If you had 7 wishes

First i gotta say good topic, this is something I think of often, so without wishing for the standard, love, peace, and other hippie stuff :bored: here’s my wishes.

1-2. I begin by wishing that I had a nice little red button, and (maybe this uses up my second wish, I am taking into consideration this is possible so I will count this as 1 and 2) whenever I press it all the people who are useless and are a dent in our evolutional step upwards will die, yes die. All the morons you see walking around makeing life harder and generally stupider would be gone, This includes but is not exclusive to: Sadam Hussien, members of P.O.D. and Good Charlotte, terrorists, whoever keeps saying marijuana should be illegal, ect. That is my most selfless wish.

  1. Marijuana will be legal, hopefully this will come true one day.

  2. The people of this planet will realise that we are all one entity bound togerther by one universal conscienceness that we will call God for all intensive purposes, and that this connection that we all share means that doing something that does not benifit anyone but yourself and hurts everyone else, or is really stupid, in turn means that you are hurting God and damaging what should be on its way to becomeing something like “heaven”.

  3. Pop-punk will be the highest form of treason and punished by death

6-7. Enlighenment in the form of selecting my own conscinecness and being able to become one with the energy and overall blanket of knowledge that envelops the earth and a warm and comfortable feeling. This meaning, i no longer need to sleep, eat, ect. because i have become one with all that is and have found the truth behind nature.

I guess this is a simplified explination of what i think would be my wishes

1.the ability to do ANYTHING (Life would be an LD)
2. A toasted Ice-cream sandwich (They’re really nice, but being able to do anything would mean i could materialise one in my hand whenever anyway)

3-7 don’t matter, because I can already do anything so I would probably wish that I didn’t have these wishes anymore because they would be wasting my time, but then again being able to do anything I would have the ability to formulate my own time, or stop time altogether and so on. Screw that Idea, it would just be a downward spiral into a silly existential debate. But if I can do anything then it means i could make it not be that way, hmmm…

  1. Ability to ld anytime

  2. The perfect girl

  3. Be a prodigy

  4. Never-ending supply of money(without causing inflation)

  5. To be the handsomest guy alive

  6. Perfect Health

  7. To die peacefully at an old age

Not in any order:

  1. I wish my self esteem would quit rising.

  2. I want to be murdered in the prime of my life.

  3. I wish I would stop having trivial crushes on people.

  4. I kinda want to know what my purpose in life is.

  5. To have a lucid dream.

  6. To be able to fly in waking life.

  7. 20 dollars Canadian. If I get that then I have enough to buy a really nice knife that I want(only $109). Theres also another one that I want that costs $136 Canadian :bored:
