i never dream or i dream but can’t remember anything of them.
So i have tried to get lucid dreams often but maybe i should get used to normal dreams before i start to make LD?
I have tried almost every method, WILD, MILD, etc, Hemi-Sync ( think i was close to access a dream, saw a cloud for about 0.5 secound got so excited that i woke up ;(
And my question is what is the best way to increase normal dreams? I wan’t to dream so bad so i have no idea on what to do, ( tried over an year with small brakes)
You have just as many dreams as everyone else here, well maybe not exactly but you get the point. Just need to learn to remember them. Start a dream journal, every time you wake up at night (which is at least 3 times) you write down what you just dreamt about, even if its just a few keywords… that way you will remember some more in the morning, and this always trains your mind to remember dreams a lot better.