Time to express yourself!
I’m asking you to give free way to your imagination ^^ and draw, play, sculpt, compose, whatever inspires you on the moment! All sorts of art, existent or nonexistent, are allowed! The realm of your imagination opens to you every night, and it’s time to get some real deal out of it!
For each composition, you get 10 points; the first one awards 30 points instead.
If it was something that can’t be recreated in life, (like cloud sculpting, or an entire personal mythological creatures circus) you get +15 points.
If it was recreatable instead, and you do bring it into WL (like transcribing the poetry, or the song, or making the drawing again), you get +20 points.
There’s also the media used: for each different media you create something from (be it clay, a canvas, a bunch of bycicles, or the entire New York), you are awarded 15 points.
Have fun, and let your creativity soar