Hi, i was wondering how does a better recall affect a dream, because my dream, is pretty unclear and “Greyish” and the LD that ive had was also like that and i could barely be able to stay on the dream.
Could a better recall improve that?
I got ADD and im on citalopram 15mg medication for my anxiety.
I think I’ll answer Yes to that question. Experiencing the dream and remembering the dream are two interesting subjects.
Dreams that are more vivid and less “greyish” are always easier for me to recall. So more vividness -> easier recall.
But you’re asking if better recall -> more vividness. My dream recall have slowly increased ever since I started LD’ing almost 2 years ago. And so has the vividness of my dreams. I’m not sure if it’s a direct or indirect effect. Training your recall gives a positive effect anyways.
It’s much about what you believe in. If you believe you will get more vivid dreams better recall by writing a dream journal you probably will.
Considering dreams a part of your life and thinking about them will make you “better” at dreaming. Kinda like you get “better” at life just by living. Or better at football just by playing it. Just by dreaming the dream you will progress.
There is no “best way” as I said in my previous post. You have to experiment and see what works for you. Start by just lying down or sitting up in bed for a minute right after you wake up. Focus and try to remember as much as you can from your dreams. If you do that you are likely to remember things from the dream that you otherwise wouldn’t remember.
There is no “do this then that will happen” either. Dreams are a very individual subject. Experiment and see what works for you.
I know that the WBTB trick works to me, but that doest mean that my dream would be clear, so i gotta work my dream journal, and only write the date and hour when i wake up if im too lazy to write it.
1 more thing, ive heard about some audio trick that could help to induce the dream,anyone know an app for my android phone? Or maybe an audio for my mp3? I dont really know.
Also ive bought Vitamin B pills, it got everything related to vitamin B. Should i take them the morning or before i got to bed?
The audio you have heard about may be Binaural Beats. I tried it a few times long time ago without noticing any effect. I’ve heard you have to do it a lot to get effects.