If you die in your dream do you die in real life?


You don’t die from dying in your dreams.

Perhaps it’s possible to be so scared by something in a dream though, that you have a heart attack, or something.

Tut Tut… if you think you can nothing will happen, if you know you can you can. “Stop trying to hit me and hit me” I think were Morpheus’ words. So… Stop trying to fly and fly, it is your mind, you can do whatever you want.

I have killed myself many times throughout my life in order to escape a nightmare (I probably posted this but I can’t remember…) everything from jumping off a roof to being eaten alive by a lion, while I was lucid.

Recently I had a lucid dream which took place on a commercial airliner, I was curious what would happen if I jumped out, so I opened the emergency exit and let myself fall forward out of the jet. It was actually really cool for a while, the sensation of speed and rushing wind was very realistic, but pretty soon it got dicey when I saw the grassy countryside rapidly approaching(I wasn’t going slow either, probably terminal velocity). I resisted the urge to fly and decided to land feet-first. Amazingly it was just like landing as if you had jumped from a three-story building; I let my knees fold on impact and just rolled to the ground…I actually stood up afterwards and dusted myself off. I was relieved, but also a little disappointed at the same time. Oh well. :neutral:

I had a similar thing with a cliff dive, except I decided not to try to land at all. I got minced, it went to 3rd person for the moment of impact too (thoughtful) it was not a pretty sight.
Weird thing was the dream just kept going, The perspective I had was circling around the mess which had previously been me. It was like it was waiting for a respawn or something!

To clarify, I died in a dream, and yet i am not dead.

the thing about commiting suicide is ive done just to see what would happen i just wnt to the tallest building and convinced myself that i was in real life and wanted to die and that i would die and then i jumped :woo: and woke up. basically i think if you purposley try to die in a dream you will but only in the dream cuss thats were your dieing. but i think its possible to kill yourself in real life in a dream if your working with your sub and you have a teck also you can kill your self if you want to in a AP :grin:

Nah if you die in your dream you wont die, like dogg said you might be able to go into your brain and kill your self. I have had two dreams where I have died, and I even said in my dream “i guess this is how it ends…” Thank fully i didnt die… few.

I don’t believe it is probable to die in a dream. I think it is possible, but extremely difficult. It would probably require very good concentration and such. The brain probably has physical “safeguards” against committing suicide in a dream.

I also don’t think it is a theory worth testing :tongue:

The only thing that would happen if you die in a dream is you waking up and if your lucky enough you’d get a FA.

I think it’s just an urban legend :wink: If someone ever died from dying in a dream, how could we know that’s what they were dreaming?

I died in a dream that I had when I was 4 or 5 years old, and since I’m still around I’ve never believed it hehe.

In the dream a black car with tinted windows pulled up infront of our house, and guys in black suits and sunglasses got out wielding submachine guns. I watched it from the front window and got scared. Ran downstairs to the door leading out to the car port. I was going to get into the car (don’t know why, not like I could drive back then) but they saw me from down the driveway. I reached the car and pulled on the handle but it was locked, at which point they all shot me and I fell down onto my side, dead. Woke up after that.

It was bizarre since it was all from first person view.

Wow…what would happen…cause i alsop get confused by this i danno if maybe when i go eat somethign in a dream how do you knowthat ur not just going and eating something in real life…kinda like sleepwalking. What happens if thats the case for dying?

You wouldn’t do it as if your eating something because your body gets shut off so you can’t move it.

You cannot die in real life if you die in a dream. Case in point: I once dreamt that a nuclear bomb went off near my house, and I was in it. I saw the mushroom cloud, then got vaporized instantly. I didn’t die, and if anything would kill you, it would be an A-bomb.

I know I posted in here somewhere that it wasn’t possible, but I have to withdraw that statement. I’m not sure now, because a few nights ago, I had a dream with this weird person. He said, “Do you want to play a game?” so I said sure. He then told me that when I felt I was dying, to tell him. He said this was very important, as many people were “lost” because they didn’t say anything. After a few seconds, I felt a pain I had never felt before. It didn’t hurt extremely bad, but it hurt like hell. I think if I hadn’t said anything, I might have died.

As a matter of fact, I died in a dream last week. It was a fascinating experience. I was in my basement, conscious of the fact that my heart was about to beat for the last time. I was not lucid, and it felt totally real. I had affirmed to myself that everything was okay, and watching my life flash before my eyes I embraced this new, and potentially last, development in my reality. My mind went blank, and I saw my body on the ground as I hovered above, helplessly unable to communicate with my friends and family whom I had to witness mourn my death. Dying in a dream was an amazingly powerful experience, but if you are not mentally prepped for it, can be terribly frightening. Waking up afterwards I felt like a new person. Maybe I am…

No you don’t acually die but listen to this…

The first time I experemented with VILD it worked and I went into SP. I was on a a set or stairs when some random fat guy dressed up in a police uniform ran up the stairs and shot me on the top right conner of my forehead and I woke up. :grrr: But the strangest thing was that when I woke up my forehead felt like someone was pressing their thumb right were the DC shot me. Even stranger It would not go away! If I focused on it it stopped but as soon as I thought of something else it came back! :content:

Question: If you die in your dream do you die in real life?

Answer: Having died thousands of times in dreams, in many humurous different ways, i can confidently say no.

Maybe if you have a weak heart, a super-vivid dream and a horrible dream death, you’ll have a heart attack? I imagine it’s possible.

If so, any scary enough event can kill you, not necessarily a death.

The two aren’t related.

To sum it up - You always know you are dreaming. In LDs, you and your SC knows that. In NDs, only your SC knows that. Therefore, if You will kill yourself in a Normal Dream, Your SC will know it is a dream and will either wake you up, or bring you to an afterlife.
If you die In an LD, the same will happen.
Even if you do get control over your physical body, and you do stop yourself from breathing, you will still not die. People just can’t strangle themselves.
If your air vents will be blocked by a pillow or such, you will wake up.

Therfore, you can’t die in dreams, unless you cause yourself a heart attack.

This topic was locked early so the next part could begin with dreaminghamster’s post Dying in dreams - Part II :moogle: