Just as Good as Flying...

Daedalus is right! Shapeshifting is the funnest thing I ever do in dreams! Flying is great but I personally prefer shapeshifting. Holy Reality… how long have you been LDing? Have you ever been fully lucid? You would realise fully the implications that you can do ANYTHING and that anything is easy. You can’t say shapeshifting is hard… it’s as hard as talking or walking in a dream. Unless your still too glued to RL but then you aint fully lucid. And even if you aint fully lucid then you may be able to conjure up a “shortcut” and still be able to transform!

Running can be cool… give yourself opstacles!!! Skating is better!

Oh and turning into a girl rules! lol. Whether your wanting to have an orgasmic experience or not… Changing sex in a lucid dream can be a sexual experience in itself! Peronsally I like changing into anything… I just forgot to mention that sex-transformations can rule! :grin:

I never run in a LD, only in ND’s, and I run really slow and get out of breath when I’m in a ND and something’s chasing me. I will try this though.

Shapeshifting is really fun. I tried to transform into a fly once, but I turned into a human-fly type thing. 2 DC’s that were there ran away. I’m guessing it wasn’t a pretty site. :grin:

I’ll have to try running in my next LD… I’ve only shapeshifted a few times. Once, when I turned into a wolf, a girl came up and pet me.

Just the other night I had a mind-blastingly good experience in a dream. I was looking through a telescope into space, and I saw the most beautiful things! I saw fantasic nebulae, swirling systems of stars, beauteous planets (though none looked like they could support life), planets folded around themselves, and even a shape-shifting moon! I’ll have to remember to do this the next time I am lucid. Lucidy has been hard recently. My little brother gives me no privacy when I want to write in my dream journal (which I am really only able to do in the morning). My dream recall is still good, but it isn’t going to last forever if I can’t write these things down!

Ever since I’ve started the whole lucidity bit, dreams, even the normal ones, have just gotten better and better. It isn’t because I’ve only just been paying attention as I’ve always found them interesting, but they really are becoming individual undeniably moving experiences (like that time that Jamaican guy had me run a race through a derelict high school. Even THAT was something!). This is definitely a great way for me to goof off even more as I can expand my work-bashing activities into unconsciousness!

I had this running experience in an LD once before. I was running really fast through this parking lot and then it turned to a moonlit field in the night. I couldn’t see clearly where I was going and I was increasing in speed. I reached about 60 mph and I ran right smack into a fence. The funny part though, is that it stretched like a gigantic rubber band and then flung me back 20 feet onto my rear. :happy:

Its funny to see those random things that still appear in a lucid dream just when you think your in total control.

Rofl :razz:

Im actually a girl in my dreams more than im a guy…or at least, thats how it used to be. Now its more balanced. Its not THAT much different, to me, at least. A few new emotions, maybe. Things can feel different, too :razz: but ill stop there.