Is my MILD Mantra OK?

I know this is a stupid question but do you think it would be “better” to use my mantra I used to use (just started trying to LD again but working on DR) which is: “I’m going to sleep now and I’m going to dream. When I wake up I will remember my dream”. Or should I use one like “When I wake up I will remember my dream”? I like the first one better but I think it may be too long as it is more than 15 words :eek: (I MAY have an OCD lol).

Heh. I think it only matters what you think will work. I have a friend that uses “I lucid dream” as a mantra. Bad english but he goes it does work. XD So pick the one you feel most comfortable with and it’ll work best for you.

Awesome; I’m going to use the first one for About a week, if it works - awesome :grin: , if not I’ll use the other one :tongue:

As Eilatan said, if you think it will work, it probably will. Everyone has their own mantras that seem to work best for them :smile: .

BenDrummin58 wrote a post a while ago that discusses wording to get the meaning across to your subconscious: Forming a Relationship with your Subconscious (there is a follow-up thread linked from there as well).

It may be worth trying out a mantra in the style described there if your current ones don’t seem to work; if nothing else it may give you some ideas. Good Luck!

It’s fine as long as it gets the message across, it doesn’t matter if it’s long or short.
For dream recall i just use “I will remember all of my dream”
Good luck with your dreaming.

“When I wake up this morning I will remember the Dream I had”

That’s the 1 I use. And I also say just use the 1 that works for you best.

yeah the second one usually works for me too.