I'm going to have a lucid dream tonight...

I AM going to have a lucid dream tonight,and it’s gonna be F*CKING incredible!!!LUCID TO FREEDOM!!!

i hope… :wink:

ME 187 or w/e it is!!! YEAAAA!!! :grin: :grin: :grin:

I as well will have a lucid dream tonight.

I’m a Lucid Initiate now.I know I’ll have one tonight.

I am going to have a lucid dream tonight.

I had a very short LD two days ago and a short one today.I think this is working. :cool_laugh:

I have worked hard today. I deserve to have a lucid dream.

So…I AM going to have wicked dreams tonight and I will become lucid and I will sustain the lucidity longer than 5 seconds.

:mrgreen: :gni: :mrgreen: … look:

I had 2 lucid dreams last night! Horrah!

i will dream tonight and know that im dreaming…
i will enjoy it…and fly…

i will lucid dream tonight

I’m so lucid. I’m dreaming right now! Oh yeah! I’m going to achieve something big because I’m extremely lucid. Ohhhhhhhh! Sweet lucidity!

I will go go lucid tonight,and find what I am looking for,and find and talk to the person I am looking for also.

I will go lucid tonight
Will go lucid tonight
Go lucid tonight
Go lucid

I’m going to have a lucid dream toni… am I dreaming already?

haha a grape lol classic. anyway i’m gonna have a lucid dream tonight too!

I’m going to have a LD next night in which I’m writing in this topic I’m going to have a LD next night in which I’m writing in this topic I’m going to have a LD next night in which I’m writing in this topic I’m going to have a LD next night in which I’m writing in this topic I’m going to have a LD next night in which I’m writing in this topic I’m going to have a LD next night in which I’m writing in this topic I’m going to have a LD next night in which I’m writing in this topic I’m going to have a LD next night in which I’m writing in this topic I’m going to have a LD next night in which… I’ll definitely become lucid when reading all this!!!

I wont have a Lucid Dream tonight! (Im like Badcandlejack, Reverse Pychology)

I’m going to have a lucid dream tonight and it will be great.

and just incase

I am not going to have a lucid dream tomorrow night.

Congratz on ur amazing success nfaa259 :content:

I am going to have a lucid dream tonight…

and its going to be great :grin:

Darn, it doesn’t work. So I’m going to try again.


That should work now. :grin: Hopefully!

I’m going to have the best lucid dream of my life tonight…

oh and good luck everybody!

I had a lucid dream last night. It was great. I was lucid and running around. I came to a wall and tried to put my hand through it. It was rock hard and won’t let me through. Remember in the first matrix where the kid says “first you have to relize there is no spoon.” Well in my dream I said to myself “There is no spoon and therefore there is definitely no wall.” Then I went through and became even more lucid. It’s the first time my senses were so sharp and so many at the same time. I had feel, sight, and sound all at the same time.

So…I will go lucid just like last night,
I will go lucid just like last night,I will go lucid just like last night,I will go lucid just like last night,I will go lucid just like last night,I will go lucid just like last night,I will go lucid just like last night,I will go lucid just like last night,I will go lucid just like last night,I will go lucid just like last night,I will go lucid just like last night,I will go lucid just like last night,I will go lucid just like last night,I will go lucid just like last night,I will go lucid just like last night. LUCIDTY here I come!