Indigo Children

Hey that’s not fair:

  1. Is waiting in lines torture for your child?

I waited in line at the post office today for 20 minutes, English people love queues (apparently) so that rules all of us out… :grrr:


You mean, Im not special… darn, I thought I was importent. Oh well back to drawing board. Maybie Im an ET, who suffers from memory loss.

Where did you hear this? Afaik there is absolutely no scientific evidence that there even is a aura at all.

I’ve taken a test and I’m almost all crystal, and even if there’s also indigo according to it, I totally lack nonconformism and the like.

What did the test involve?


Hmm… I probably have 7 or 8 of the characteristics listed there… Am I an indigo child? :eh:

aren’t your eyes good enough evidence?

an objective aura that many different people can look at the same person, in the same exact time, like they say 3-2-1-begin looking, and none of the lookers can communicate with each other, and they all see the same color though.

that would be good.

maybe aura is just like our dreamworld interacting with the real world, and what the colors mean are subjective to our own eyes.

also there is SOME evidence for telepathy, paranormal powers, etc … pic_GF.pdf

here’s a recent development.

i myself have experienced enough to make me a skeptical believer.

i don’t like this lazy checkoff list approach to such things though. if there are children running around with open third eyes, that would be a good criteria. random personality traits not so much.

I’m sorry, but I would put to much weight to those questions in the first post. It seems to me that many children are like that…I certainly was, and yet, not everyone can be an indigo child, right?

I had a friend who claimed to be an indigo child, of course his actions told a different story…not exactly someone you’d call ‘enlightened’ :tongue: , which kind of let me to believe there isn’t much to the idea of indigo children.

Yes, if this description in the first post was true, I’m without a doubt an indigo children. There has always been lots of stories about strange children, like the movie “Children of the Damned” in 1964 (he! he! it’s the year I was born :gni: :twisted: ) and the century earlier, it was said that fairies were stealing and swapping babies, and when a children was curiously behaving, he was considered as a fairy baby.

IMO it’s just because parents would like that children look like them or do exactly what they want like puppets. As of course it never occurs, the difference between what was expected and what happens IRL creates those urban legends about strange alien children who are here to save (or destroy) the world.

Im not so sure about that. I read in a book called the Holographic Universe by: Michael Talbot that some guy did research on it and did discover the existence of an electromagnetic feild surrounding the human body using sensors and stuff. I can’t remember much about it and im too tired to look, but i thought you should know.

This information on indigo children has been showing up all over the internet. over the past 2-3 days I have noticed the topic arise on numerous sites and groups. Just seemed stange after seeing it for the 6th time since the other day.

Yes, but that is no evidence of an aura. It’s important to remember that electromagnetic fields come from many things, like bodies, electric appliances, the planet earth. The human body’s field is produced physiologically. There’s no evidence to suggest that it’s mystical in origin.
It’s also important to remember that the idea of an aura has been around for a lot longer than we’ve known about electromagnetic fields, so one cannot say ‘wow, our bodies have electromagnetic fields, they must be our aura’s,’ since an aura is not supposed to be the same thing as an electromagnetic field.

Mhhh I know I’m not indigo, I’m blue according to many people, whatever that may mean lol

Hey what’s that about 2012??

For what it’s worth, I fit every one of those questions and I do have a haunting feeling that I’m here for a higher purpose then most people. However, that may just be my ego talking. Although, I still appreciate the thought, as it’s a fantastic motivator, I treat it with a “let’s just wait and see” attitude.

As for auras, I think they have a simple explaination, eye strain. When you stare at something non-stop you develop and after image. At the same time, your head and eyes vibrate back and forth due to the natural movement of the body. No one can be 100% still. Anyways, what happens is the after image shows along the edges of objects because of this movement, and some people interpret it as an aura.

hmmmmm anyone ever play indigo prophecy though i wont say the involvement(story) it involves indigo children…great game

I haven’t played it (I don’t play VG’s), but I did stumble upon an article about it online. It does seem to have a very interesting storyline, though!

Tomas is correct , most stuff covers about 30 - 50 % of children eveywhere

There was a TV programme on English TV tonight about Indigo Children. It was interesting. The ‘Indigo Child’s’ mother seemed to think her daughter was one, but she just seemed like a normal girl. The strange boy’s mother was down to earth and didn’t know what to believe, although she seemed to think it’s a load of rubbish and that her son merely has ADHD or maybe ESP. The boy was definitely straight out of The Sixth Sense but I think the girl’s mother (a self-proclaimed medium) just wished her daughter was a so-called Indigo Child.

I’m not quite sure I believe “Indigo Children”… I would call them “Enlightened Beings”… just ordinary people like you and me who have at some stage had some life altering experience or gained some wisdom that has given them a different perspective on life and possibly lead them to ESP abilities.

That Aura Test… I gave that a shot, didn’t see any rainbow color in it? or are you a rainbow when you average out on all of the colours?

As for 2012, I strongly believe that something may happen around end of december of that year. I’ve heard a lot of scientists and mayan elders talk about this year and how evolution is speeding up. I once watched a 6hour lecture by Ian Lungold on the Mayan Calender which was very interesting.
There is no denying that we will pass through a photon belt at the end of 2012 (a bunch of light energy particles - now who knows what effect this might have on us). That alone is enough reason for me to believe something will happen. Hopefully I’ll still be alive by that time to experience it.
Scientists and Mayan Elders both believe that when evolution has evolved to its final destination we will be co-creators of the universe i.e. have the power of manifestation. Others speculate things such as telepathy, telekinesis, healing, etc, etc, by end of 2012. Then there are the people who think 2012 will be the end of the world/universe. Heck they could be right with people walking around with superhuman powers - who knows what might happen… maybe nothing at all :eh: