Interesting dream quotes, anyone?

Once I was walking in a field full of white roses and it was sunny and warm and sooo peacefull. I was lucid, by the way. I bent down to smell one of the roses, and I picked it. And then it got dark and it started to thunder and lightning and this girl’s head with long wavy hair and red eyes appeared in the sky and screamed hysterically “DON’T PICK THE ROSES!” I was so scared, it just kind of stuck with me.

ME: Excuse me sir, but can you tell me the meaning of life?
OLD MAN: Nope.

In this one I wasn’t fully lucid, but I knew it was a dream … you know how that is sometimes?

LITTLE GIRL: Even though there are so many souls on this planet, it’s not at all hard to keep track of them all.
ME: How did so many souls get created, anyway?
LITTLE GIRL: By thought.
ME: Thought?
LITTLE GIRL: Yes. Thought is creation. Nothing man made has ever been created unless someone thought about it first. Take that teddy bear. He was owned by somebody. She loved him very much. She knew him. She created a personality for him. Through her thought he gained a spirit. Through her thought he gained a soul. Souls are being created by us every day. Some die out and some live on. Depends on how strong they are. Forever.

I’m in a hallway. Suddenly a table full of food appears.

Then Zac and Taylor Hanson, and Jessica Simpson appear like they’re hosting a show.

Zac: THIS is what you do if you want to lose weight! goes over to table, picks up a veggie, looks directly at me, and eats it

Jessica Simpson: HAHAHA giggle giggle

Zac: Hey you know the only reason that guy screwed you is because you have a nice tan! smirks <~ lmfao

Jessica Simpson: GASPS I can’t believe you just said that!!!

Zac: looks at me again So, if you want to lose your virginity you have to… gets cut off <~ DAMMIT! Of all the things to get cut off LOL

The celebrities leave and I see Zac walking out last and then suddenly I know that he forgot to tell me something. Then he sends me a vision of fruit… like pineapples and he tells me “This is my special weightloss formula! I’m gonna go on the road and sell it!” And he MADE me eat the pineapple in the vision… like the pineapple picked up by itself and went in my mouth. But I didn’t taste it. Weird though, huh? lol

I didn’t have any good lucid dreaming quotes or anything, so I just included one I liked. lol

I’m in a grocery store and I ask a woman who works there, “how much for one of those chocolates?” She says “eighty.” I’m like “what, dollars!?”
And she shrugs. Then I check out the price tag and it says *79.99 in unknown currency.

Not really a quote, but I once had a dream where I received a telepathic message fro the zodiac killer. He transmitted to me a map of some mountains of which there was a path to get to it cut into the corn fields surrounding it. Still gives me chills to this day.

i have very few dream conversations (though they seem to get more frequent lately)

in one of them i asked my sensei “should i take a walk around or become clear?” - BANG! - immediate lucidity :smile:
counts that was my fourth LD btw :content:

I recall my dad in a dream. He was prancing around painting someones victorian house. i live in a victorian house, yet this is not mine.

I recall him saying something to the effect of:

“1st movement, like the calm before an avalanche”

to which classical music swelled to an uncanny degree, and he was painting with a chaotic precision, like a film strip being played backwards. my dad’s a classical music dj.

(weird, huh)

I’ve got a funny recent one. In one of my non LDs, there was a guy and everyone got to ask him just one question and he would answer truthfully. When it finally got to be my turn, I asked him, “What is it all about anyway?” He looked like I’d asked him a really scary question. And then he looked around and said, “I’m not supposed to tell anyone this, but it’s true. What they say.” and then he whispered into my ear, “The Hokey Pokey really is what it’s all about.” In my dream I was like, seriously? I can’t wait to tell my friends." When I woke up I thought it was hilarious. Check my sig. heh.

I wasnt lucid…but i had a dream that the earth was being destoryed…I dont know what was causeing it…bu the sky turned a very wierd color…and everything was shaken ab=nd even gravity was messed up…but the odd thing was as this happened this one girl yelled to me “Our town won the girl softball championship!” And then as i realized something a huge explosion went of threw my away…and woke me up…

So i guess if my school win a softball game…that means the end of the world is coming…hmm…Id say 2 years…lol

The other night i had some dream and as i woke up a voice said something like “Dont be someone else and fool yourself - be who you are” or something similar

Sometimes I have conversations in my life that end up in my dreams,but they are slightly changed.Once I was sick and there was a slight mix up of names at the school.My dad had to talk to a teacher about it.Here’s my dream version of me asking him about how it went:

“Hey dad what about the mix up at school?”
"What about it?
“What did the teachers say about it?”
“I couldn’t understand a word they said!”

In one short-lived LD I was in my basement.For some reason there’s nothing down there,but a large bottle of shampoo.Suddenly I hear a voice in the background:

“She’s getting suspicious.She going to realize she’s in a dream very soon.Start the countdown,” * I hear the voices,and start looking around the room* “10,9,8…,” * I realize I’m dreaming,and shout,“I’M DREAMING!,”, but as soon as the voice says “…3,2,1” I wake up.

Oh,and the the subject title.One of my favorite quotes from a DC looking for people that were infected with a serious disease:

“And what do we have here?A demon,a punk,a guru?Captain I’ve found the pollinator,”

Me to DC: Do you know you are in my dream?
DC looks at me
Me: How old are you?
DC: same as you - 3 million and 5 years
Me: confused
DC: For you it is a diagonal with 2 points on it. 1 on the diagonal and the other one in another dimension (or similar words)
Me: am i in another world and are you real or are you a product of my subconscious?
DC: silence

darn can’t remember exactly everything :neutral: This was such a weird conversation.

and ofcourse my all time favourite quote from a DC is the one i use as my signature, see below :cool:

I had this fucked up dream where i was talking on the phone and some sour gummy worms were on the ground and they kept growing so i was freaking out about how they nay get too big so i remembered mass cannot be created nor destroyed (newton’s law), so i figured they must be using O2 and nutrients from the rug and stuff so i put them in an air tight jar so they would run out of O2. then the dream flashed to these kids holding the jar in a net hung to a tree by a little monkeys feet, trying to attract bats with the worms as some experiment, they got too many bats on the net so they had the monkey let go and they fell then ran for the hills, while the monkey was running behind them he was screaming:




In the coolest LD I’ve ever had, which included dinosaur skelatons walking around in a field as if they were alive:

A velociraptor (or something like it) walks up to me and says, “Tom Golisano will buy the [Buffalo] Sabres.”

Like a week later Golisano announced he was putting in a bid to buy the team.

Well I´ve only had a few sucessful LD´s.

In one of them I was at McDonald´s eating a Whopper (huh wtf? Burger King?) and I asked the lady sitting at the other table how her Happy Meal was:

me: "Hey, how´s your happy meal?
DC: “Smells, tastes like shit…”
me: “But why do you eat it then?”
DC: “Mickey Mouse told me to”
me: “Mickey Mouse doesn´t exist”
DC: “Yes he does, look over there”

*and I looked at the french-fries-guy behind the counter, he had a sign saying “Mick-ee Mouse” at his chest. At that moment when I saw the name “Mick-ee” I got lucid, and I laughed my ass off at that freckled kid named Mick-ee Mouse.

I had a non-LD dream right before my junior cert results were coming out(about 2 years ago) and I asked my mam(in the dream) "Did I pass?"She replies “go talk to the talking cereal”.Surely enough I walk out to the back and there is a bowl of cereal with sunglasses and kind of has an Elivis look-a-like hair which is made of cereal. I ask him and he replies “You passed” Which I did. The funnt thing was when he talked because his mouth opened and milk and stuff came out. How did I not become Lucid?

ur lucky you dont have those every night. I have dreams so unbelieveably wacky every night that i simply cant distinguish them from reality cuz i have fuked up dreams every time :grrr: . Never stuff like failing a huge test at school, or crashing in a car. Stuff like Sliding around the artic like a penguin with a buncha kids shooting at each other with revolvers and fighting over a thermos filled with cement. Maybe cuz I have ADD my imagination is hyperactive or something. :oof: :sleeping: