Is life just one big dream and we miss the DS's!?

[color=darkblue]I just had a strange thought… Do you know those dream signs that you get in your ND’s and so often just pass off as normal everyday things?

Well… Did you ever have any coincidences or feelings that something isn’t right in real life!? Like something is trying to tell you something or just a bizarre set of events that is almost too much to be pure coincidence?

I had a dream involving a queen song last night (check my DJ) and all I’ve heard all day is queen, queen, queen! :lol: It’s just little things like this that bemuse me!

Sometimes I think some higher power is playing me for a fool! :lol:

I’d be interested in your experiences on this…[/color]

Hehe… And here I thought you were a die-hard skeptic… :tongue:

Basically, I see about 6 possibilities… Precognition - where you somehow perceive future events. Telepathy - where future events are being planned in the present, and you pick up on people thinking about them. Spirit Interaction - where some sort of non-physical being directs your dreams, showing you what it believes will happen. Causal - where your mind actually causes things to happen just like in a dream, only with less “oomf”. Coincidence - the standard scientific explan-away-tion. Mental Lapse - where your mind plays a trick on you, re-writing what you remember as the past.

My personal experiences include a precognitive vision while walking down a hallway. My entire field of view was simply replaced by a vivid image of a girl opening a door, stepping out, and looking up at me. It lasted about 2 seconds. I walked a little further and saw the same scene play out, with the same girl. That was the first “vision” I ever had, and the only one I wasn’t in a meditative state for. :om:

I think there isn’t a chance in hell of it being Coincidence, though any of the others might fit. I think Mental Lapse is unlikely… :crazy:

[color=darkblue]Well it was a bit out of character wasn’t it? :lol: [/color]

[color=darkblue]Interesting… But what makes you think it was actual pre-cognition and not just a coincidence? I’m not being cynical, I’m just interested in what pushed you into that assumption. I do admit, such coincidences are hard to explain, when everything else tells you it must be something else…[/color]

Umm yesterday. I was sitting in someone’s office(TMI). She was typing some data and I just sat there and waited. In complete silence. Suddenly I hear music. Her radio was turned off. but I heard backstreet boys’ “just want you to know”. (I’m not a fan of BB) It played very softly.

I looked at the woman who’s office I was in, but she didn’t seem to notice anything. She was the only person in the house, so it couldn’t have come from another room.

I tried to convince myself that it must have been the radio and got absorbed in my own thoughts. But the song ended and…nothing. No more songs, no more radio. Just silence.

It was freaky. Maybe I’m hearing things… :scared:

[color=darkblue]I have had that before. I heard a woman shouting: 1, 2, 3, 4! In an army fashion when I was awake (or was I?). I am still not sure because it could have woke me up. It scared me to death!

You may have been day dreaming? Or are you sure you were awake? If so that is freaky…[/color]

I was totally awake. Not dreaming.

I mean this happened IWL. Not in a dream. I had an appointment that day and went to that woman. And later went shopping. Bought some ice-cream, too. Came home. Walked my dog. Ate the ice-cream, yadda yadda. Real life. Not a dream.

The vision was a full replacement of my normal ability to see, even though my eyes were open and I was wide awake. That has only happened once in my life, and was followed moments later by the event I “saw”. It’s sorta like winning the lottery with a single ticket, the chances are terribly slim. That is why I think it’s not mere coincidence.

It may not be actual pre-cognition either, though.

Once i had a nightmare. I waked up, so eveything seemed to be okay. Then i heard a loud breathing noice. It came from nowhere, or i was unable to find a direction from where it was coming.

I started to count them. 1… 2… 3… 4… 5…

the 5th one was loudest, and then it ended.

O_o i coulnt sleep for a hour it was sooooooo weird. Good that it never happened again.

Now i am telling myself, that i were wrong, i that was a noise from pipes, or something like it. But i was waked up - that was defineatly (prdn spelling) not a FA / Dream. Maybe i was a SP somehow, or something else.

But i heard it, and that’s ting im sure about.

[color=darkblue]Yes Yang, I believe you weren’t asleep, I just wondered if you may have been in a sort of day dream state similar to sleep :hmmm:
I know I have been like that a lot at work! It is odd though. The mind is a funny thing…

Very strange dunlar! I could see why you might see that as something more than just mere coincidence…

Ok, DeadDuck, that sounds scary! :eek:

It appears I’m not the only one that has had this sort of feeling or philosophy then. Any more? [/color]

You’re certainly not the only one cause it’s what the psychologist Carl Gustav Jung calls “synchronicity”. By the way, such coincidences occur to me very frequently those last weeks. :eh:

I don’t daydream.

well I am always wondering about life,death,reality and stuff like that, sometimes i feel like I am going crazy, I arrived at the conclution that the meaning of life is to give a meaning to life itself, about the strange noices, once I was in bed and I heard the voice of a little girl calling my name, until I said outloud: what!?; and then i heard her laughing, :wiske: she kept doing it, but i just ignored her and eventually I fell aslpeep, another time i just heard the voice of a guy I know telling me what an idiot i was and stuff like that.

i had recurrent dreams where i tried to mute the tv in my room and i could still hear the quietest sounds coming from it no matter what.

quite a long time later i discovered that when you mute this tv, it really does make almost impercetible sounds.

and then i kept wondering if i really noticed that or just dreamed i did, but i’m pretty sure i really noticed it.

Row row row your boat, gently down the stream… merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream…

Might just be a song but I fully believe it. Anyone who knows the Toltec tradition or Tibetian dream yoga should know that. This is just a massive shared dream… At least that is my belief.

isn’t it so curious that that is one of the first songs young children learn? and where do children come from, where is their consciousness at during birth, before birth, and in early childhood?

The thing about these occurences are that they are so rare, which makes the scientific coincidence-explanation very sound. We are six billion people on Earth(and those who has lived outnumber us 20:1) and there has never been any proven instances of any of the cool phenomena.

Sometimes there’s probably a far-fetched yet real explanation, but sometimes I think it’s just our minds playing tricks on us. There are billions of things going on in the brain every instant, so things are bound to go wrong every now and then. And we know so little about it! LDing has been known for hundreds of years and we still don’t know why it happens. We can’t even explain sleep!

But what can we know. :content: Fantasy author Terry Pratchett often notes in his books that humans have strong built-in defense systems to deal with things that, if we could really see them, would drive us insane. I prefer sanity. :happy:

Lol! But it’s just like auditory HH, with the difference you’re awake. This happens sometime when you’re tired.

Now back to the topic: about the point of coincidence, I notice that most of the paranormal phenomena can be interpreted like coincidences… cause there are no definite causal link between such facts. If you think the same thing than a friend and in the same time, it could be a coincidence. If you dream about a phone call and you have the same phone call the next day, it could be a coincidence. If you have a SD, it could be a coincidence. If you see a room you don’t know and when you visit this room, it’s the same, it could be a coincidence. So skeptics have an easy game. :wink:

Now we could say too that if we switch on a computer and it works, it could be a coincidence (especially if you have a Microsoft OS :happy: ), etc.

Hence what I will emphasize here are just the coincidences we find curious (not what they could mean or how they are classified according to a paranormal point of view, cause it’s useless).

I think that Infinitycascade idea about considering coincidences as “RL dreamsigns” is interesting. There was a recent thread about something like LD’ing IRL (I think I should put it in the Beyond dreaming forum BTW). This idea is rather unclear yet but as I’ve had recently a curious experience, I think it’s somehow interesting. And as you’ll see, it’s a “curious coincidence”.

Recently, I’ve tried to “stop the world”, as it’s said in Castaneda - it’s something like stopping thinking, stopping to construct the world, what we do at every second. I was walking and during about thirty seconds, I found myself in the same world but it was completely different. It’s quite unexplainable, but the best description is, it just looked like a LD. Of course, it doesn’t mean I could fly or physical laws were different. But it’s like I was in a non-solid world made of transparent and vivid colors. It was very curious.

As my best internet friend is a meditation practitionner, I asked her what it could have been. She laughed and she said it was a “clarity attack”. In tibetan buddhism, clarity is something like “stopping the world” in Castaneda - at the least, it’s what I understand. The most interesting is, she said that when you reach clarity, you may see the world as a lucid dream.

Another curious thing is, the week when it happened, I had a lot of “curious coincidences” (telepathy between blogs, similar events in quite the same time, synchronicities, etc.) This made me remind of Infinitycascade’s thread. I don’t want to reach any conclusion for the moment, but first of all, I know it’s possible to experience life as a LD; second, this seems to be somehow related with “curious coincidences”. Then in a certain way, i find Infinitycascade’s idea to be interesting.

Coincidence is sort of a blinder put on by a left brained society.

I believe that when people start completing each other’s sentences and saying the same words at the same time, it means they are in sync with each other. This synchrony is almost entirely non-verbal. Communication from this point forward becomes less about two individuals conversing about “the game” and more about one individual experiencing itself from the perspective of two. Ideally this is how all families and lovers and friends would operate. It is likely how small tribes of people operated. It is very likely how packs of fairly socially intelligent animals operate.

There is an abundance of new things to discover in this area but by labeling “telepathy” as “coincidence” and empathy as “coincidence” or even worse, labeling them all as “hallucination” or “delusion” we blind ourselves to the other half of our brains. (assuming the left/right brain model is true).

The interesting question to pose is where did communication come from, before we had words but still had the capacity to make them?

It is, and I do… Earlier this year a lot of very strange things were happening just because I was asserting my will while being convinced I was in a dream (like at night) after realizing that I was in a lucid dream during my waking life… I had never had a ‘normal’ LD before but I was messing with the way my electronics in my room worked and as long as I could hold reason at bay things worked the way I willed them. I seem to have lost that ability but I believe it has a lot to do with social programming and “democratic” views of reality. I know that in the story of the Buddha Milarepa (strange, I was just deleting spaces here and it kept deleting an earlier part of my reply instead several times… Dream sign? :smile:) upon attaining enlightenment literally flew out of the cave he was in. Anything is possible after all.

Very interesting. Basilus, I’d like to hear more about your experiences with ‘stopping the world’. I like the Way Don Juan sees the world and try to incorporate whatever I can into my daily reality interaction program.

Sometimes, when I’m very relaxed or out of my known physical world (read: lost somewhere) I can keep my reason at bay as well and believe whole-heartedly that I am dreaming. It is strange because these are the times that I notice things not happening according to what my expectations, based on a lifetime of personal history, predict they will go. Electronic devices not working ‘properly’ (even Linux), appearance of animals in the heart of the city, or coincidences. I’m of the mind that this is a shared dream, that we’re all individual expressions of the same fundamental consciousness, but I’m not sure how similar this dream is to to the dreams I have when “I” “am” sleeping.

Maybe an analogy would work well to describe it. Sleep is to Dream as Wake is to Life? Or maybe self is to dreamself as Self is to self? What a strange word, self. A stylized elf? I"m not sure, but I wouldn’t rule it out.

I can hold the belief in my conscious mind that this is a dream, but the degree with which I actually incorporate that into how I interact with my reality varies greatly.

Wake up.

Have you ever been confused, completely lost in a conversation or with what’s happening and had someone tell you to wake up? Ca, c’est bizarre.