No, the thing with the water is right, however is it 90%? Maybe more like 80… When you dehydrate you get a headache, this is because parts of your brain start to dry out. I’m not sure why but maybe the braincells work so hard they use up a lot of water, so the 90 or 80 or whatever percent is like a reservior, waiting to be used up.
One interesting thing is that the percentage of water in our brains is very similar to the percentage of water on the planet…
As for how much of our brain we use, I have no experience in this field but here are some of my suggestions:
Maybe we are only capable of using 10% at one time?? We still use the whole brain, but at different times. Perhaps the subconscious needs 90% to work, otherwise we could overload our brain with too much information and get confused. Like feeding so much info to a computer until it crashes.
Again I am claiming no experience in neuro-psychology, these are just ideas and possibilities I have thought about. Another thing I have heard is that the 90% is used for psychic abilities. IMHO this is not impossible. My own thought on the matter is that we only need 10% to carry out bodily functions, monitor senses, do normal everyday tasks and feel emotions. Think about how people only seem to do the minumum amount of work they can, spending more time playing (i.e. in this context, playing with subconscious thoughts) The other 90 can be utilised, but we really cannot be bothered to use it.
Perhaps enlightenment includes this… using your full potential and making use of everything. In which case LD are an important step towards self-knowledge as they use your conscious mind in combintion with limitless imagination, helping you to use the rest of your mind. Sorry, brain.
I will stress again that I know NOTHING about this. These are just possibilities that make some sort of sense to me. By all means criticize what I have said. Only by careful thought and refining of ideas can we get close to the truth. I hope we get close soon.