Keep your eyes open!


mmm, yes! This would definitely cause a REM rebound.

the thing is you can do this 5-6 times without having REM, so it might not be needed to get up and meditate each time the eyes feel really heavy, although, this would be very good for helping you reach deep meditation.

Off Topic (sort of):
that woman’s podcast was somewhat useful,
i would simply speak without rehearsing, and without trying to sound happy and hold patterns in my voice, i don’t like how people market themselves in that manner… all businessn-y
“How ya doin Steve!?”

but you know, its a great exercise at playing pretend, and we become what we pretend to be.[/color]
What she says about carrying consciousness into sleep is true, I suppose if one refuses to roll over and keeps the eyes open, and then gets up to meditate when they feel so inclined, it would help tremendously.

So it seems like I got this :wink: What I don’t got is the meaning of REM-Rebound xD

if you deprive yourself of REM sleep you will have a surplus of it come in suddenly,

giving you a lot of dreaming.

the same is true of NREM, it also has a re-bound

people that have the misfortune of enjoying being drunk will understand this, their sleep is of a strange quality and eventually they have bizarre vivid dreams, but it isn’t worth it, being drunk is never worth, the poison and pain it brings the body and mind, and other people

it is a terrible poison unleashed upon our planet, that we are better off without.
lest one knows how to be responsible and not incur any physical health problems, though it is still a neuro-poison

But how does keeping your eyes open give you a REM-Rebound? :confused:


it depends, if you are very good at being a light sleeper you don’t go into REM, at all, and if you get up when you are about to go into REM and meditate, you will have a REM rebound

Yes ofcourse, but I still have my other sleep stages b4 my REM-Sleep, so this eye thingy alone would not really cause a REM-Rebound now, would it?

yes it would

you would not get any REM at all, the way you normally would, now would you ?

perhaps you are more qualified to answer your questions than I am ! :smile:

That just doesn’t make no sense :confused:
If I stay awake with my eyes open, then I’m simply not asleep- So when I do fall asleep, I will have to go through the Light Sleep and Deep Sleep stages b4 REM. So I dnt see how this works :confused:

silly ! :smile:

when you keep your eyes open, you are tired and falling asleep, so you do it like when you are “boy i am tired, time to go to bed” but instead of closing your eyes you just stare at something

they will start to close when you doze off, and you open them again, and this keeps happening for a long time

then you eventually get up and meditate and stretch, then do this again
you won’t be able to REM, but you will be able to do all the other stages
your increased beta brainwaves (alertness/clarity) from having the eyes open will let yourself carry higher awareness into REM increaesing lucidity

its an exercise in learning how to sleep consciously, basically.
[i]By having the eyes open it serves as a reminder to always stay aware of the transition between sleep/awake, and in time this trains you to be proficient in WILD and conscious sleep in general, as well as deep periods of meditative stillness[/b]

MAINLY because when you keep your eyes open and look around the room you activate beta brainwaves that are not there if the eyes are closed.

closing the eyes immediately increases alpha while decreasing beta
and all this means is that awareness is higher when eyes are open
when you are dreaming, your dream eyes are open, and you see the dream-scape when you are asleep, your dream eyes are CLOSED! :wink:

it can only work when you are so tired that if you keep your eyes open, they start to close on their own.


i tried to do it napping this morning but I was too aware, I couldn’t do it last night because I had too much caffeine in the evening.

i propose another idea, when coming out from a stage of dozing, when the eyes open themselves back up after briefly shutting, look left/right with the eyes real quick and spin them in circles, this might help increase awareness.

all my ideas are for LIGHT SLEEPERS
The highest method is to simply choose a fixed sleeping position, such as being on the back, and lying there, you will NOT enter REM until you roll over, so, if you refuse to ROLL OVER
You should either enter SP, or be so annoyed at really wanting to roll over that you get up and meditate for a while, and stretch your legs, doing a WBTB, then returning to the back and sleeping in NREM again

if a yogi with a beating stick would make me do this I would be much obliged, cranky, and thankful all at once, for I know it is my ultimate secret, and also i want calea Z and mugwort to try.

This reminds me of reading the wheel of time book new spring, early in the book a man is waking sentries up and one is asleep with his eyes open :razz:

Also in the main WoT series there is a large part conducted within dreams.

this has become somewhat annoying to me,

it has its effects at producing increased alertness, this morning i tried to keep my eyes open,

then they were closed for what seemed liked forever, and i woke and they were open again, and i was like “oh”

but I sure wasn’t near REM, though I saw my backyard briefly, and in good detail.

I think WBTB is crucial here, using any time that we are awake enough to roll over, to get up and do some sort of ritual, instead of going back to sleep.

But it seems best to just go to bed like normal, eyes closed on the back. Then do some sort of WBTB when we decide that we are tired of being on the back, and wish to roll over.

and the best way it seems to do this is to drink tons of water before bed so that, we have no choice but to get up instead of going back to sleep.

my first psychology teacher said she lucid dreamed by drinking tons of water and this would cause her to dream about going to the bathroom which goet her lucid


if you are NOT in REM and happen to be dreaming in NREM, it is very dangerous to use dream toilets! :content:
take it from me, I was chaining many lucid dreams together, refusing to wake up, and decided to use a dream toilet once… geeze!