived for 35 days or 35 years.

I also live with the belief that death is not a bad thing. I think it’s good to remember that life on Earth includes death on Earth. No one alive this moment is guaranteed the next hour. Get use to it.
Everyone you know will die.
That sentence sounds so dreadful and hopeless. Or is it?
With my belief I don’t see death as an ending, but as a transformation. So we can’t hold up the line. :cool_laugh:

You can’t have fairness with out being unfair. Would it be fair to have only a select few humans to live forever happily on Earth and never die? How unfair would it be to the unborn that has the potential to live.
Would it be fair to have only old people die? How about people that live 105 years die. How unfair is that to the 110 year olds.
Or would it be fair if only firstborn sons die. . . or blond haired Mothers . . etc. etc.

I think the fairness is in the apparent randomness. Both good, bad, saints, and monsters die in every imaginable way.

I think that each person has an unique and independant fate. If that person’s fate stirs them out of this plain of exisistence than all we can do is wish them well. Our ego usually wants this person back for our own comfort, but some peace can be found when we learn that that person did not exist soley for us.

I’m having trouble explaining myself. Sorry if I sound harsh. I’m sleepy and should rest… :grin: Sweet Dreams and take care!!

It’s hard to put into words but I understand you.

Heres a little saying: To every beginning there is an end. To every end is
a new beginning.
Death is only the beginning.
It’s not bad we just fear it. We fear because we do not know. I belive there is more than just this life. We are merely being prepared for whats yet to come.