i wanna WILD tonight

Ok so i wanna WILD tonight and I’m afraid of the HI stage… I don’t like creepy noises… how can i make it so they aren’t creepy??? And also, how can i pull myself into a dream and then interact with stuff??? :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help:

Ok, well I can’t help you with getting INTO the dream… cause i still have to learn to do that haha
But about the HS, don’t worry so much about the creepy sounds. I think, typically they aren’t that creepy. At first I was also rather scared about it, cause I didn’t want to hear creepy, demonic, or monstrous sounds that would stop me from my WILD attempt.
But really… When i got to that point… the sounds weren’t all that creepy.
Most of the time they were simple sounds, maybe of some people talking (but not in a creepy way! just like a normal conversation)
The thing is, when you hear these sounds, I think, for the most part, it should ‘feel’ normal, in that it shouldn’t scare you.
Unless… you get loud sounds like a sudden or alarm or something. So yea, you may get some sounds that might scare you, but it shouldn’t be too big of a problem.
Good luck WILDing!

oooo ok thanks that made me a lot less scared. :happy:

locked because you ask the same Question about 9 times :wink: moved one of your topics to the First steps to WILD topic, here ld4all.com/forum/viewtopic.p … 512#564512