Is sex with DC s cheating???

I have had sex in half lucid dream with a girl i know irl. She is married, and i am married. Knowing her, i would never wanted to be her husband, and probably she would never wanted to be my wife. But we just had fun few times in LDs and even flirted and had sex in half lucidity situation. I have talked about all my LDs to my wife just to share them. And yes, i was bit ashamed to talk about such dreams, but it’s just me. She has her own fantasies, and yes, besides of mutual sex we both masturbate sometimes. It makes it different from the case set by you, jvib, when you GF went jelous. Basically if my wife would see such dreams often it make me jelous too, and vise versa. But i just try to separate what is dream and what is reality. Any why i cannot have sex with people in LDs sometimes with whom i would not marry IRL?

Oki, too long story, and i think i’m too physically tired to talk any sound stuff here :tongue:

May I be so bold as to ask those that can sex in a LD, are all your DC partners willing??
If not do they offer resistance in your dream (shout, try and fight you off, etc.) or just accept their fate?
Do you feel a pang of guilt after you wake?

If yes the DC’s are willing. does this mean “you chat them up” and persuade them that sex may be a damn good idea?

Sorry if i’m going off the point a little.

It’s impossible to rape a DC. If your subconcious doesn’t want you having sex, it’ll wake up or stop any girls from apearing.

If it doesn’t mind, then you can have sex. And the DC’s will do anything you want them too. And they’ll be happy with it :wink:.

I persoanlly just go up to a DC and say, ‘Wanna have sex?’. Why waste time chatting them up? LD’s only last so long…

Are you sure? :tongue:

Well, I suppose you could make a DC act as though she didn’t want to have sex with you…

… but it’d be just like playing sex games with your girlfreind…

orgasm is the hard part.

i felt bad about lying to a DC (pretending i’m european) to get with her the other day, (lucid of course)… she yelled at me and i yelled at her for being that shallow… it was interesting… it was guilt upon waking, not sleeping.