Im having surgery, will it be intense?

Yes best to deal with it than later with more problems. :smile: That’s the only why I agreed to undergo wisdom teeth surgery. Not fun, but… :wink:

Hey… that’s a very interesting idea! Using WILD or LD techniques during painful procedures like dental work or surgery… I have to keep that in mind.

November last year I had a root canal. It was strange - the tooth was infected and rotten and it hurt like hell, but when the doc drilled out the filling of the tooth it didn’t hurt one bit. Crazy. And then when he injected the anaestethics(sp?) I was so HAPPY. XD My tooth had been hurting like a bitch for a week… I couldn’t even sleep because I kept drinking cold water that numbed the tooth. That week was hell. I think I never was that happy when going to the dentist ever. :razz: Quite a weird feeling - the dentist sticks these little metal scraping-cleaning pins down the roots of your infected tooth. O_O But I actually felt very little, beside a very numb sting now and then. Nothing compared to the hellish pain I went through before that… And the doc was nice - he said things like ‘yell as soon as it hurts’. The anaesthesia worked well too.

Anyway… other than that, I usually have a lot of ‘dental angst’, so to speak. I think I’ll try the very effective 61-point relaxation technique next time. Since I haven’t had a succesful WILD yet and wouldn’t want to… vibrate or anything… :razz:

One time at a dentist’s check my mom got so relaxed in the chair she fell asleep. Was pretty funny if she had started to snore, too :wink:

Wow DM7… that whole story of your wisdom tooth is freaky. o_o; Although, I wouldn’t mind being unconscious during surgery at all… In fact, should I ever need surgery, I’d ask someone to knock me out. I’m a wuss XD

Ashvura…I hope I don’t have a nightmare about the dentist now. That was too much information. :smile:

Daysong…when are you due back at the doctor’s clinic?

good luck and good health to everyone undergoing surgery :wiske: and those not too! I just had a dentist appointment and I don’t need my wisdom teeth taken out because I’m tall or some messed up reason like that :confused:
so I’m happy :happy: but I’ve never been under general ats. My friend said she was going to try and stay awake as long as possable… but fainted before they gave her the shot, so they just gave her it while she was unconcuss. I guess her idea fell through.

I have just read Wannabe’s account of being given morphine & ethonox - I had a very similar experience when I was in hospital in labour with my second child. They gave me pethedine (similar I believe to morphine) and entonox.
I could still feel the pain, but I felt as if I was floating and very out of it. The first time I had pethedine (when I had my first child), they gave me so much that it was like I was in a dream. They asked me to read out a number with about 8 figures, and the numbers were floating all over the place. :eek:

wow… that sounds cool! :smile: i wish i could have a baby :happy: wait… no i dont :wink:

But it doesn’t have the same effect on everyone! All that happened to me was I felt slightly faint because of the entonox; the last time I just felt sleepy afterwards because they gave me the pethidene too late…half an hour before she was born. :bored:

But dentists are a different matter, I have had some weird dreams while undergoing dentistry. In the last one, I was having a dream about a relative and I was saying “name” don’t do it". Then I heard a male voiceover say “I don’t think he will. Do you?” When I came around one of the dentists asked me who “name” was! I must have been talking in my sleep just before I came around. If only he had said “Are you dreaming?” I could have had a short LD. :eek:

If you count out the fact that your being operated on (which wouldn’t be that bad if your knocked out), surgury sounds like fun. :happy:

So basically what you’re saying is that painkillers and laughing gas and other consciousness-altering drugs are fun? Well… you’re right!! :tongue:

Well hey, when your not a stoner, what other mind altering experience is there?
Something else I want to try is a concussion. Seriously. :wink:

Sage and Josh,

Hehehe, you crack me up. Yes indeed it can be… ehm, an interesting experience… well, a funny experience. Well, for me, I was frightened by my memory loss and how it felt to be totally unconscious. It was somethinng that I wasn’t expecting at all, but hey at least I know what it’s like. :wink:

I never have been on the laughing gas before though… in fact I would refuse to be under it if I was offered in the dentist office. I hear too many of mistakes the dentists make, causing a fatal death. I’m a bit paranoid sometimes yes, but as I see it… pain is better than a silly mistake that leads to the death. I won’t mind if you really KNOW how to use laughing gas and how much amount of it… nope, but… you gotta be careful. You know?

Also Josh, having a concussion might not be as fun as you think it is. My friend got a concussion and she couldn’t talk for few days even though she could do everything normal. Later when she regained the ability to talk, she explained that it was like she could think right, but she couldn’t talk at all and it was a frustrating feeling. Also she described that sometimes she felt like she wasn’t herself. She hated that. Oh! Speaking of concussion, I had few experiences where I SHOULD have gotten a major concussion, but I never did. Hehehe, the doctors were really surprised and sent me home. I will never forget their shocked faces. :rofl:

Ok there you go, hopefully this is helpful. :biggrin:

I think I came close to one once. If I had hit my head any harder I mean, then that would’ve been bad.
Anyway, I was playing basketball in my grade 7 gym class, and someone accidentally knocked me over. I hit my head on the ground, and got back up. I felt fine, but as soon as I stood up I started to get dizzy and see these weird yallow auras, which started to block my vision. I stumbled over to a bench and sat down, and this stuff all subsided in about 5 minutes and I was fine.
That was an interesting experience. Anyway, has anyone else had that before they got a concussion, ya know, just to see how close I actually came to brain damage? :content:

OMG, I had a near death experience :razz: fell from a 13 stair high staircase outside, and hit head first into the ground, I was only like 4 too… :razz: i didnt even have a headache :smile: but i think my mom did… :eek:

Ouch ouch ouch.

That must be a frightening experience when it is HAPPENING. :tongue: You know where you become helpless and you have to let it happen for example when you’re falling, you can’t help it… you can’t do anything… well, you can pull out a sign like a cartoon that says, “Help.” Hehehe. :wink:

It doesn’t sound fun when you hit your head… sounds painful… especially both of you Josh and Mimic. shudders I always hit my head when I was younger… and as I said, I should have gotten some few major concussions, but I never did. The doctors couldn’t figure out why I didn’t get them. lol! :wink: I guess I’m too tough. :cool:

It wasn’t that painful, just a bummer that i couldn’t see or walk around or do anything for a few minutes.