Keep Seeing this one UFO!!.

This is a weather balloon!

UFOs are here often, I see them thru the telescope , but no I can’t photograph if you care about me doing that then you’d have to buy me equipment to do so , they have red and blue lights on the sides and in the middle are two white lights, they hover for minutes on end but can drift away and move, they are not planets and planets don’t have red and blue lights on the sides, they are not airplanes, airplanes don’t hover in the sky for 15-20 minutes, they also fly away if I ask them to move for me sometimes.

They look LIKE planets and you probably see them every day but they are BIG , 25% bigger than a planet, and in a telescope if they are near you they seem to have these lights on the sides and 2 lights in the middle. I also showed my parents.

of course its just a sophisticated weather balloon that hovers, flies away, comes back every night, and has red and blue lights on the side, and no wikileaks is not facilitating the transformation of the world through et disclosure, its just weather balloons.

we are in such a strange world!

also , weather balloons don’t shoot out tiny orbs that spiral around themselves, which is very fascinating to watch, but required a telescope.

and they don’t congregate together 2 of them in the sky at once.

"When Rep Giffords voted in favor of health care bill, her office in Tucson was attacked & vandalized.
Palin “set gun sights on 20 Dems (including Giffords).” "

Gifford was working with aero space research. ( and was shot recently if you didn’t know )

“Bill O’Reilly’s recent “joke” about decapitating Washington Post columnist
Dana Milbank was only the latest example of a demented Fox News culture
that permits on-air personalities to fantasize about assassination and other
forms of violence against those deemed enemies of the station, its
personalities or their worldview.” – Steve Rendall, "

the nazi party = many republicans and fox news, they are losing . this is a weird time to be alive.

I hope this makes sense. A congesswoman working with ( probably ) UFO information had crosshairs put over her name on Sarah’s website and was shot in the head , as wikileaks is disclosing UFO information.

tea party ? nothing patriotic about that.

Looks like you’re trying to connect dots,even when they’re unrelated.