LC #25, Winner: Solaris! Congratulations!

Current Standings

  1. KauaiDreamer |125|
  2. LegendaryDreamer |60|
  3. Puce |0|
  4. BlueMoon |155|
  5. Hexaditidom |90|
  6. Siiw (Do a RC) |0|
  7. sls93 |0|
  8. idanl09 |110|
  9. The Scientist |125|
  10. working class hero |0|
  11. james_uk2008 |0|
  12. Ebilshrimp |0|
  13. Shinju |175|
  14. Crow |0|
  15. Solaris |460|
  16. Sonia? |0|

lol thanks for bonus points, I didn’t expect that :tongue:

um, I had one medium-length LD last night … I became lucid in a forest, explored a bit, found a cottage or something, materialized a mirror and wanted to transform…didn’t work very well so I decided to try a pill for the first time…I imagined the pill in my pocket and took out maybe 6 pills, none of them was “transformation” pill, instead they were quite big pills which changed to…concert tickets. (what. >_>) I’m sure it was a concert ticket, even though I had no idea who the band/singer was …and that was the only thing that had at least something to do with music in my dream

this gave me an idea though, next time I’ll probably attend an industrial party as a form of “making” music

I have a good feeling that I’ll be lucid tonight! Looks so exciting to make music :happy:

Shinju: You’re welcome :wink: . For your medium LD you get |30 pts|

Two succesful WILD attempts I made last night.

SPOILER - Click to view

In the first attempt I feel my body become paralyzed and observe HI, but I do not enter the dream state. After wondering for a brief moment why this is so I try to have an OBE instead. They say using this moment before entering the dream state is the best way to try it. I make several attempts to leave my body, but fail. It results in somekind of dream, because just before waking up I feel myself both lying in bed and trying to step out of it. It is just a dream though, because I observe none of the charateristics usually associated with OBE’s.

SPOILER - Click to view

The second attempt was the most interesting. As usual I feef myself lowering inside my body while hearing strange voices. I then see a picture book opening. The pages contain images of landschapes, such as deserts, jungles, and various others. They are extremely lifelike and beautiful.

The I enter the dreamstate. I am at my parents house again just like last night, but the house seems more real and lifelike then usual. I immediately remember the task I set for myself, so I enter the house to look for a piano or keyboard. It isn’t there, so I summon one. Before starting to play I turn on the radio, so I can play alongside it. I play for several minutes before turning the radio off. Then I play for several more. I think I made two original songs, although in my case it’s hard to tell because I’m usually improvising.

The keyboard feels kind of cheap, and while the music is good it isn’t as beautiful as usual. I also did not complete my objective, because I wanted to play for and audience of friends.

The dream ends rather abrupty. I should have been a little more relaxed, and more positive minded to prolong it. It lasted around five minutes.

And the points calculation:

SPOILER - Click to view

First dream
-Short LD: 20 points

Second dream
-Medium LD: 30 points
-Making music: 30 points
-Playing an instrument: 20 points
-Making songs: 10+10 points
Early bonus: 20 points
Total: 120 points

Total for both: 140 points :cool:

But minus 50 points, because it overrids the ND I had last night.

For those you interested, here is my personal view on this universe and it’s relationship to lucid dreams. If you are interested in the methods I use for obtaining LD’s, this should be very helpful.


Well, it’s not really minus 50, the new score just replaces the old. Well, I guess in a way it is, I just love to phrase things positive :lol: Anywho, well done. You’re doing great so far.

Just one night, but I find myself wasting time on get lucid then fall asleep at night lol
if you can’t fall asleep so how would u get lucid? I hope I’ll DILD , if not, there’s always another day :smile:

I had a normal dream where i made music…and met Rhewin!

-Rhewin shows me a program for drawing houses and rooms. The graphics look like old Amiga games, in 32 colours and low resolution. I can place walls, furniture etc to create a “realistic looking” background image. He hints several times that he has used it for time travel. :roll:

The dream jumps, and i am in a wooden cabin with FiXato and some other people. I talk to Rhewin through his program. FiXato talks about time travel, and is surprised to learn that i didn’t know about it from before. All the time, the computer has been playing a chiptune style song, and i sing along with it. I can even make my voice produce the chip sounds. FiXato asks me to wait for somebody or something, and i wake up while waiting.[/spoiler]

Some musicalness. :tongue:

Siiw: And you didn’t take the hint to time travel with it? That will cost you 80 pts (I kid, I kid :tongue:) For completing this task you get |30 task + 20 early = 50pts|

Hex: I’ve never heard of those songs before. Did you make either up? If so I’ll add points for making your own song :smile: |30 task + 30 lucid + 20 early = 80pts| plus |30 lucid pts| for your medium LD.

Fourth Task: Go To Another World!

Travel is the name of the game in this task. I want you all to visit another planet. Interact with that world’s citizens, play with some cool alien tech or just enjoy the sky from another world. And beyond that enjoy the trip. How are you going to get to another world you ask? I don’t know, you figure it out :tongue:.

-For going to another world +30pts
-For every distinctly different world you visit beyond the first +20 pts
-Every different method of transportation (including the first) +10pts

And then we get to test your diplomatic skills:

-For meeting an alien society you get +20pts and +10pts for every one past the first.
-For using alien technology from this society you will get +5pts for every different device.
-For making either an ally or enemy out of this world you get +20pts.

So how will you handle mankind’s first contact on these worlds? Well, there’s only one way to find out! Happy lucids :content:

I got “The Shortest LD Ever” last night (and, yeah, that’s actually the title). 10 points, big whup.

Also, to stay current: Does it count as “going to another world” if we just appear there at the start?

Rhewin: Nah, the first song was by Emerson Lake and Palmer. :smile: And while I didn’t consciously come up with the second one, it doesn’t seem quite like anything I’ve heard before.

Yaaay alien planets! :woo:

Wow really exciting! I’m attempting WILD/DEILD tongiht! :happy:

Yes, but you don’t get any points for traveling to it.

Hex: Very well you get |[color=#e4ecee]10 bonus pts[/color]| for the second song.

I had a normal dream with making music, and a very brief lucid moment at the end.

I’m at some sort of music competition, but that’s all I know. So I grab a violin from somewhere and start playing. Some people stop me then to tell me that I’m actually supposed to sing, and wait for my turn as well.

Two people go with songs I don’t remember. I, by the way, learn the format: this thing consists of just a vocal and a piano accompaniment. When my turn comes, I sing a song that I don’t normally know. One more person sings, and then this round’s over.

In the second round, after waiting for two people again, I play the piano for someone. It’s a song called “Listen to Your Heart”. Then this round is over as well and we go for lunch. I see a friend of mine who had piano lessons and ask her to play something for me. She comes with me so that I can show her the piece, and after seeing, she rejects.

I notice that I’m dreaming, and debate if I should manipulate her or not (since it is a dream after all). With my conscience saying no, I decide not to. I go back to lunch to taste some of the food, but wake up on the way. [/spoiler]

I had a ld where I made music :cool: will post after work.

I’m going to be pretty busy this weekend so I’m giving a 2 day extension on this task. Think of it as a chance to catch up :content:

YES!!! thank you!!! tomrrow I’ll be lucid for sure!