Knowing its a dream; still not lucid

Sup y’all… 2nd post.
I’ve been trying LD since 2 days now (2 nights have past), and the first night I couldn’t remember a normal dream so that was a total failure. Last night though, I tried MILD with WBTB.
This was my method:

  • Water trick
  • Autosuggest/MILDing: “Im gonna dream, do an RC and remember everything”
  • Fall asleep, wake up 5 hours later (bioclock)

If by then I had an LD, I’d write it down and just go to sleep regularly. If I didn’t, I would read about LD for some time and then go to sleep when I was positive I could only think about LD, in combination with another MILD (“Im going to have an LD”)

I’ll just quote what it said in my dream diary (my notebook diary though), it explains it all.

So yeah, long story short: I knew it was a dream but I didnt become Lucid.

Anyone know whats going on? Am I wanting LD too much that’s preventing me from becoming lucid even though I know its a dream? >_>

Thanks in advance.

Edit: I didnt know for sure if this had to be in First Steps or Quest for… Sorry if I posted in the wrong section.


It seems that was a lucid dream, what you are wondering about is controll. A LD is knowing your are dreaming, and you were able to do that, and knowing you are dreaming and controll are different.

The ability to controll your dream will come with practice :smile:

Good luck :ok:

You knew it was a dream… So you were lucid…

But do you mean, you couldn’t control your own actions… (like doing weird stuff) or you couldn’t use your lucid super powers?

Both Fadem, Both…

One Armed Scissor, Indeed. I am wondering about control. I have had a lot of LDs in my life then, but never one I could control.
Practice how? I mean, my consiousness wasnt “taking over” or something, and I defenitly didn’t do an RC even though I autosuggested for it. Blagh.

So far I havn’t really controlled much - well - nothing that would make any significance. It’s improving though :wink:

A while ago, I had an LD, where I knew I was dreaming but my subconcious begged to differ :wink: Was quite an interesting experience. I wrote it up at my DJ: … m_id=74891

Hello, Tweak! We’ve talked on IRC. :wave:

As One Armed Scissor said, that was indeed an LD; it sounds like you weren’t thinking very clearly, though, or that the quality of the dream wasn’t high enough for you to be able to effectively interact with it. I’d reccomend trying some of the stabilization techniques we discussed–shouting “Increase lucidity now!”, spinning in circles, touching physical objects, and the like–since they might increase your mental clarity, which would allow you to better take control of the dream.

Another thing (and this is harder to do voluntarily, but it’s necessary nonetheless) is that you have to trust in your own ability to control the dream; since it’s all happening in your own head, if some part of you doesn’t believe that what you’re doing should be possible, it won’t be. Both you and your unconscious have to be in agreement on the fact that you really can jump off that cliff and take to the skies; otherwise, you won’t be able to do it. This takes some practice–you have to learn to trust yourself–but with time I’m sure you’ll get it down.

Good luck, and keep dreaming! :content:

yeah, like shift said, it is exactly like the first matrix movie where neo has to jump a building in the training program, but fails because dosen’t believe he can.

I see. But Shift, I didn’t have any control over my actions. I coulnt spin in circles or shout “Increase lucidity!” or do anything of the sorts…! I didnt have any control, I was still a spectator to my dream.
I’ll work on the other thing, thanks Shift and tris.

Try autosuggesting something like: “I am going to dream tonight. Sometime during this dream I will do a RC. Upon awakening I will remember all of my dream”

I know it’s a mouthful, but the subconscious mind is just like the conscious mind in some ways.

When you autosuggest, you have to keep in mind the you’re talking to a whole other person, even if, in a literal sense, you aren’t really.

If you just state to your subconscious: “Im gonna dream, do an RC and remember everything”, nothing much will happen because that statement is VAGUEtastic.

It’s basically like talking to a friend.
If you go up to your best pal and say : “Hey, Steve. He wanted to tell you to meet her at his party.” then walk away, your friend will have absolutely no idea what you talking about.

But if you go up to you friend and say: “Hey, Steve. Ben wanted to tell you to meet Jenny at Ted’s party tomorrow night.” then you’ll probably get a “Cool, I’ll be there” or some crap.

Get what I’m saying?

Thanks so much, one of the best posts in this topic yet. I totally understand and get your point. :happy: I’ll defenitly be lucid tonight. Thanks.

Though I have another question, for there is another matter: I am always a spectator. Even that time when I became lucid, I was a spectator to my own actions. I know my own thoughts (in the dream) but I can’t control my actions. I can only, powerlessly, view what I do in my dream(s). Any tips on doing something about that? Thanks in advance.

Hi Tweak,

If you mean you see your dream in the 3rd person perspective, you perhaps can find tips in this topic:
[url]Third person perspective in LD's]

Are all the dreams you write down in your DJ in the 3rd person perspective?

No thats not it. I do see it 3rd Person, but it’s not like they describe in that topic. My prolbem is me not being in control of me.

Your problem is interesting but I don’t really understand what happens. Are you into the dream and see what happens with your eyes though you follow the stream of events and cannot modify your own acts? Or do you see the dream like a camera and your own character is not included in the dream?

Sounds like you are dreaming and viewing the events in third person… as you might watch a TV show…

Maybe you are not lucid after all. You might be dreaming that you are dreaming…

I know that sounds stupid… but I have done this before, and its very different to a LD.

dude, i know exactly what u mean. I still have this problem. It is not so much that u see in third person in fact, you dont really, its just that you can’t really act out your own actions, its more u kind of act out your actions as though you are reading a script

Ok, let me explain it like this:
I am NOT myself in my dreams. I see a character that looks like me, resembles me, talks, walks and acts like me, but it’s not ME. I have no control over that character (my dream self) whatsoever, I see everything like a movie where my dream self is just another character, far out of my control (Example: If you’re watching a movie through a TV, you can’t control the main character right? Same here with me in my dreams). My dream self is of course always the character I’m following/watching seeing that is for me the most important character, seeing it’s me. >_>
I hope that explains it better.

Thank you TweaK for this explanation. I perfectly see what you mean. I have had such dreams in which I didn’t identify with the main character. And do you have the same point of view in all your normal dreams? Or is it just in your LD’s?

I havn’t had LDs yet (except for the one descibred at the first post). My point of view differs in my dreams, but yes, it’s always me being a spectator.

Bump, Oh and I think I was pretty unclear about it but this is all in NDs.