Is this possible ?

mediums and pychics - particularly through use of automatic handwriting, ouija board (no it’s not dangerous it just has a bad rep cos of movies) and the like the spirits contact you through your own subconscious mind so it would be reasonable to say that they can do that in dreams when you subconscious mind is wide awake.

This post isn’t supposed to be about religion, but september 11th here in the US, caused by religion. The wars over in India and Pakistan, seperated by religion. Wars have gone on between different religions since the begginning of all religion, and will continue to go on until the end of religion. Oh boy the crime goes down a little, but wait it doesn’t matter cause over 5000 people die in one day cause some crazy idiot flys an airplane into a skyscraper cause he thinks his god will bless him or something. Usually it’s just false hope for the majority of people, but when it gets out of hand the consequences are terrible.

If i wanted to contact a dead relative in a dream, the first thing i would do ( to see if that was the real dead relative ), was ask it to tell any memorabel day, a day that was special to him. Then, when i wake up… i would ask my relatives if such day happned to the dead relative.

But, the important ingridiant to believe you can contact the dead, is faith…
and believe me, i have lots of that…
do you?

actually, the number of people who died in the 9/11 attack was 3030, not 5000 (

religion doesn’t suit my tastes personally, but i’m curious to know why you’re so adamantly against it. 395 mentioned religion in passing and BOOM !!! in your next post you were up on a soap box going on about how terrible religion is. i realize threads don’t stay on topic for very long, but geez !!!

i’m all for ranting and raving, but informed ranting and raving. people don’t fly planes into buildings because their god would bless them. that’s utterly ridiculous. people fly planes into buildings because they’ve been getting anally raped for who knows how long outside of the public’s view and decide to do something IN the public’s view to get attention, and then the media would like to have you believe that these “fanatics” did so because their god would bless them… yeah right :roll:

religion is a tool. it is an excuse. religion doesn’t cause wars. people cause wars and then point to religion as the justification to sanctify their motives.

dash iros, i’m sorry for flaming inside your thread.

lucid sky dreams, i’m sorry for flaming.

There is evidence to prove that the Islamics who bombarded the World Trade center did so believing that they were doing God’s will. They believe that ANYONE (according to Mohammed in the Koran), who does not voluntarily convert to Islam is an infidel and should be put to the sword. This includes Jews, Christians, Hindus, Bhuddists, Atheists, Agnostics etc. Similarly, the Japanese kamakasi pilots believed they would be rewarded also by God. There is no question in my mind, that religion is responsible for countless brutal deaths. But the most violent of all religions is the Islamic who wish to FORCE their religion on everyone else whether they want it or not. Very unfortunate. :bored:

Whoa, oneiromancer that made a lot of sense about the people start wars and blame it on religion. And how it’s an excuse and such. :eh:

lucid sky dreams, thank you for having an open mind and listening to my counterpoint… and now for agent…

agent, i started a new thread and responded to you there

i felt terrible getting so off topic in dash iros’ thread (sorry again dash iros)

anyway, to get us back on subject, i think communicating with spirits in your dreams is definitely possible. sometimes if i’m quiet enough i can hear voices in my head carrying on conversations, they don’t seem to acknowledge that i’m listening, and most of the time i can only pick up fragments of the conversation before i lose it

Religion is a two sided coin.
It gives people strength and affects their morality.
Strength to do what? Morality in what way?
All are different for different people.
It’s like knives. You can eat with them, or stab people with them (although, admittedly, the knives aren’t tell you to, unlike some religion).
If EVERY religion ONLY made people kill other people in its name (which I prefer to refer to as a group of fascist idiots than a real religion, but whatever) it would be a lot worse around here than it is now.
I’m sure there are plenty of people that have been saved by their belief as well.

You think it would work with animals too? like if your dog just died like 4 months ago and you’ve had it since you were 6 months old? I think it is. I’m going to try and find my dog and play with her tonight. I miss her. :sad:

I also realized, the difference between what most people think of religion as, going to church or mass or whatever and being all happy and such, and killing people and wars fighting for god or whoever. Religion…and Cult. I think the Taliban or whatever, that thinks they are doing stuff for their god by killing people, that’s a cult. And normal people that aren’t derranged, that just want to go to church and be happy and not bother anyone about it, that’s religion. In that sense, religion doesn’t bother me at all. More of my friends are religious then not, so I don’t bash religion in front of them or they would feel bad. :eek:

All religions must have started as cults tho if you think about it. the taliban are muslims that is a religion not a cult, tho see wot u mean as they are fundamenatalist nutters where as most muslims are probably good human beings.

I agree religon is more just an exuse for war, if there was no religion in the world there will still be just as many wars (maybe even more, who knows?)

Most of the religions are probably ilusions . Anyone can come up with new rules , gods and rituals and call that a religion …

Wow this got off topic real fast. :smile: But to answer the original question:

I don’t think it really makes a difference if it is real or not. No mater how you debate it there is no proof either way. The only thing that matters is how does it benefit you? Many people have unfinished business with people we care about who pass on, even if it is just to say good by, or to know they are someplace good. If you can do that in a LD or even a ND then it could be good. Is it real? I don’t know. It might be. What I can tell you is that it will feel real to you and for now that is all that really matters.

I do recommend, though, that if you try to use other methods for communicating, such as Ouija, you read a bit about it to find out that, in the case of Ouija at least, it isn’t real.

i have been hitting the bottle a bit, so I don’t knoe if this will make total sense. I don;t really believe in any religions but when people follow the religion as in a way to live its not bad as long as it doesn;t involve hurting people. EX. People who follow the bible and live according to the 10 commandments is fine because the commandments are pretty much a guide to being nice and friendly. But the people who think a suicide bombing is part of thier religion is messed up. they are hurting and killing people and hurting the families of people they kill which is just wrong. anyway…

I think there was a new thread created for this topic. :smile: [the great religious debate)

Yes r3m0t is right if you want to experiment with this in your dreams is ok. But do not go to some one and pay money to communicate with some one who has passed on. People who profit of others misfortune make me angry. :devil:

I have a very open mind about most things like OBE and even shared dreaming. I am unaware of the study that r3m0t is referring to. I did not know that they proved that ouija did not work. However, (as open minded as I am) I find it hard to believe that something you can get in the game section of toy stores is going to help you communicate with a loved one.

Now I have gone off topic :ack:


i believe crime is more related to ignorance and uneducation than religion/nonreligion

i mean, take a look at the middle east, or the abortion clinic bombers, the kkk, etc.

they’re all religious and extremely violent (well not ALL middle easterners, no)

but you know, take someone that is well educated and open minded, and it doesn’t matter whether hes religious or not, he’s probably not going to be violent and hateful toward others.

holy reality,
I think you’re right. There have even been studies done that show that non-religious people do not engage in less crime than religious people. To me beliefs make more sense if you believe them because you believe them, not because you think you need to.
And I do believe that it is possible that spirits can communicate through dreams, but clearly not all dreams of dead people are really that person… at least some must be created only in our mind.

No, I think that it would have little effect. Criminals are criminals, religous or not. Religion has caused more death (although, prehaps not), than without relgion as an excuse.

Dash Iros originaly asked:

It sounds like she was in a ND when this happened. If she were lucid she most likely would have been able to talk and move. Maybe you should teach her lucid dreaming and maybe next time she will have more control. Was it real? There is no way to know for sure. Like I said the is no proof either way. There are a lot of reports of things like OBE, shared dreaming and other things that seems to suggest there may be something beyond just simple dreaming.

Sorry Dash Iros I tried to get things back to your original question but as you can see religin is a hot topic.