Key to our brain?

…How can anyone become a psychic? :neutral:

Anyways, I was reading about this 10% of your brain things in Mental_Floss and it’s apparently just a false rumor. I don’t understand how people can think we would do extraordinary things with more of our brain. We’re not physically made to fly, teleport, etc… We have limits to our body, some of them obviously haven’t been discovered, but there is a limit to your imagination.

(This is just my opinion, don’t yell at me. I’m a pessimist.) :shy:

I think too that everyone is a psychic. But we just don’t notice it cause we’re interested in other things. Or we just don’t want to know.

And about this 10% of the brain thingy, it’s just a stupid urban legend. NullAshton’s comment few posts above summarizes very well my opinion.

Moreover, I think that if we could teleport, or do extraordinary things, “extra brain” would be useless to do this. Imagining this is, IMO, a clumsy mix between materialistic and spiritualist points of view.

From what i know, go to a spiritualist church and get the info to becoming a psychic. of course it’s not TV psychics or all these psychics would be like “zomg i won teh lottery”.

Or go here.

I think when they say “We only use 10% of your brain”, they mean we only use 10% of the potential of your brain.

What do you mean by that? Are you saying we could “unlock” our brain’s extra 90%?

that psychic stuff is real. its really hard to do though… and you have to read a lot ; ; i hate reading… but after i do this im gonna practice that (and dont say im stupid! ive seen proof)

Reading makes me fall asleep, so i don’t like reading unless it’s on message boards or my NHL hockey article stuff.

I don’t know, but if you look at the things savants are able to do, you’d be amazed. Some savants aren’t able to function very well, but some are like normal people. Like one guy on T.V. was a genious. He recited pie for 5 hours (not from memory, as strange as that sounds). He also claimed to be able to learn a language in a week (So far he knew like 5 different languages). So to test his abilities further, they made him try to learn Icelandic (most difficult language to learn) in one week, and believe it or not, he did it! The brain is capable of truly amazing things.

Hello there :smile:
First of all, everybody has psychic abilitys, they just don’t pay attention to it. It’s like everyone can walk and talk, we’re just conditioned not to use our psychic abilities because we have allways been told that it’s impossible. Would you be able to walk if you were raised with the idea that walking is impossible? Beleive it or not, the answer is no.
There is a way to develop those abilities, and it’s related to lucid dreaming, meditation, etc.
In fact, the key word is awareness. Once you are concious about your spiritual and mental self, (Most people only pay attention to their physical self) you’ll be able to use the abilities related to these parts of your beeing.
It’s all about reaching a high spiritual level, if somebody is interested I’ll develop more this idea tomorrow. I’m exhausted right now, so I’m going to sleep hehe.
Good night and peace.

Amen to what Joyful said on all counts.

As much as I hate to paraphrase The Secret, “Energy flows where attention goes.”

And as for skeptics and Über Evidentialists out there, if you judge the potential risk/reward for Psychic abilities and whether they exist or don’t exist, the only thing I have to say to you is this: just give it a try with all your energy and then come to a conclusion about Psi existence rather than assuming your conditioning is correct. (See sig) Remember from Pascal’s Gambit, Expected Value = Chance + Payoff - Cost. If Psi is real, the EV is infinite, chance is 50% and cost is a little time & energy. If it doesn’t exist, you lost a little time but at least you have experiential knowledge to back up your stance on the topic.

Also, with our limited understanding of Quantum Mechanics & M- Theory, you can conclude that micro- psychokinesis could at least be possible due to the lack of Newtonian Physics at the microscopic level. The only true limits, or Genkai :wink:, on yourself are those that are self-imposed due to expired belief systems passed down by your conditioned parents.

So in the name of human progress I urge you all to investigate yourself and, on the offchance that you conclude it is true, that you ignore the possible social implications and share your newfound, scarce knowledge with others so that they too can realize anything is possible. (Within our current understanding of physics on the macroscopic level, at least.)

Here’s some additional food for thought:P

Im wondering a lot if there a way in our brain to change our behavior. Like me im correct when im with my good friends but when it come to stranger/people that I dont know for a long time / girl im always a little bit shy about what to say or how to behave.

Im wondering if in some way I could train my subconscious to catch theses specials moments and not be shy at all but more receptive and talkative… Any idea ?

This guy is amazing.

“Brain Man” they call him. Really average guy, but he is a genius…

The reason he can do so well with numbers, as he expalined, is that numbers to him are represented as shapes with colors!

Like 234 mights be a few squares put together blue or something. He even said that 316 (i think it was that one) was an ugly number :lol:

It’s truely amazing.

Heheh…You’ve come to the right place. There are multiple ways to accomplish this seemingly impossible task and it requires metacognition, or awareness of awareness. You need to be able to pick up on what your subconscious is saying before you can change your personality, though. Try these links: Also, self hypnosis can always help a lot.

That Psi-Wheel video is crazy! I tried to do something like that last year. I had a piece of real thick paper, folded it four times, taped it, and stuck a pin in the middle. I tried moving it who knows how many times. Then I just thought left. It started to spin. Thought right. Spun that way. Thought left. Spun in that direction. …Never happened again.

Ironically, the person who made that Psi-Wheel video claims to have gotten his psychokinesis skills from lucid dreams. Interesting…