Is humour increased in dreams

I told this one joke in a dream a couple days ago"There are are 10 types of people in the world.Those who unterstand binary and those who do not."

Everyone exploded in laughter,well not literally,though it would be a sight to see in a dream.

I understood this joke as I know the binary system (‘10’ means ‘2’ in binary numbers). And actually, I have to admit that I chuckled a little when I read it. Not laughed, just chuckled. So maybe dream humour isn’t that bad, after all :alien: :tongue:

Oh definitely. :stuck_out_tongue:

I can remember reading a joke on a greeting card in a dream, and thinking it was hilarious. Upon waking, I realized… it was really really stupid.


I don’t see how that joke would work if you spoke it aloud. What do you say: “ten”, or “one zero”? The correct way to say it is the latter, though it wouldn’t make it much of a joke then, since you couldn’t confuse it with a base 10 numbering system.

You really have to read this one rather than hear it. :smile:

Perhaps Hivemind wasn’t really hearing it, perhaps Hivemind was just understanding it, or making sense of what he did hear.

Whenever I’m talking to friends in my dreams everythings always hysterically funny, but I can never remember what we were laughing about, just that we were laughing.

People in dreams are funny, you just never know what they’re gonna do :smile: In fact last night I ran into my 7 year old self, only she didn’t look like me…

I’ve noticed that my emotions are hugely exaggerated in dreams, and sometimes physical sensation, but as far as mental capacity goes, that seems to be very low while dreaming.

lol, I rarely have humorous dreams… and I’d like to share my most recent one…

…My friends whom I don’t realize and I head upstairs and the strange thing is… the upstairs are connected with other stairs. I notice there are ghoul dogs as well. I have a small conversation with them. I remember them saying, “We have been humans once and we don’t like it!” I ask why and they reply, “Because of human’s clown shoes! Get it?” I remember thinking… clown shoes represents our big feet compared to dogs’ paws. I burst laughing so hard. The dogs starts to laugh… *… I wake up, laughing about “clowns shoes.”

Maybe it sounds stupid, but I thought it was funny. :smile:

what was the joke shade?

I’ve recently been talking to a few people about how certian things are far more meaningful in dreams than they otherwise would be in RL. Just recently I had a few dreams in which a character spoke a single sentence to me, and I was left dazed by it’s powerful meaning and relevence to the topic at hand. Upon waking up, I usually can’t see how the particular sentence could actually bring that much meaning at all, but I guess dreams have a way of tinkering with the way things are perceived.

What I’m getting at, is that this works for humor as well. It might not be that funny at all, but the dream can still have you rolling on the ground incapable of breathing (which fortunately isn’t necessary).