In your dreams are you in third person or first person view?

I see your point, but there is another reality check which is both easier and less likely to backfire. The nose-pinching check. In case you’re not familiar with it, what you do is tightly pinch shut your nose with your hand and then attempt to breathe through your nose. If you are dreaming you will still be able to breathe. This method basically has a 100% success rate and also has the added bonus of not looking utterly ridiculous (such as thrusting yourself into the air and flapping your arms). By the way, fun fact: you can always breathe while dreaming, regardless of being underwater, in space, etc. Try it :smile:.

My dreams are often in third person, in fact I’m often various different characters. I.E not myself. I have switched between two different characters perspectives and disembodied observer perspective within the same dream. Also occasionally my dream will pan out from first person perspective so I can watch the events from a distance. It’s almost like in movies. Strange since I rarely watch movies :tongue: